Monday, February 27, 2012

Jason and Andrew, seriously?

And the apocalypse continues.

So, for those of you that do not know, Occupy Nashville's Jason and Andrew got into a bit of a fight.
This isn't the first time, but strangely enough Jason is playing the victim, while Andrew spent some time in jail. If I were Andrew, the first thing i'd have done is call up my lawyer and fire back with an Entrapment suit. Why do I say that?

Jason did it deliberately to rile up Andrew and set him off.

Now, before those of you go "Jason is my friend, and he would never!"...refer back to previous posts about turning a blind eye to things solely on the basis of friends status. Now smack yourselves in the head for being an idiot. Now continue.

Okay! Now that we got that vital step out of the way, lets move forward.

First, lets take Andrew. Base facts. Jiujitsu practitioner. Personal trainer on the side. Known for a hot temper, especially when it comes to his personal life or pride. Maybe insecurity, maybe not..but keep in mind, Jason knows *all* of this.

Jason, whom has his little moments of conniption fit where he shuts down because he didn't get his way, or ooh, ooh, someone called him a name.At least in camp. He's been smeared I don't know how many times but could never be bothered because oh, it wasn't important or worth his time. But now, oh dear lord, someone called him a they have to pay for it....with harassment.

Now, having been a fellow that has stuck up for Jason a few times, I find it a bit screwed up that he would turn around and start exhibiting the same behavior, right down to the sorry, self-righteous justifications for his stupidity. Yes, it is stupidity. Anyone that tries to set off someone like Andrew is about as big of an effing dumbass as can be mustered..because you know the guy's going to be pissed, and that he will react in a likewise manner. You know it.

So, common sense would tell you that the last thing you would do is publicly release pictures like this ( ) with his name attached, as well as DOX (release personal info on) the guy for the SECOND time.

That's right, this has happened before. In the middle of a chat conversation on Occupy Nashville's public group..Eva brought up that Andrew's personal information had been leaked. Since this was Eva, I was quite skeptical myself about the authenticity of the information.

It turned out to be true. Andrew asked Jason why he was doing this, only to be ignored. Then the emails "mysteriously disappeared." Andrew's reaction was to shred Jason's tent more or less, and he and a few others wound up in a brawl over it. More or less things got settled and life goes on.

....except that now, because Andrew supposedly used the term "faggot", that was justification for Jason and his boyfriend to release Andrew's personal info *again*...following it up with the meme aforementioned....all of this again, asking for trouble. You know what will happen..and this is what you do? Over an effing name? What a bunch of freaking infantile morons!

That's like know what? This group of Hell's Angels bikers just ticked me off. They said I stink. I'm going to go call them a bunch of sissies and slash their tires and see what happens.

Obviously, people with a brain don't do that. Why? Common sense will tell you why, because it is just plain STUPID to do something like this., cause and effect and what do we get. Naturally, given known behavior..Andrew snaps and attacks Jason. His personal info has been released for the second time, just because of the pissy temper tantrums of Jason..again, which doesn't make sense considering all the names any occupier has been called since this started. Faggot is pretty tepid in comparison. Jason WAS TOLD TO KNOCK IT OFF THE FIRST TIME. He ignored that.

But now...Jason's the victim? He knew what would happen if he continued in this manner. He knew what Andrew was like, and he knew that doing this would set him off. And he had been asked (nicely at that, which is rare for Andrew i'll admit.) to knock off with the dox attempts. Jason continued anyway.

No, Jason isn't the victim. On the other hand, Andrew is still at fault for the way he handled himself. Neither party is innocent..but probably what pisses me off the most about this is again, someone within a certain faction/group is being picked on..and is the victim..when in reality that is not the case. (In case you didn't know, he's been buddy buddy with Jeremiah for some time. When Jeremiah was harassing folks via was *Jason's* computer they were well as him and Dillon rooming with him for a time.Oh, and Jason has routinely covered for Jeremiah's antics. The plot thickens..) Hiding behind the victim moniker..showing off that bruise..yeah, know what?

He deserved it. When you *know* what will happen and you do it anyway, you seriously deserve what you get. That's on *your* head at that point..and no amount of crying over it is going to change that fact, no matter how many friends you have and who decides to cover for you.

And GOD DAMN it..that the day would come when I actually had to AGREE with Dixie is seriously a messed up thanks alot for that. Sheesh.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down..

Look, Occupy Nashville, this is as far as you go. Until you act to redeem yourselves from the betrayal against yourselves and the people you claim to represent, neither you..nor any grouping that carries your banner will know success.

That said, for starters, some updates. After my last post, the aforementioned person decided to remove me from the closed group Occupy Nashville (The one the public doesn't see.)..and the Occupy TN network. The first wasn't surprising..since apparently his own personal ego can't take the word co**s****er barely spelled out, but can ignore everything else, including an Occupier losing a job interview due to the stupidity.

Remember what I said about priorities? Way to prove me right. Although doing the second probably means something was spread in email chains again. *rolls his eyes* Weird considering I never post in that location, and the last few posts were no worse than anything else on there, unless calling to get off your ass and take care of things is a horrific offense.

Then, his boyfriend decides to follow it up by posting the personal information of Andrew. Now, disagreeing with someone is one thing, but the dox was supposed to be a ways to keep people informed of potentially dangerous people, or abusive people. Not as a weapon of personal vendetta by two guys with insecurity issues that go into a temper tantrum whenever their egos get singed. (Jason and Joe, looking at you here.)

Mind you, this guy routinely covers for Jeremiah and his little group...they can do whatever they like. But god help you use the aforementioned term, or get into an argument. Then its boo-hoo all the way to childishland. Even the stuff with Dixie I could understand..since she regularly smeared people that were with Tech or Livestream...but this? Andrew was already dox-ed once, and none too happy about it. When this all came out, Jason couldn't even be bothered to fess up to the fact that he had done it.

Yet, the state is coming, and we should bail him out, right? Better idea. Let his butt sit in jail so he can think about all the drama *he* caused, the crap *he* allowed, and so on. Don't bail them out! DO NOT bail ANY of them out. They betrayed the people for their own greed. It became more about what the people might think, or what the press might say about an action..then "what good can I create in the world today?" They betrayed the people they claim to represent, and they betrayed themselves.

Cause and effect.

Oh, but here's a quote from the GA minutes for yesterday, 2/25/2012..via Lindsey. Ready for this?

*This GA was the roughest GA I’ve ever been to. There was so much tension and hostility in the air and there were very few people who respected the GA process. Most people yelled over other people and spoke out of turn… it was painful. Some of the soapboxes were violent and hostile with people singling other people out by name and saying hurtful things. After the GA ended, a fight broke out between two long-time occupiers. We were barely able to physically restrain them from fighting, and then 2 state troopers walked up which calmed the fight temporarily. Not long after that, the fight resumed and I’m told that it was taken off the plaza. As Kevin said in an email from yesterday, “There was real damage done today. I think this prolonged eviction process is eating ON alive.” Throughout the GA and the fight afterward, people were walking by with their families watching us fight, watching us be hostile with one another, watching us yell and curse. We are going to fall apart if something doesn’t change and if people don’t begin respecting the GA process and respecting one another.

Now, in case you think i'm just making this up, you can find it on their forums here:

...and that's because i'm not making any of this up. I've been saying this for a while now, and i'll say it again. You all fucked up. You were consumed by your greed..and real damage done today? No, its *been* there. You're just now letting yourselves see it. But by now, its too little, too late. The inmates run the asylum.."you can't tell them what to do" like the children they are...and you're probably not going to like the apathetic turkeys *you* are.

You have no spine. You have no pride. You're fired.

Get the hell out and make way for someone that actually cares to make a difference for the world, not just their own personal press appearance. You're not OCN. You're a sick joke. The only reason people are coming to support against this bill is because it effects everyone...don't kid yourselves into "We're protecting free speech!" ....because you've demonstrated pretty clearly that the only speech you care to have freely is someone in your own personal factions or cliques.

Then it goes back to my last post, rinse..lather..repeat. And that's pretty well the way it will continue until it just all falls apart (it more or less already has..and you have yourselves to thank via your silent consent..and your cronyism.)..or spectacularly self-destructs.

You have but yourselves to blame, so enjoy your reward! You've earned it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Here we go again.

Human mentality is simply a bizarre, yet curious thing.

For starters, I read the "dailys" within a certain group to hear how someone is so offended by the word "co*****ker." However, when a person is being accused as a pedophile, or of stealing a check and making it out to themself, or getting an interview ruined.... outcry.

It never ceases to amaze me in terms of what people seem to prioritize as actually important enough to deal with. A bar that refuses you service is a big thing...someone stealing 100 bucks of donation money to buy drugs with isn't. Save the occupation from being evicted...but...when its all over with...refuse to help out
that occupation, label it as un-necessary, and play games to try and turn it inside out by smearing the people that actively do participate in it.

Anything to bury your heads in the sand. However, the world is supposed to stand up, take notice..and heed your message..oh, right, that. Somewhere in the last few months they still have not only managed not to get that underway, but distract the conversation whenever it comes up. Its "not important" to focus on that.

I don't know, it just seems like as of late, unless there's the chance for a blurb in the paper or with the news, OCN really just doesn't care, and doesn't want to. You're not going to make them, you're not going to tell them what to do...and heaven help you if you stand up and say "something's wrong with this picture." It doesn't matter what is going on, suddenly no one cares and no one wants to hear matter how damaging it may be as a whole to how the Occupy here comes off. They don't seem to care that it destroys alot of support before it even starts......its all about the publicity.

Once its big enough that they can't shut it up, its out of control...or it starts creating negative press..THEN that's when they are..and oh, the indignity at how they are wronged! So much so that they forget that they brought this on themselves by letting it happen. It was bad enough we, as a people, allowed the government to routinely wrong us to no end...

...and we turned a blind eye. Now, unless the press is involved, we again turn a blind eye, belittle those whom would stand up and try to get these issues address..and how quickly you go from a valuable member of the community to a Fascist, mysognist, habitual liar..and whatever else they can stick to you to try and kill your credibility...again, anything to not have to actually do anything about whatever problems arise. They'll argue about it...they blame everyone else about it..and they'll smack anyone that
says otherwise (not literally, lmao..) ...but when it comes to actually DOING something about won't happen. You'll hear excuses, and rhetoric..and brilliant speeches...

...but tell me what you see.  Without any press involvement and for the greater good alone, what do you see? You don't. Its all about the image. There are really good people involved in the Occupy Nashville scene that DO cater to this..for the greater good, but they are few and far between..and drowned out by the people that are blinded by their own personal it greed for attention, or for the praise..or for lord knows what else.

The really screwed up part is that this originally was not how things were at all. People worked together. They looked at "how can we better ourselves" and "how can we better the world"..and now that's devolved into "How can I look good for the history books?"..and "what attention can I get out of this?" Some of the homeless aren't the only ones using Occupy Nashville. To look at them, people that are well meaning, bright smiling, charming and'd never think twice.

Never judge a book by its cover. Too many times have I seen incidents overlooked just because a friend of someone's was involved...and "oh, we can't talk badly about him/her.."

...then, when incidents escalate, they have the audacity to wonder "Why is this happening?" DUH, BECAUSE YOU IDIOTS LET IT HAPPEN! Clear enough yet? Oh, but immediately they shake their heads, roll their eyes, and look the other way. Anything to keep their heads in the sand.

But then they say "We will change this world, and help people!"

Sure you will, as long as good press is attached and you can milk it for all its worth. Anything to get attention..but the true worth of any it a workplace, an organization, or an activist/political how it deals with its internal problems and how it takes care of its people. And you don't..and you won't do that..but you wonder why support is dwindling. Oh, it will take care of itself..just like the problems will magically do the same.

You have blinded yourselves. You are lying to yourselves. As long as you continue down this path, you are incapable of real change or progress. You can't change the future by replaying the past..and that is what is occurring. The same backwards mentalities..the same ridiculousness that created the problems of the corruption, cronyism, corporate greed, and governmental stupidity...this is just the lesser expression.

And you can't beat the "enemy" by becoming them. That is when you truly are lost.

In the past, I would have again stood with you to face the evictions, and helped fight it. And supported it. But I can't. You folks are truly, truly lost. You have fallen, and you won't get up. You choose this, and you continually choose this. So, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You could have done something. You could have said no. You didn't. You have no real spine. You have no real pride. You have brought this on yourselves...and there's no sympathy to be had for you.

Your own people weren't important enough for you to stand by and back up. Instead, you partook of
cronyism and just looked the other way. You allowed the lawless to consume and misuse our resources, even when our donors insisted that they be used strictly for the Occupiers. You abused their trust, and you basically shrugged your shoulders and said "This is silly, we don't care." Now, that the state's stepped're puffing up your chests and saying how you are Occupy Nashville, even though there are so many factions within factions and folks only seem to BE Occupy Nashville long enough to claim *its* resources for whatever personal project they want to tackle for themselves.

Then, after its done, suddenly they're not Occupy Nashville any longer and autonomous. At least, until they need its money and resources again. Rinse, lather, repeat.

A bunch of fools that will never honestly change the world. Why? They can't change themselves.
....and those that created the problem shall never know reward for its solutions. You're fired.

On a side note, Norma seems to have removed all comments from her blog, because of threatening and libelous remarks. Um, try telling the truth Mah Dear. As has been stated before, this is someone that cannot handle criticism..and can never be wrong. I wish I had saved the remarks listed before, so I could paste them here and show you just how full of shit this woman is.

So, what were they? Scathing remarks telling Dixie how immature she was being, and how she needed to grow up and use her time more constructively. I can't do the posts justice..but in typical form and fashion, despite being "anti-censor" and "how dare you attempt to remove my freedom of speech!" isn't very surprising that she has no problem doing the same to others. Rather, anything that would make her ashamed of herself..she just can't face it. She's great at blasting anyone else on a whim..but when it comes to it being centered back on herself..she reveals herself for what she is...a coward.

Oh, and then the "Phillip convention"..that I found more laughable than anything. Jeremiah and his trolls (Yes, I recognize your writing style. You're way too obvious)..decided to half-ass dox me, post part of a blog entry of mine from 2004..and attempt poor impersonations of me ranging from ragey to emo to semi-sophisticated to whatever. Needless to say, I got a pretty good laugh out of it...even though the impersonations were pretty sad and nowhere near close. Good attempt though. Famous enough to have a miniature impersonation convention and I still haven't done anything really noteworthy other than
telling people what they don't want to hear. *laughter*

I mean, by all means, keep proving me right folks. If that's honestly the best you can do, remember..I have a nice long memory too and I can easily fire back..not to mention comment on events since I actually know me..and i've actually been there.

OH, that reminds me. Great job at being full of it Norma, posting in Women Occupy Nashville as to how you have personally witnessed all kinds of abuse towards women...I just kind of wonder *how* you did that when you were never on the Plaza..except what...two, three times..and briefly at that to talk to some people and leave? Yeah, that is a good question. Kind of like the Injury to None and Eva being the victim for going up and harassing a guy that was just passing through the area.  Keep up the good just make it easy on me here. It isn't surprising when a lady that has BEEN on the Plaza said "'re incorrect. I saw nothing of that there.."

...yet, her story doesn't get told. Norma, Eva, and the lot of the male bashers would rather tell you about how all men are the enemy and how they're out to hold all women down then actually work towards a future of *equality* where all folks are and woman alike..and this stupid, childish, dominance bullshit goes right out the window. Here's hoping these sorry excuses for people leap right out with them.

The future has had enough of you. Fix yourselves, or be fixed. You have no one to blame but yourselves. You are what is allowing it to continue, and you will reap what you have justly earned.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Occupy the Rebuttal 5: Trolls, Additions, and a Pause in the road..

So, releasing the four blogs thus far has created quite a stir, huh?

In the day or so since writing this (if even)..i've got some messages from many different mediums, as well as catching up on Norma's blog..the usual Facebook IM stuff, and so on.

Apparently, I write "tomes" now, and she's concerned for my sleeping habits? Um, okay. Sure.
I slept pretty well, and thanks for the concern. I can actually type pretty quickly, and i'm used to typing
alot in a short amount of time. Its just a manner of thinking...and so writing "tomes" is actually pretty easy. The only one that gave me pause out of the four was the last one, between the ongoing chats of people that also find all of this absurd and petty...and trying to put my thoughts together and think back...waaay way back to when this all started, to serve as a good reference point for where things are now. But hey, thanks for the concern, just the same.

Needless to say, Norma's blog is pretty well full of trolls. You can tell about as much because they lack a little something called "reading comprehension "...they just pick out a phrase like "emotionally", stick their own garbage to it, and make lols to it. Then you respond, and they continue the same. Some of it was pretty hilarious..but this rate as so much of it is pretty sad..PLEASE, let me do the writing for you. Seriously, i'll take commissions. We'll both be less bored, it will be some spare cash in my pocket..and i'll actually know what i'm talking about..since I know me better than anyone. *laughs*

Although, all you really have to do sometimes to know whom is the Anonymous person is to match past behavior (juvenile trolling)...comment language (Style of writing)...and actions mentioned. (Building action, twice.) Gee...who was just talked about for that again?
Add to that a recent joking message from Jeremiah, and there you have it. I mean, guys..don't know who you think you're kidding here. You're way, way too obvious. This is the guy that was on Jason's Facebook account...trying to troll me and say crude things about myself and my girlfriend. (Dillon later did this out in public...neither of the two were chastised for it or reprimanded..and yet, talk about bad behavior and you're being silly and un-productive. Amazing, what is and isn't considered a problem these days..)

Way, way, too obvious folks.

Oh, and Jon's name is an anonymous..behind a pseudonym that only four people knew about. Gee, like Jeremiah or one of his couldn't have got on Jason's Facebook and snooped around before outing it? (One of those anons was the one that mentioned it..again, too obvious.)

Yeah, tell me again what a great guy he is, because he's your friend.

Human Mentality.
"Oh, this person isn't involved because I like them."
"Oh, they couldn't have done that because they are so charming/my friend.."

..god, you people should listen to yourselves.

In many cases of abuse..why does the abuser get away with it?
"They were such a pillar of the community."
"They were such a nice, friendly person.."

....see a pattern, much?
What is written here, albeit the weight of things that have actually occurred, and taken place
on the ground. Away from the cameras, behind the livestream..within meetings, and away from the online. It shows a side that many folks just don't see.

Sure, there is the need to back up your "pals". But in some cases, this simply sets us up for failure, especially to be used by other people claiming to be our good buddy and long as they can get access to what you have, information...your computer...and so on.

People have all kinds of sides to them. That charming person could actually be quite the sociopath, and into god knows what. Does that mean that's the case? Hell no...but it does mean that just because a person is a friend doesn't mean you should put the blinders on and immediately back them up without question or delay.

Jeremiah's a big one..but Wolfy would probably be another case in point. In Jeremiah's case..his actions and his words speak for do the majority of the folks he tends to pack aboard...followers, or the sorts that "have to be a part of the crowd" can spot them a mile away, folks. He'll talk about violent actions and "fuck the police" one moment..and then cover it up with some lame, bullshit excuse the next. Sure, you can tell him he's full of it..but at that point you're the crazy one. Everyone else is crazy or wrong or doesn't know what they're talking about but Jeremiah. Look up sociopath sometime.
Blank, emotionless demeanor, no remorse for their actions..etc,etc,etc. (And yet, I don't see any 'reporting' or 'investigating' of him, Norma...why not? You're so concerned with occupy..and this is trivial? Sure..okay.)

...and before his little cheerleader group gets into a huff, people that know him have said the same things. A petty vandal, out of control, remorseless, and generally tends to be full of it, with a penchant for letting others take the fall for his schemes. Talked with a fellow that knew him in New York, where they had the bridge incident. I asked him about Jeremiah's which he claimed people were not corralled onto the bridge (despite more than a few people saying otherwise, including an arrested reporter no less...gee..) but climbed the fences and so on. You know that the guy said?

"He's full of it. I was there on that bridge...and Jeremiah was off to the side, watching. That's what he usually does. He sits back and watches, and puffs up his chest after. Never knows what the hell he's talking about..he's all talk, that's about it.."

That's just one example. But hey, by all means keep following around a sad, sorry excuse for a juvenile, propping him up like your personal savior. I'm sure he'll forward the revolution by continuing to stand on the sidelines, getting *you* involved, and trolling people from Facebook. If you need to be a follower badly enough to follow a child like that..then you have my personal sympathies.

Now, regarding Wolfy. Questionable past? Definitely. Pedophile? He's been accused of such, with little actual proof to back it up this far other than a website run by a very deranged woman, whose latest exploits have included declaring that her investigation methods are always 100% reliable and need no checking or skepticism...and that those that disagree with her are either pedophiles themselves or pedophile supporters.

It should also come as no surprise that Mahdear/Norma counts on this woman as a messenger, having referred themselves as a "Thelma and Louise." (That's great, but can we skip to the scene where the two go flying off a cliff already? Just saying.) Both ladies can never be wrong about anything, and both ladies resort to the smearing and twisting of words in order to get things done. Also, both ladies ( Using the term lady very lightly here..)resort to provoking mob mentality at any and all times of opportunity...and neither lady will actually *read* through anything in its entirety. Grab a few words, a choice phrase..smear it, blog it..done. That's the scope of their investigation.

While its obvious that Wolfy was targeted because of his involvement with the ground servers at occupy Nashville..(an unofficial part of Livestream and Tech), no charges have been filed, nor has any actual investigation taken place. Keep in mind, also...the THP is just looking, *looking* for anything. You would *think* that the state would be all over that kind of thing.

Just the same,Trill (Cynthia) can't even make up her mind whether or not she actually owns the site in question..even though she's flat out said it herself. (Evil unveiled). Later, she was to follow up by calling out Jason on a hastily made blog about a leather community? Just goes to show you she doesn't read a darn thing. She was called into question because her group's tactics involved "emailing and letter mailing, calling and harassing others for the lulz"...and it is actually speculated that she may herself be a closet pedophile...and it is stated in her own words that she "enjoys hurting others and causing them pain." Oh, right..and the whole thing about issues with male enslavement. (Riight..she's a feminist, though. Or...not.) Oh, and this is the second group. The first was closed down, and some of its members were reportedly threatened with legal action (over false claims), though much of that isn't 100% verified as of time of this writing.

Here's one you may have missed from the site. Curiously enough, the site she "doesn't run" makes reference to "Another RookieeJ (probably misspelled the name here, ah well.)"....and wait, isn't that odd?

That name just happens to be another one of Cynthia's aliases. Otherwise known as Trillian Dent (Way to screw up a name of one of my fave characters..)...and TrillGreen.

So..a site that unmasks pedophiles....using one of her own aliases? That's...a bit fucked up, in no un-certain terms. Then..we have her accusing others of pedophilia.

I don't know about you, but this is the last person to be accusing anyone of anything, much less
having an investigation on someone.
Hello, invasion of privacy much? Doubt she'll complain about that one though..unless the magnifying glass is back on her.
Side shout out: It is interesting to me that Norma talks about the drug use of others when she does the ol MJ herself..and is shown as joining a messageboard for methadone addiction. Now, addictions are a serious matter..and a dark time in anyone's life. It is no laughing matter. The point of it is...its pretty fucked up to go around talking about other people's possible drug use and pointing fingers when you're just as guilty..especially if its out in the open.

Oh, right..but we were talking about Wolfy and getting to the point. Am I defending this person?

Not precisely. I don't know whether he is or isn't a pedophile. Is that a serious thing? Damn straight. And if he is, he should be prosecuted and dealt with..but by a COURT OF LAW...not by a mob of fucked up people that can't even read the English language long enough to compose a complete thought, and certainly not by a mob mentality that does not think, reason, or use logic in the slightest.A mob doesn't solve crap. Have an official investigation, and shut the fuck up.

Its as simple as that.Is he my friend? Yeah. Does that mean he gets off scott free? HELL NO. I simply prefer it to come from a source of investigation that actually knows their stuff and isn't..oh, I don't know..batshit crazy past the infinite degree. Pretty easy to figure, I would think.
If you really want to get into it, the whole "My friend is immune to attack or reproach!" what gets this whole Factions bullshit started and ensures nothing goes anywhere. It also doesn't say much for the self-esteem and the self-respect of those that practice it. Obviously, this statement isn't about to make me any friends and I can hear the FUCK YOUs a mile away..but this isn't being posted to make friends..its being posted to call folks out on their bullshit, because Occupy Nashville has gone from being something being a petty myriad of Factions, infighting, drama..and ego-cases that make our current government look pretty damn good in comparison.
And after months of "Oh no, you shouldn't say that or air our dirty laundry.." ...again, hell no. It should be said..remember transparency guys? Huh? Well, here it is. Here's your transparency. Grow a set of balls, take care of the problems and don't sweep them under the rug or belittle those that talk about them. Do that, and you won't have to worry about things like this. Isn't it curious? You're so worried about your image...but if you really gave half a crap about that you would fix yourselves..and do something to get yourselves in check. You won't..and you don't. You back up the psychos and you throw the rest to the wolves for the sake of your own petty, childish egos.

That is why you are incapable of change. That is why you're a bunch of liars. And you are lying. You can't claim to stand up for people when you won't stand up for yourselves. A few months in and its still the same tired excuses..and the "we never strayed from the message!" Uh..sure you didn't. Keep telling yourself that..or, you can take the blinders off...take a good hard look at yourselves, and realize that the entire movement is in dire need of an overhaul, spring cleaning..and getting its shit together.

So if you're reading this, and you think its atrocious, you're is. Dealing with it was worse.
If you're pissed off, maybe you should ask yourself why, and while you're at it take the blinders off.
If you're upset that this has or is happening..don't let it continue. This is a wakeup call. Make the most of it or you have but yourselves to blame.

The fact that this has not only happened, but been *allowed* to happen by people claiming to be the 99% and the voice of the people..and there for the probably the biggest bullshit of all time aside from anything to come out of politics. There are many good people still in the movement, but their actions more often than not are hampered by the majority of folks that are just there for their own personal agendas, groupings..or egos...or worse, those there to get a press spot at the expense of everyone else.

Its sad when you look at the criticisms by skeptics of the movement when we first started up, and then you look at things now, from the perspective of someone that has watched alot of stuff go down...and you start to go "Crap..they were right. We proved them right.." ...that's a pretty sobering moment.

Reflect on that before you go shooting your mouths off. You may think you are in the right, but you're only fooling yourselves, and full of yourselves. If you can't even get off your collective asses to fix yourselves...then Occupy Nashville is dead, regardless of whether or not it is evicted, or people are on the Plaza..or doing things for a PR spot...and so on. You're drunk off your own pride, and your own rebelliousness, and your own egos. That's all it is..and it is not the work of adults. It is the squealings of children..and the bratty ones no less.

Next Part: Back to the grind (Jon, Norma, Trill, power on the Plaza.)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Occupy the Rebuttal Four: Lets Talk Camp!

If you think i've forgotten about Trill and company, or recent events, you're sadly mistaken.
BUT, i'm trying to keep some sort of a flow going here so I don't bounce around all over the damn place like I probably was in parts one and two.

Lets start with Camp. In fact, lets start with a bigger issue...the beginning of camp and what led to it.

You see, there was a division to start with, and it involved camping and occupying in the first place.
Half the group was opposed to the encampment, with part of them wanting to wait a little longer, and the other half wanted to occupy right then and they had cleared to occupy at Legislative Plaza.
It was a very heated and tense debate, taking place just outside of the Parthenon. I was present..and a few times I thought that this might be the end of it right then and there.

Finally, they split off in half..with each going their own ways more or less. The Occupiers went and started on Legislative Plaza. I was a bit weird about it at I was still too stuck within my comfort zones...but within about three days I decided to grab my Clearwire tower, my backpack with some things I wanted to work on storywise..and drawings to use as inspirationg for the story I wanted to continue on the side. Since revolution and war are a key theme at some points, I figured some experiences would make for good writing material backup.

Now, my biggest, dumbest mistake was the first day I figured i'd just rough it. No big, no. Very big deal, lol. HUGE deal. Michael was nice enough to give me a sleeping bag (a 25 degree one which was probably one of the only ways I made it through winter. Seriously, thanks Mike.) The backpack? Stolen or disappeared. All of my artwork, and most of the story i'd worked on, plus a crucial piece of story i'd spent most of my life on....all gone. Gone.)

My first experience in the rain was in a sleeping bag, with a trap carefully rolled over like some sort of screwy burrito. After that...someone decided to remove the tarp in the middle of the rain. Everything was soaked. That was how I finally woundup with the first tent..which I shared with Langdon, since he was nice enough to help me with things and had no place to rest himself..and that was our setup until the raid came...and after that I bought my own tent, which Firefly/Melton helped me set up after he was nice enough to help me get my clothes and gear washed *and* dried.

It was after that, that I was pushing to prepare for winter, because we got caught royally with our pants down when it came to rain. That was when I came up with the T sign, because stupid people wanted to talk about language and wording over the health and safety of the Occupiers.

Tents? We didn't have those until when the rains hit. First and foremost for a supply tent, but everything else was mostly in the open since we didn't know if we *could* use them or not. (Later it was clear we could so long as we didn't use stakes or poles to keep them in place. We could use weights, so long as they didn't create damage to the area.)

A portion of those that were against the camp taking form would continue to oppose the camps presence, and comprise of the same folks that are doing it now, and the same folks talking about Phase II. funny thing..they talk about office buildings..but who controls them? Then it creates a form of leadership..and giving the AFCLIU bit..and given the larger sense of who wants to constantly smear who..its pretty clear to see what group wants full control of everything. That's right! Its them all over again.

Now, Jonathan we mentioned way early on, but I left out the part where he would unhook the power cords and then steal all the power for himself..where he stole and ran off and around the Plaza with the food pot once just because they told him to behave, and where he even violently threatened people. Then we had Gollum, a little dude with some military moves and a posse around him that had a mixture of martial arts and the occasional gun or knife to back them up.

Now, Gollum was a known violent offender. He came in around the time of the first rains, attempting to disrupt the GA..and two members of his "crew" attacked Occupiers. This was a dangerous little dude. At one point, he had even made the threat to myself that he would "cut my legs off" when I tried to get around him to fix a power issue. (He had purposefully parked himself there so he could start with someone.) I simply told him that I could see him for what he was, and all he would get out of me was this..and proceeded to politely bow. He was surprised, and after mumbling some gibberish went on his way and left me un-accosted.

One day, he's literally just passing through..and Eva takes the opportunity to try and assert herself as top dog, and immediately starts to harass and yell at him. This is NOT a wise move. We're talking about a dangerous man that could easily call two or three of his boys with guns or knives and turn the place into a bloodbath..and she wants to pick a fight just to look good. I flat out told her "You don't stop a fire by throwing dynamite at it. You consider yourself to be a  are doing the very thing you tell them NOT to. Knock it off."

But then, she was the victim, whatever, and she didn't want to hear it. Welcome to the real Eva. When a person bought hotel rooms so folks could take showers..she took one all to herself. When equipment was donated to Occupy Nashville, she took it with her..and as of the time of this writing, has still refused to give it back. She owes myself 100 bucks that i'll never get back...and she not only backed up Jonathan's bad behavior, but Lance's after he stole cash from donations that was supposed to go to direct action...but, instead, he took it to buy drugs with.

But this is okay. This is allowed. *shakes his head*

....but i'm the piece of shit? Strange priorities you people have, to be sure.

Lets not forget calling people drunks, accusing them of being women harassers, and so on.

Actually, let me take this moment to say a quick apology to both Devin and to Christopher A. I should have seen the writing on the wall then, stepped up, and said something. You guys were treated rotten by a bunch of immature children in adult bodies..after putting yourselves to the grindstone working Occupy like it was a 40/hr a week job in itself and *still* take care of your families, work, and so on.
I am sorry. I am so, so very sorry. I should have said something, I should have done something. I didn't. You didn't deserve to be treated like that...and if I don't say it, its going to haunt me to the grave.

Devin came up with the idea of the T-shirts..and fuck, guys. Say what you will..he *was* Outreach in every sense of the word. When he left, it literally left with him and there's been nothing to it since. When people were dehydrated and stressed, he took them to his place to chill out. When I was at my wits end, he took me along to relax and enjoy some music with his friends. When there was a problem, he stood up for himself, and he stood up for others. I salute you, dude.

Christopher A: My first memories of him are "Good morning sunshine!" after waking up that first night, looking up and seeing him hunched over and chuckling at me. Ignore the gruff demeanor. This is a guy that makes sure people get taken care of. Security? He did it. Make sure the women are okay? He's there. Inventory check? Did it before you thought of it. People? He knows who is whom, and who is a part of what. Areas to work? Either doing it, done it, or a part of it. Freaking machine. People had needs, he made sure those needs were met. He wasn't about to sugar coat it or take crap from anyone, but he'd make sure you were okay.

This guys lived and breathed Occupy. I miss them, quite a bit. It was more than that. They're decent people...and man if we couldn't use more of those. You guys were awesome, and you weren't appreciated for it. Not a bit. You should have been. I apologize for that. That goes out to many of the other folks that got run off in the beginning..we wouldn't have got anywhere without you. Occupy Nashville may have forgotten its own, but I haven't..and I won't.

Now, this wouldn't be complete without a bit from Jeremiah, Dillon, and Eva. Again with Eva the follower...first with these groups because "being Black Bloc is for the cool kids..HUZZAH!"..and Dillon..holy cow. You want unbalanced? Check this out. Right before the raids he started to flip out, declaring he was part of the Illuminati, throwing his stuff all over the place..cussing people out..and declaring how we were all going to eat batons and rubber bullets. During the arrests..before he disappeared for a bit..he royally flipped out on a dude for touching his sign.

Later on, he decided he was a black blocker and fuck the police, and started following around Jeremiah. These two numbskulls get on Jason's FB page and start sending me all kinds of juvenile messages about myself and my girlfriend...and later on Dillon decides to threaten me with actual violence on one of the Occupy facebook pages. (By the way, if you ever read this dude, I was actually there the next day waiting for you to show up in case you decided to carry out your little threat. What, did you think i'd back down in front of a cowardly troll? Get real.)

Again, its amazing the stuff that goes unreported by these so called "journalists" whom are so very concerned about the movement, huh? Simply amazing. Oh, also missed the part where Eva and Jeremiah were walking around with his Banjo going "I'm a terrorist, I blow shit up" and "I'm a terrorist...I fuck shit up.." ..when they knew there were undercover around just looking for anything.

So what gives, folks? How could you miss that? I'm just curious, here. You *are* supposed to be journalistically minded and concerned solely about the scope of the movement..and yet you're ignoring all these crucial details for the sake of a fucked up smear campaign centered around a couple of people. I don't get it!

In terms of camp security, it was myself, Russ, Country (and his wife), Chrissy, Gio, Chris A, and Cowboy as we called him. God, I miss the days when Cowboy was all I had to worry about with the movement. Let's talk about Danny boy for a moment.

From the beginning, I knew he was way too dominant..and I approached him about it. I was very surprised to see him added to the security detail..but he seemed to genuinely want to help people. The problem? He liked to fight, and to call him sexually aggressive was putting it way too mildly. I had to back him away from a lady one too many times...and break him up from a fight one too many times.
I tried to work with this one, as did many other folks..but finally he wanted to start playing that victim bullshit and I literally told him off up oneside and down the other. He ended up having to leave, and I stand by the decision..because while he could be a nice guy....that's no excuse to let him run wild..and it isn't right to be abusive or harassing towards others no matter who you are, how nice you are, or who you know.(Something you would have think Occupy Nashville should have learned already.)

Ah, but the same problems started to creep up again..this time "Ew, ew, the language is too harsh!" Like a bunch of babies, we had to be coddled and saved from ourselves against the evils of wording. So we couldn't be security..we had to be something "nicer" like Good Vibes. What...a...joke. And again, Eva..Dorsey..Darlene...the whole lot of them sticking their nose in and trying to be the leaders of Occupy. (At one point Darlene was on every single mailing list, because she was so sure that people were plotting something. Then, after they complied..they were just doing it to placate her. I just can't please some people.)

We were concerned about language..but man..fuck if we cared about food, water, clothing and tent needs, winterization, or the increasing violence on the Plaza. Heck, when we made a Code of Conduct, we were more worried about how Uncle Sam would use it to track us then we were the code itself. Wristbands, or anything that might identify us was a no go, because Uncle Sam might use it against us!
Forget the fact that things were fast falling apart with more violent types showing up..and the possibility that they were in fact, being deliberately sent to us.

I was there that night, the night a dude bashed a guy's face in..the cops took him, and then they released him right back into camp. At that point, we pretty well knew we were on our own. When we thought of hiring private security, Jeremiah and crew said that would be the same thing as "selling out to the man." Militia was (and has been) discussed..but no followthrough has ever been made on that.
We were asked to pay the State for security..and hilariously (or not depending on your take on irony)..we had the arrests soon after.

When we DID get Code of Conduct, everytime we tried to enforce it, again, the same people got in the way. It was the same with transparency, to the point of which the word had might as well be a joke to me by now. The same people call for it, and then when it shows up, then immediately fight it, and say the people wanting transparency are Fascists. Of course, it doesn't make alot of sense to do that.
But this isn't about making sense..this is about a group of folks being assholes and getting away with it, while playing the victim and hiding behind Occupy Nashville to start more crap.

Then, when it all hits the fan, they're going to step off to the side and watch all of you poor saps take the fall for their stupidity..and you're all going to say the same bullshit. "Why is this happening?"
"What did we do wrong?"  "How did we not see this coming?"

What a crock. You saw it. You heard it. You *chose* to ignore it. People in and out of Occupy Nashville have said for fucking MONTHS that there were problems, but oh, we shouldn't air dirty laundry. Oh, we shouldn't talk about it..its just being will go away on its own.

So...did it go away on its own guys? C'mon..why so silent? Speak up! You were good about that when you made that passionate speech about bullies and not putting up with their abuse only to let the same shit continue..while you belittled anyone speaking out against the abuse. But hey, pat yourself on the back. Continue to tell yourselves how you can change the world and serve the people, stand up for the people when you won't even stand up for your own people.

Oh right. Maybe next time. When is that? Probably never..or at least that is the way it looks.

Its crazy, and probably the craziest aspect of Occupy Nashville. Those whom make the majority of the decisions for and about camp are never in it, nor do they participate in it. They don't pick up trash, they rarely if ever serve in the kitchen..they come in for the hour before and an hour after..and then they leave. That's the majority of their commitment and the rest is behind keyboards. Now, let me take a step back and say this...that is not to say..if you aren't on the plaza, you do nothing..because that's a pile of bullshit too. However, it IS to say that if you don't remotely help out with the camp, much less stop to pickup trash while you're politicking your "personal crusade" (while claiming to be mostly about Occupy..because, you're full of just want its resources and probably could give a damn about anything else..and you know who you are.)..or your online activities are basically just to start trouble and smear people within Occupy...not only should you not have a say in what happens with the should probably take your bullshit somewhere else.

Which is, of course, another thing Occupy Nashville won't say. Especially now, because they wouldn't really know where to start. I mean, in an email in which one person said that if we based our actions on anarchistic and socialistinc tendencies and didn't get back to our three core points..we would lose...what do you think the result was?

YEP. The same damn people, all over again. "Oh, we can't have that." Then they led it off to a future discussion that was supposed to happen but never did happen, which is the way it usually goes. Or it becomes a 300 mile long email chain of endless stupid and endless distraction...where no one gives a damn unless it clogs up their inbox too much. Other than that..wait, they still don't give a shit.

Welcome to Occupy Nashville. We went from something awesome, we don't give a shit unless we can get some press out of it. Corruption, Cronyism, Elitism, Sexism (on both sides, and fuck you to all of those that "never see it"..try taking your head out of your ass and stop being a sheepy follower...and actually looking..and while you're at it..look at your own remarks and notice your own sexism at work. Juvenile children, I swear..) They allow the bullies, and they trample their whistleblowers. They lose over 800 in donation funds to who knows where, kind of like when the FED lost all of that money..and in neither case did either care.

And then, the government that they act like is such a problem. Way to stick it to the man by mimicking them, people. Seriously, good job...if it wasn't for the lack of suits and real power..I almost couldn't tell the difference...

When you don't stand up for your own people, what can it be said that you are capable of standing up for?

Next up, we'll be talking about recent events, and a little more about Norma and Trill. Also, what about that pesky power stuff? Right. Might as well get to that too. And since I forgot about Jon in the last post, i'll include him in my next one.

Occupy the Rebuttal 3: Lets Talk Livestream.

OKAY. Now we get to the fun stuff. In this exciting episode of the whole story, we're going to talk about Livestream, Tech, Livestream 2012, and the Public Relations group.

Tech Team

A small group of dedicated people. Aside from their problems mentioned previously, they largely got their act together and became (in my opinion) probably one of the better, more well rounded and drama free groups there was and probably still is.

We have Eric, who donated the hotspots which are in his name and did alot of the help with the wires and so on. He also did alot of scouting about for good access points, and tried at all times to make sure people were fed and taken care of. You needed it, he would try his best to help you...and this is while taking care of a kid himself and working most of the week. Very passionate..later created the catchphrase "Camp got bought out, Occupy got sold out." after all this crap kept happening.

We have two different Joshes, both of whom are freaking cool. Josh O is the more mellowed out one, has his reservations but tries to be the moderator in things..a good problem solver that like most probably wishes this would all just go away and people would start working together again like we did in the beginning. The other Josh is a bit more hardcore, has left since..but helped with a few different things including the Livestream 2012's technical needs (even though their members were nothing but rude to us..but they don't talk about that!) Usually when people are riled, he's got a funny pic or joke to try and ease the tension.

We have Stephen, whom kind of connected his email to the tech without intending to. (Poor dude!) And was one of the more hub people for questions and resolutions. Overkill, an Anon that has acted as a representative between Occupy Nashville and several other businesses..another usual voice of reason. Seth..whom has largely served on the side as a moderator for the 2011 Livestream since having to deal with surgery and not being able to walk round much..and
Majik/ of the more serious, rule oriented people but over-all friendly and a huge help in terms of the technical equipment used on the plaza. There guys largely handled the security matters and encryption.

Then, to a degree, myself..though not being computer oriented or tech savvy as much as they were, I was providing the Clearwire that gave everyone on the Plaza their internet. At first without comprehension, until tight resources forced me to ask otherwise as it was win win for everyone. (Oh, right, forgot that I don't do anything. Silly me.)

I *think* I got everyone. Wolfy was kind of off an on, and basically helped with the network. In terms of computer use..we used our own, because you never know who would come in and use your stuff for it was all passworded and locked down. (We DID have an incident where a dude came into Jason's tent and started using his laptop beforehand...I had to be the one to go in and get it to make sure it wasn't compromised.)
Livestream Team

Okay, rebuttal somewhat...and somewhat of a clear the air session.

There's myself, which i've discussed.

Jason- I have never seen him engage in drugs, and i've stated in an earlier post about him and the whole rumor crap.
I DID give him a 1 TB hard drive to use that has supposedly been "stolen"..and it never got back to me. Numerous
times he was about to give it to me, and then disappeared again..think of that what you will. (And this was after I had already lost a backpack with about 24 years of writings in it, and 16 years of my artwork..i'm lucky that's all i've lost compared to others...) I have never seen him drink on Plaza either. He has come on the Plaza drunk, once on the Livestream...and the entire group royally had it out with him and Sean about that was the only time it happened.

It is rumored that he was the one that has posted links regarding Matt's private Ustream and so on..which I definitely don't agree with if that's true....but other than that, he is one of the main streamers aside from Matt. He is prone to his fits, especially when chastized about things..but this has been kind of few and far between. Normally he's in pretty good spirits, and I personally don't have a problem with the guy.

Matt- Matt is a pretty cool guy all in all. He does tend to beg an awful lot, but usually it is in exchange for something else. You kind of have to do that in order to survive out there..and considering that he IS using a Ustream and I'm guessing the only streamer left...okay, I could see him asking for donations. He DOES have a big issue with his emotions, and controlling his it tends to lead to all sorts of inappropriate outbursts. Take that aside and he's at the very least a person you can count on to get shit done. Just saying.

Although, I am noticing something here. Isn't it odd that the people that Norma is saying should go away are the people that communicate Occupy Nashville's side of the story? The Livestream. But who does that leave? leaves the Public Relations group and the Livestream 2012 group, both of which she has been a part of. (She removed herself from the PR group mailing list later, and was a mod of the 2012 livestream.) Hmm. So....what's the real deal Norma? Are you dedicated to truth..or just trying to make sure that you are the only "truth" out there? Now WHO is censoring WHO?

Okay. Next is Brittany and Samantha. Both of them feminists, both of them very intelligent people.
Brittany is probably one of the coolest, classiest ladies I have met in a while. She's fierce..but she's respectful. Talking with her about feminism is one of the few times i've been able to openly discuss it without being made to feel bad or like the enemy just because I was born with a part between my legs. It was very refreshing, and she's always treated me with respect. Samantha is pretty no-nonsense. She likes to work with others  around her...and her contribution to ON basically entailed trying to start up a GED program to help those without schooling, largely the homeless.

Brittany's contributions? She started up an Arts and Culture group, and was looking to re-start a woman's group for Occupy Nashville. I honestly wish she would have. If *anyone* would have kept things in the right track, I have faith that it would be her..not this sorry excuse for bullshit that we see now.

...these two largely disappeared after getting repeatedly attacked by the Occubullies that I have already mentioned to death. It wasn't about Feminism, it was sick people using feminism as an excuse to pick fights and drive a wedge between members of Occupy Nashville..and that is what these people have been doing since. If you want to talk about Feminism? Hell, talk to Brittany. That lady knows her stuff better than most of us (myself included) ever will, and she can talk to you about it from a neutral standpoint without getting crazy or sexist. If you ever read this, know that you have my full respect. God bless you in your travels.

Now this wouldn't be complete without going to a pivotal event that occurred, one of two, at a bar, in downtown Nashville. The people there had always been very nice to us, let us use the upstairs for a few meetings, and so on. I love those people, which is why i'm not mentioning the bar..and even though I do not drink, i'll go there again in the future and opening support them. I love them all..and they are wonderful even in spite of everything.

The first event involved the unions. We had just had a meeting with Dorsey and Eli, again about complaints...and we had spent the larger part of the meeting trying to get them to turn these complaints which Dorsey refused. (Later on, she would follow this up by then saying we were refusing to do anything about these complaints.) The scope of the meeting made it clear that basically, they were just looking to take over the Livestream, and just wanted their way. It was all about content this, and Occupy only that...(Pay attention, this is important.)..we talked again about timeslots, shutting down the channel at certain times, etc. (That was where that started, by the way. It was a group discussion.)

Later on, Eva shows up to be an observer. Turns around and accuses me of banning her from the Livestream (which never happened)..and then basically just kind of whatevers everything else. (People have tried to make peace with her, she won't have it. Its all about the attention and her own drama/ego.)
As far as Dorsey and such went, they were largely unsatisfied..because the people there were *actually* focusing on problem solving and dealing with solutions, not just trying to take the damn thing over and lording it up over someone.

So, people were pretty stressed about that. Next day, backlash hits..most of the Tech team is fed up with this and decides they're more or less all going to call it quits. Some of them actually do..and an emergency meeting is held at said bar in order to try and reign it in, and see what can't be worked out and what needs to be improved on in order to keep people. It is a somewhat long, pretty tense meeting..but it ends well.

So to unwind, some of them leave, and some folks stay. Myself, Majik, Matt, and Jason stayed behind to laugh it off, unwind..and de-stress because we really needed it. I went down in the corner, popped up Facebook, chatted with my girlfriend, and had a water. The lady was nice enough to ask me what I wanted to drink if I had cash..but seriously, I don't drink. I thanked her, and later tipped her anyway. I really appreciate courtesy like that...and those folks, again..have always been nothing short of awesome and deserving of support.

Another of the bigger topics was Caterpillar and the unions. There was getting to be the big issue of some unions basically saying if we didn't do what they wanted, or according to their guidelines that they would pull support..which in a similar to lobbyism. Naturally, a few folks were more than a little upset about this.

So, Matt gets on his Ustream, and while he's already filming it..decided to start flashing a wad of bills saying how he doesn't need their money. (Ugh.) Rather than calling out the union or unions responsible, it came off as sounding like it was addressed to all unions..and it didn't help that he did this when he was more than a little intoxicated.

Myself? I had asked them if filming in there was really such a good idea...and later (since I was on Facebook) said "Uh, might want to look at this." and showed them the comments being made. However, it just sparked more comments..and neither they..nor the folks that were seeing this..really wanted to hear *anybody* out. Nope. Norma, Trill, and Rose turned around and riled up the whole damn chat and the facebook...and I *still* have the Facebook message where Rose turned around and directly accused me of "taking a direct action against her."

All I did was drink a glass of water, and I can't stop a group of people from saying or doing things. All I can do is somewhat protest..and then its on me. I DID say something about how money should not be used to influence us via donations..that I DID do...but that's about it. Other than that, I tried to de-stress myself, something which the Norma Squad fucked up royally and only added stress to. Of course, they just HAVE to be stupid and not listen to a damn thing anyone else has to say. Figures.

....however, here's what you don't know. Tim, who is a member of one of the unions, had come to me and told me that they were showing this video in Christmas parties and so on. Definitely a huge deal. I sat down with him I don't know how many times and was like "Okay, how can we fix this? How can we smooth things over?" ...*I* *DID* this. Jason, guys didn't seem to want to be bothered with it and seemed to think it would go away on its own. It didn't. Dorsey really didn't care very much either, and certainly wasn't trying to smooth over jackshit.

...and for all the crap I was getting over my facebook, the disrespect in the chat, and the bullshit over the blog, Dixie and her group surprisingly couldn't be bothered to include that tidbit, much less even try to find out the whole damn story. See, they don't care about that..its all about the smears, the lies..and whom they can hurt next. Especially when they think they can get away with it.

Now, since this had been a fiasco in itself, I was thinking maybe that was end of it, drama aside, and we could finally get back to taking care of business and doing Occupy Nashville stuff..and put the petty bullshit aside. Boy was I wrong. Was I ever wrong.

First, we had the PR group and Livestream 2012 group emerge. This was done suddenly, and announced via a sudden press release out of nowhere. PR was stated to us that it was solely about
press releases...but later admitted to being Public Relations. (If you look at their posts in the Occupy Nashville forums, you will see it says "Public Relations.") ..that isn't just press releases.
"The maintenance of the professional image of a person or group."-- Public Relations in a nutshell.

...and then the same people from the aforementioned "anti-male" group turned around and made "livestream 2012"! It was supposed to be 100% about Occupy, and that is what it was sold as.
Then it wound up being largely populated by folks with an ax to grind with the Livestream and Tech teams..and largely about feminism, supported by? The same people!! (However, it should be noted that they will whole heartedly tell you that this is not Cronyism..I just don't know what i'm talking about.)
Whenever questioned..same people on the steer away the conversation. Or, to attack the person anytime they post something.

Now, it is to be said that the one thing you can give them credit for is the one thing that Occupy Nashville will not do. They work together, and then they back each other up as a team. We used to do that. We don't do that any longer. Hey, i'll give credit where credit is due.

So basically, they lied to both the public, and to Occupy Nashville on both points. Flat out lied. They lied about their reasons, and they lied about the purpose. The huge smear campaigns escalated shortly after that..because they couldn't have any other actual input other than their own..and by doing this, they could kick out and replace any voice...having complete control over any voice in Occupy Nashville.

This was met with silent consent. People just more or less laid down with little resistance and let it happen. When the Livestream and Tech teams said "Hey, something's up here.." ..all of a sudden, there was a problem..but then the problem wasn't with the screwed up people. Nope, Occupy backed them up! "Sure, we know its wrong..but just let them have it. They'll stop there. Ignore it, it will go away."

This is what people said. Over and over again. But, it didn't go away, and as evidenced by the recent actions of Norma and Trill, it has only escalated. Why? Its simple. Never in the scope of human history have problems just "fixed themselves." It has never happened. Oh, but NOW, they say..NOW its time to kick people out! And who? Oh, right..anyone else that might allow Occupy Nashville to have a voice that ISN'T in their little gang of stupid.

Now, it didn't end there. Oh no. First, Rose's son..Reason (remember him?) went off the deep end after momma went off the deep end..didn't bother to ask questions, and decided to vandalize the Social Media tent..spray-painting "POWER STRUGGLE?" over it in bright silver spray paint. It was childish, and there's no excuse for it..but plenty of excuses were made for it. "Oh, I don't know..I can kinda get to like it on there.." ...anything rather than *actually* fix the problem and tell people to stop being a bunch of grown up children, much less make them do so.

THEN, Dorsey again gets it into her skull that she has suddenly been hacked, because "who else could it be?" (I somehow doubt that Dorsey is a person without alot of people that think her part time job is fertilizer creation..but that's just me.) This gets Rose into a tiff, and she publicly accuses myself, Matt, and Jason of hacking her email. I make a few statements on here, in Facebook, and there publicly letting her that not only is she full of it..but because she threatened to file a lawsuit..that the moment such occurs I would sue her through the freaking floorboards.

That made her back off. Why? Because i'm not one of these pussies that is just going to lay down and let people walk all over me. That is how you handle don't put up with their bullshit. You don't let them do as they stand up for yourself and show that you have pride, if not a freaking spine. (Correction: This incident took place with the lawsuit stuff closer to the End of the 2011, as i'd been off the Plaza. First with sickness, then with food poisoning, then as I had to help a friend out with things.)

The smear campaigns continued. New Years came. Livestream 2011 covered the events..but even though we could have used the support..the Livestream 2012 channel wasn't there and couldn't be bothered to show up. As it stood, discussion circles never wound up happening, usually because someone from the aforementioned groups couldn't stop themselves from trying to center all the attention on themself or starting a fight about something or trying to run someone off. (Eva, for instance will tell you how she was called a Femi-Nazi, but she won't tell you how she accused people of being sexual predators or drunks whether she knew them or not, largely because they disagreed with her. We will cover that more with camp affairs, next chapter! )

But then came the second incident, same bar (unfortunately). I wasn't there in the middle of this one, though I was accused of being a part of it anyway. (I did ask questions and raise concerns when I saw them talking about this on Facebook..) Apparently, i'm such a POS that it doesn't matter whether i'm on or off the Plaza..i'm somehow behind it all, and trying to ruin the Occupy and just trying to hide it somehow. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Basically, there were political leaders there, caught on camera, again, by Matt. Jason decided to stream it. (Again, bad idea. Why the fuck didn't you learn from the last time? >_<) This brought the bar into it, because when word got out, the politicians told their friends not to go there. I came in there for the first time in a while, and the owner stopped us to talk about it....and it was again me trying to find ways to make amends..since no one else had a fucking clue at the time other than "gosh, this sucks."

So alright then, Phil, what was this brilliant idea you had? I suggested that since they seemed to know whom the people were, to approach them with a formal apology, offer to make a public apology, see what they could do to approach the situation..and go from there. Did they ever do it? I have no idea, they never told me after. I remember the poor lady at the bar in tears...and I was very upset by this myself. The owner's business got hit *hard* because of it. Screw Occupy Nashville, this was much bigger than that. But the discussion was largely about "who takes the blame and how?"..rather than
"Okay, so how do we make things right?" I suggested a solution. I do alot of that. But hey, fuck Phillip, he's just a piece of shit and a troublemaker.

Right? Fine, but this is what you don't see. This is what you don't hear about. And with as many dedicated bullshitters that call themselves journalists, I kind of have to ask why they miss these little details. Well, here you go, knock yourself out..and if you do it literally, I doubt the world will miss you.

That was my last basic contribution to Occupy Nashville. Shortly after all of that bullshit, I got tired of it and left. I think its either part 5 or the last one where I will explain why.

Beforehand, I had already turned in my hotspot, and got my clearwire tower back. Later on, I cleared out my tent, got my hotplate back, and finally left the Plaza for good. (Which, I never did get repaid for that last month, either...and I had brought the hotplate in from my apartment..which was the only means for me to cook and eat there in that *others* could have a hot meal and get some nutrition. But hey, again..i'm such a POS. Right. Sure.)

Chapter 4: Lets talk Camp. Next up.

Occupy the Rebuttal: The Factions..and the Crazy Train Rolls ON...

Okay! Round two. (Not stopping til I get all of this out, or i'll never get around to it.)

For starters, let me actually address Norma here: You are full of shit. It is a rare occasion you know what the hell you are talking about..and had you actually bothered to sit, listen..not be a shit-starter, got your pathetic head out of your ass..and *heard* what people had to say..there are *all sorts* of things myself and others could tell you..good bad and otherwise. Fark, actually talk to people on the plaza, that are there 24-7! You're supposed to be some sort of investigator/journalist...but you can't even be bothered over petty things like details. The only thing you have ever been bothered to do, is be a perpetual asshole. I think its comical that you think i'm a POS when you don't know me and have no way of finding out. Oh, wait..your groupies? What are their investigative skills again?

How about Trill? Oh, right. She blocked me after a message where I posted that methods of deduction are never 100% perfect and always up to scrutiny, especially in terms of our knowledge basis of science is only so far ahead and continually growing. Thus, to say we know it all is foolish.

For that, her fragile ego couldn't take it. LOL, that's your investigative reporter? Oh, and what about Eva? She's good at two things. Being a follower, and yelling really loud. Not much else. Sure, she claims to be a lovey-dovey "spread the love" mystic and energy worker type..but she's full of shit. Put the magnifying glass on her and its "Oh, lets be lovey"...start on someone and she's highly aggressive, rude, and self-righteous. Keep dreaming sunshine Eva, I know who not to trust when I see em.

...and this is where you get your info from? HA. Keep fooling yourself.

Okay. Groups time. Lets start with Blac Block:
-Will (Not much to say on him. Just basically supports whatever they do.)
-Jeremiah (Started the fuck the police thing, friends with Eva)
-Matt (briefly)
-Tristan? (Unsure of this, but he usually runs with this group. During the building fiasco he was one that remarked how fun it was to enjoy the feeling of disobedience..)
-A couple of others that haven't been around in a while.

Then..the "anti-male" group.
-Connie (yes-person to Dar)
-Eli (Not really super anti male, but her comments have gotten more and more sexist to males.
She broke down at one point over a statement casually made by a male mediator because it was something she disagreed with. I mean, really?)
-Will (Again, more as the follower type.)

Now, note whom is friends with whom. Note whom is in what groups. And note who keeps saying the same bullshit.

OH, and let me clear something up first and foremost.
1)I hear alot of talk about how I supposedly block what I don't like. I have never once raised a block in the history of GA. There have been two occasions I have considered doing was to go against our core principles..and the other..involving the homeless and letting them walk all over us and take our resources that had been donated in good faith. that's it. fact, I developed a sign to be used in GA to help speed the process along and ensure that the most important aspects, like winterization and so on..get accomplished. But, nobody talks about concerned for truth as they claim to be.

2) The one "spreading rumors" and news, etc...was JASON, *not* me. I still have the email from Dorsey accusing me of spreading lies and so on. Um, no. In the case of the boro, (which you guys seem to be proving me right on with your Phase II bullshit, which..that is what it is..rhetoric and bullshit so you don't look like complete horses asses when you get caught with your pants down..)
I had 4 different people approach me with concerns. Two I mentioned, two I did not out of respect to their anonymity.

Regarding the other stuff, i'd be sitting in the media tent or with the group discussing something, when he would usually be the one to bring it up. Discussions would be had..and as there are things I just can't stand for...I'd be one that would be very vocal about things that just shouldn't be tolerated. At this point, Jason would usually be the one to not deal with it...suddenly be going to bed, or say maybe a sentence or two before popping out. However, you folks would never take it up with him, you'd take it out on me instead..since you seemed to feel like i'd make for an easier target.

OH, and lets not forget the beauty of that building which the people planning it *knew* there were THP cars on the side of the building, and sent people in to get arrested. Why? To get attention. Then, they dressed it up as if it was an action to help the homeless..which it wasn't. It was Jeremiah and co, out to stick it to the man...well, everyone else anyway. He decided to step off to the side and go mess with a convenience store for cigarettes instead. Funny how I don't hear Norma, whom is so concerned about the welfare of Occupy Nashville talking about this. I don't here her talking about Lance, one of Eva's friends...whom took over 100 bucks of donation money and used it to by drugs with, either.

Oh, by the way, once this was made known, Lance was not only removed, but no one decided to do anything about it. Bravo guys. And when it was mentioned that the email regarding such might be leaked to the press...all of a sudden, Norma and company jumped all over it.

...and then, even though it was a big deal, Cynthia/Trill pasted it in a public chat that they know the state watches anyway. I mean, really guys? Really?

So, i'm in the Livestream chat, people are upset, and other people are trying to be self-righteous and come up with poor excuses after the fact (Something that would turn out to become a trend.)..and Darlene asks me to talk to the news, condemn the action, and so on. I do so. Then I come back and find that a press release has mysteriously popped up (which, no one knows who wrote it.)...supporting the action.

So now, i've been thrown under the bus for the news. Just lovely. I don't have to tell you just how pissed off at that I was, but i'm sure lots of others could. I was so pissed off that it was a few days before I could stream again, but that didn't stop Trill from jumping on Facebook, dragging me into things..and say that "I was feeling sorry for myself, refusing to give over the hotspots, and refusing to stream."

Well, here's the REAL story assholes. I didn't have the hotspots, and hadn't had them for a few days. I told *Dorsey* (Note her popping up again? Right) that I was not in the right mental or emotional state to stream, that Matt was around with a hotspot somewhere and would be a better choice..and that such was the most mature thing I could do at the time. Needless to say though, *all* of this gets ignored..because who the fuck cares, right? As it is, this was before Dorsey accused Wolfy out of the blue of hacking her stuff....something which she would later deny even though I was sitting in the media tent and listening to every word. Oh, but she's just the victim, i'm sure.

Now, what group is Dorsey with? Whom in that group owns a site that later made some serious accusations about Wolfy? And whose writing style is on the site? Huh. No connections? Sure. Also,
bear in mind that these folks waited until after the guy left to make the accusation...they couldn't even say it to his face, or actually get law enforcement involved.

The Plot thickens.

Now lets get to Blac Block, fuck the man, and all of that nonsense.

We had anarchists since day one, and really, it wasn't much of a problem at first. They had their views, we had big deal. It was initially about folks coming together from all walks of life anyway.

If I had to put my finger on it, I would have to say it started with Code of Conduct..since these guys were opposed to rules in any form, especially anything that might apply to themselves having to tone it down and behave. You can't tell them this, and if you were to post something of a similar nature, look at the above and see whom posts in defense. Usually the same people, everytime. Then when it came to getting police help, we couldn't do that because "fuck the police", blah blah blah.

Keep in mind that not only had Metro been really good to us, but they gave us warnings when they could have arrested us, and some of theirs actually gave us donations and were geniunely concerned with our healthy and safety, at times offering advice on the side. But hey, screw them, right? Jesus...

Now we get to the Rumsfeld action. While that man is a piece of crap....and I detest him like none other, we had Jeremiah yelling out to storm the Hilton. I don't have to tell you how stupid that is. I'm sure most rational people know that such an action is only going to backfire. I yell out "No! That is not what we are about!" which I get jumped on. Jeremiah's rationale? "Well, if you're being raped don't you defend yourself?" .....that....makes no sense. It really doesn't. Yes, he did horrible things, and HE is a bad person...but that doesn't justify storming a hotel full of people that didn't do anything other than be there. This is an example of trying to rile up mob mentality...and as with most things Jeremiah shows you just how much of a child he is..doing things to get attention, and then letting others take the fall for him. He's charismatic..but as he is largely emotionless and has no remorse for anything he does...he clearly displays sociopathic tendencies. This is not a man that knows what he's talking about under serious investigation..and most of his rebuttals are along the lines of "See, I think if you really listened to what you're're really wanting to say these things to yourself.."

...again, juvenile, infantile, bullshit. Why people want to follow this half-baked clown around like he's god's gift to the revolutionary is beyond me, because if anything, his tactics are simply designed to get attention, provoke, and ultimately push people away from whatever cause he claims to represent.
So if you're looking for the one yelling to "fuck the police"....look no further than him.

So why is Norma so fixated on one group, and ignoring this guy? Makes no sense for someone that claims to be about the truth.

Oh, right. We also had Dorsey making a big production number out of looking Donald Rumsfeld in the eye and telling him he was a war criminal. I have to say, I *was* kind of impressed at the theatrics, I mean..between the posing, the forcing the indignant look, and the posturing on the was a pretty good show for the cameras. *Thankfully* the Hilton was not stormed..but this was when things started to go even more downhill.

The building incident. To give you a rough idea, the building itself..the moment people got inside they found that it was connected to another building, with lights working, a guard hut, and so on. A federal building with cars, new ones..parked in the back. It was connected by the second and the ground levels. This was the building that they were going to supposedly reclaim for the homeless.

They did this, at the end of an actually planned march, suddenly stopping the march after leading them around a bit..and then telling them it was about the homeless. Obviously, it wasn' in order to make lasting progress especially with the media you have to have something to show for it. Looking at the prior paragraph...any person with a brain in 5 minutes flat and a decent scout would tell won't have long before the cops any action is meaningless, a waste of time. The person that *was* scouting was suddenly told his services were no longer necessary and told he could go.

YThis is while he was trying to make sure it was actually safe for people to go into. You see, some abandoned buildings fall into a state of if you aren't could actually get hurt or in the most extreme circumstance..killed...and no one wants that. Well, apparently Jeremiah and his group don't give an honest damn about that...because its all about getting that blurb in the paper.

Also, lets keep in mind that given an action at Bank of America early on in the day, undercover police were already part of the rally and following them around. So, we knew they were there...and we continued...why? I mean, at that point, if you're going to pull something..its definitely a bust. You don't continue. That's not even common sense and there is not justification for it.

...but, the first thing that happened after the (unsurprisingly) negative fallout from it was that those connected defended it, and because of the press release online (leaving out some key facts, mind you) got more of a positive response there. People that said otherwise were generally told that they were silly, or ignored, or rudely regarded. We allowed a group to throw our people to the wolves so they could get some free press...and it was largely considered okay.
It was at this point that we became more of an Occupy that refuses to deal with its problems. The attitude arrived to that things will just go away on their own, or that people would come in a big influx in the spring....just like the climax of some major movie battle scene..and the day would be saved, victory for all, and cheers all around. This was the start of that.

It never happened, it still hasn't happened, and it won't happen.

CCA came shortly after this, but honestly, I stand by that decision. It was a tastefully done protest, and it actually stood in accordance to the public statement of our goals. CCA was directly tied into Bank of America, trying to create a prison-to-profit system into a new form of slavery...and there was cronyism and corruption in the form of buying seats under the board of directors in exchange for key people looking the other way on abuses. It was a protest that needed to be made...and it was done respectfully, and the tone was enforced before the protest ever started. There are Youtube videos that show Andy Dix and Tristan talking about it...and I have alot of respect to both men for doing so. Same with Michael, whom did the same. The object of this action was so that the mistakes of the past would not be repeated in the future...but a few keyboard commandos decided to act like assholes over an event they didn't witness, didn't take part in..and didn't even seem to care about.

Then, the GA itself came under fire. Suddenly, no one really knew what GA was good *for*, or why we should even come to consensus. Direct Action had a brief internal coup, and even though we had some statesmen come to visit..Jeremiah and Dillion decided to be rude and disruptive throughout that GA to the point in which the actual facilitators themselves got disgusted and left. Why did they do this? They did it because they didn't like capitalism and were going to show them what for. Pretty much, naturally..the statesmen kind of laughed them off....but its that kind of behavior (which is allowed) that gives Occupy Nashville a bad rap..and makes it harder for those in the legislature to listen to us openly. why are we facing eviction again? Gee, I wonder.

Then there was the issue with homeless. My god. How many months and we couldn't settle a dispute over this. Homeless people were coming in, and taking all of our food and resources. Then, they refused to help in any way, brought drugs and alcohol in, started fights..and were stealing things on the plaza. (At one point, a fellow had his tent taken over, and then the person called the police on *him*. Another, a lady went up and accused one of the cooks of trying to kill her, then parked herself in front of his tent trying to provoke him until she was removed..then pulled the waterworks act..only to go and do so again!) Mind you, not all of the homeless are bad people. Some genuinely are looking to improve themselves and have been helpful to Occupy in the past and present. But for the good, there's also bad...and things with them were getting out of hand.

When we moved them outside of our camp, they stole tents or put our logos on their tents, and moved themselves closer to the state buildings. The group sex, the drugs, the urination stuff you hear about..*that* is where it came from. This group banded together, quickly realizing that all we were really going to do is talk about things.....and that if they continued their bad an effort to get them to stop, we would actually try to offer a peace treaty with them, and give them supplies. (Yes, this actually did happen!) So, it got worse, and worse..and worse.

Add to that the fact that the state basically refused to help us whatsoever made it even more difficult.

So, a group of us got together and put it to discussion, only to have alot of the *same* afforementioned people stop us at every turn and accuse us of being Fascists, heartless, abusive and uncaring..on a power trip. I put it plainly then.. "We have alot to learn from the homeless, but they have something important to learn from us..which is that they are not entitled to our donations and resources just because they had a hard lot. If you're on the bus, and you're siphoning the gas and slashing the tires..its not going anywhere. If you're helping with things, then as far as i'm concerned, you're an Occupier and I'm proud to stand by you as one."

Even though this was largely agreed on, Darlene had to go into a fit (defending herself from the fury of Chris's which she got Connie to agree on even though Connie had been staring into space and largely not paying attention anyway..) ..and then challenge the man to a duel off the plaza and on the street! (in front of 40+ people) Later, she would challenge Seth/Spuff in an email to a duel in another fit of madness...and from there the discussion escalated into absolute madness. There were three separate discussions that night..starting at 7pm and later ending close to 2 am....and it solved nothing.

Lance, a different Chris..and some others turned around and let the kitchen get ravaged anyway..again, the same "You can't tell me what to do" mentality. People would go into the tent and just take things and walk away with them...or start hoarding them in their tents. This is,mind you..after the livestream donators flat out *made it clear* that they wanted their resources to be Occupy-only.

Even with that, we could not and would not respect their wishes, all because we couldn't say no, or tell someone to stop with their bad behavior. Sure, we *have* a Code of Conduct..but it is worthless. It isn't followed, and the same aforementioned folks fight it whenever it is attempted to be implemented. Same with that transparency they call for...anytime it has ever been attempted, the person is attempting a power trip..or being a Fascist. Watch. Sure, they'll make a great speech, and they'll tell you they are going to put a stop to this..and impose this..and do that......I get more out of watching a politician..because it is the same fucked up, phony rhetoric. The reality is, they are not going to do a damn thing but talk..and they have yet to prove otherwise.

So, half the time, as a result, Occupiers didn't even *get* the donations given to them, as someone from the homeless community had already gotten it all first.

Then the port-a-johns. We lost em. Why? The same Chris mentioned (with the kitchen, there are a few Chris' in our Occupy) decided he was going to be a self-righteous asshole and cut the locks off of them. They were on there in the first place so that we wouldn't be spending the large portion of our donations trying to empty them constantly...and also to keep them as tidy as possible of drug paraphenalia, etc. The second part was the insistance of the company that owned them, whom also asked us to keep the locks on at a certain times. You could still use the bathroom, you just had to get a key from someone.

The Chris mentioned her routinely walked off with the keys, cut off the locks, stole the locks, and so on. We told him to stop, the company told them to stop...they were even over the phone with them. Legal situations were speculated..but basically "we couldn't be bothered" to take action, long story short. So..the company got ticked, and we lost them. Again, it was as simple as telling a person no..and enforcing it..but we didn't do that.

...and good luck for help from outside the plaza, since many of them were never on it, and pushing to shut down the camp from day one. Their help usually consisted on getting in the way of trying to change the situation, though. (Which is one reason I think all this Phase II talk is bullshit. Its the same people talking about it...and I look at how they've contributed to help the situation. They DONT want to help us, but its not like we'll say no...)

But if you said something, you were just getting in the way of being productive..not helping..and just starting trouble. Keep in mind, this is even though the state will and does turn around and use this right back against the whole Occupy, which it will THEN use as a precedent to attack every *other* Occupy in TN..since this IS the STATE here, people. Fuck, but we ignore the gravity of the situation..and people tell me the problem will fix itself. Frankly, people are lazy bastards and they are full of shit.

Next post: Lets talk Livestream. YES, lets. Why not. Norma's favorite topic. NOW, let me tell you what you *didn't* know.....

Occupy the Rebuttal. (part One)

Okay, so here we go again. Only, now they're naming names. Norma, Trill..the squad of stupid is at it again.

Fine. I was nice before. But since you guys want to go ahead and name names, the gloves are off. Especially since you want to drag me into it, knowing that I have since left the movement for sometime. Oh, and Norma, i'll have a personal note for you at the end of this, so by all means, read the whole damn thing. It might be nice to actually be informed for a change..and you want to know? You want to know everything? I'm about to tell it. ALL of it. Down to the last detail that i'm aware of, names included. Yours, theirs..I don't care anymore.'re like one huge circus of stupid and bullshit...and its time to have it out in the open.
Since people want to be royal assholes, spineless cowards, and conniving backstabbers, I think its finally time to speak out. About everything. Its going to get ugly in here, if that isn't your thing, just click the X *now*..because you're not going to be a happy person by the time you finish reading.

Let's see..where do we begin? Norma and Trill first popped up on the scene early on. To be frank, I didn't have much of a problem with them, could have cared less about them..and was more focused on getting things done. Around that time Darlene (and later Dorsey) were having issues with the Tech team and I was more concerned with why I hadn't heard anything from Media in a while, what was going on with this new Livestream thing (which I was then clueless about)...and the issue of things getting progressively worse on the plaza in terms of violence and so on. They had just created the first women's group..and many of the women had whistles in case there was a problem so that those of us (myself included) on the security detail could come to their aid ASAP.

At the time, there really wasn't too much trouble. There were some issues..a laptop had been stolen, and later a phone. Granted, if you look back in a news article or two..that part is nothing you wouldn't have found out on your own anyway. Being on the plaza at some points you did have to watch your stuff, or keep your tent locked..but at this point, that was about the worst of it.

Lets start with the women's group. It went through about three incarnations (that I heard of.)..and I had been told that it mostly kept going into obscurity because some (not all) of the ladies were more concerned about increasing their personal power base...over actually trying to help women on the plaza.
I didn't get involved...I had other things to worry about...and they seemed to be handling it on its own. Boy, was I ever wrong about that one.

Its probably the anti-female comments directed towards me that I find laughable. I was part of the security detail..when Lynette had a very sexually aggressive male following her around..I was there to make sure she was okay. Numerous times, I directed people to find me on the plaza, so I could make sure their experience was a pleasant one. I walked people to their cars..I directed problematic people away from folks (Occupier or not)..and was on hand was there to try and de-escalate and mediate anything from tensions to fights. (And I did ALOT of that.) One Sunday  in particular was so horrible that it seemed a new fight was about to break out almost every hour on the hour..and I didn't think I was going to ever go through that day without braining someone.

Ontop of that, since I didn't hear anything from Media..and my attempts to ask Eli and Dorsey about things went nowhere..I played the role of greeter, question answerer...and the guy that got people off the fence. At the same time, i'd find out their opinions and try to see why they had reservations about helping Occupy...and what could be done from there. At one point, I helped Eva get her car out of towing..which socked me a good hundred bucks or more..and I still probably will never get that back, either. (But hey, I don't do anything...and i'm some evil, hateful, woman hating whatever or whatnot.)

Then we come to Livestream. Its strange, even now its hard for me to believe that this has become such a monstrous affair as it has..but here goes. As far as video blogs go, I'm not really one for putting my face on the camera. Livestream was kind of an interesting change for me..because I could talk to people, and have them respond in the was live, and it was more or less one on one. It provided an interesting challenge in terms of communication.

Now, here's where things started to get crazy, and where Norma (Mahdear) and Cynthia (Trillgreen/Trillian Dent) entered the picture. Trill really didn't say too much at first...and neither did
Mahdear. In fact, both of them just kind of lurked here and there. I met Norma in person once, when I was trying to get my friend Kat from Clarksville. She had been stranded there by her douche of a boyfriend, and I wanted to make sure she was okay (She was pregnant, and is soon to be due any day now.). Norma offered to help, and I took up another user, Firefly/Melton..on it instead. I helped pay the gas, we found her, had breakfast (he treated us)..and we took her back to the Plaza where I hooked her up with a small tent right next to mine so she would be alright..and not have to worry about anything crazy should it occur.

So, my initial encounters with these two weren't actually bad, nor did I feel particularly bad in any way towards them. What changed?

The biggest problem at this point was the tiff between Darlene and Dorsey..and the Tech team. In the beginning, I was surprised by this..since Dar seemed to be particularly friendly..making sure folk's needs were taken care of. The original problem seemed to be that Tech was never onsite, and that
they couldn't be reached and seemed to be doing their own thing..which, that kind of made sense.
Dorsey's one that I didn't know what to think of from the beginning. She was always pretty standoffish...and I can't say I even talked to her much. But like..take where I tried to ask what was going on with Media...she steps to the side and its like the conversation shuts down immediately. Weird.

Now, back to livestream.

There were continuing issues with Debra/Grits popping up...and we started to get a series of complaints. Dorsey was the one that had these complaints..but was repeatedly refusing to give us them, or tell us about them. More on that later. For the largest part, again, I stayed out of it. I was more trying to come up with a means to give everyone a voice on the air, not just a few people. I mean..yeah, did I like talking on Livestream? Sure. after a while though..its really hard to come up with topics that aren't personal in nature or just shooting the breeze. There were ALOT of arguments over this..and what the Livestream should be used for. Some thought (myself included)..that is should be just real, transparent..and about whatever was going on, and about ourselves, within comfort zones.
Others felt it should be Occupy related news, everytime, all the time. There was talk about discussion circles and so on. Okay. To try and balance this, we added more mods.

Now, you'll often hear about how the Livestream is biased towards "those evil male mods." Well, those people are quite frankly full of shit and the horse they rode in on. We had Connie (whom was with Darlene, but never actually -did- anything other than play the agreeing follower..)...we had Eli (whom is still a mod in there under the handle of Elimae)...we had Samantha and Brittany on air (both feminists)....and then we had an older Elizabeth, also a feminist and a really pleasant person to be around. Later on, we added in Grits Girl/Debra. I wasn't part of this decision..but as I never saw anything crazy out of here..I had no reservations. Again, later when Eli was added in, I not only was in favor of it..but I supported it I *had* alot of respect for Eli at the time. I'll get into the whys later on, too.

Now, the troubles that I saw basically started first with Firefly. Despite warnings not to, he took in a homeless girl to help her out. This is a girl that had numerous problems in the past of all different sorts, and had been with some shady people. Honestly, I knew what was coming next...but Firefly is honestly..a really big softy. He *does* have an issue with his temper..but he is a genuinely nice guy that can't stand to see people getting a tough break..and tries to help them where he can. His biggest concern has always been people trying to use or abuse his trust. Now, there was an argument between him and this girl, and it was speculated that she took some pills of his when she skipped out.

This is where the crap starts up. First, Norma and her lot decide to harass him on his facebook page, to which Firefly told her to "go smoke another bowl." (Hmm, Norma..who are you to call someone else out about drug As she had talked about such in a previous conversation. Then, Darlene about a week later..decides to bug him on his Facebook...and revive a discussion about it. (We had talked about it before because it was being brought up in chat.)

So, simple solution..ban both of them right? Wait, no, we can't do that. We have to take it out on him, because he's the evil male trying to take advantage. She didn't even try to rationally look at the situation. She just up and said 'OH, its a male and a female, the female is the victim." She went so far as to say that his viewpoint in the matter was irrelevant. Then, to disagree with or question her was being a misogynist.

Needless to say, I was pretty surprised. Even more so to the fact that no one would actually step up and say something to correct one way or the other. It turned into a huge email chain that kept dragging on for weeks...a "topic zombie" that kept coming back from the dead. Eventually, Firefly and the girl sorted their problems out..they still talk off and on..and the girl got her GED thanks to his efforts and the efforts of the aforementioned Samantha, also. Funny how Norma never brings that part up, but that's no surprise.

Grits became the next target. Norma and Trill decided to deliberately take out of context the words of one "Reason"..and paint him as a violent provocateur. Finally, Grits was being drug into it..and it became pretty clear that these two were trying to pit the mods against each other, and use Livestream as a means to do so. This broke out into the Facebook Livestream Fan page...before finally being settled...and the discussion ended. I had to threaten folks with banning them several times just to get them to drop it...and it became also clear that the only thing they really wanted to do was fight.

From that moment on, until her de-modding, Grits was the target, and we'd often get complaints and hear about problems involving such. For the most part, I stayed out of it and let the tech folks handle it..since they seemed to have more information. Largely though, it was coming from the Norma/Trill front. Since these two didn't get their royal highness way..they were going to take it out on everyone. That target became the whole of the Livestream and Tech..and has continued ever since. Look at their posts...look at their blogs, and look at their forum posts. It is all the *same* targets everytime, and that is why. The princesses were asked to follow the rules, and they can't handle that. They have to be above everyone, or they have to try to make your life hell. That's how it is.

Oh, and regarding the de-modding, Grits was given quite a few second chances, and I was one of them in favor of giving her another chance..largely since I didn't know what was going on and wanted to see with my own eyes before doing something to that effect.

Now, crazily enough..when the de-modding occurred, the *same* folks that wanted her gone, immediately raised hell and said how we were out to get people, were cruel and unjust..and so on.

....ah, but that's hardly the first time. Lets go back a little bit to Eva and Jonathan.

Jonathan was a young adult heavily involved in drinking and drugs on the plaza. He had violent flashes, and he was rude and abusive to those he was around. At times he demonstrated a tendency to play mind games with others..trying to push it, see what he can get away with. A huge "You can't tell me what to do" attitude. He was one of the bigger reasons that we developed a Code of Conduct and pushed to enforce it.

Eva's his friend, so she continually made excuses for him, and fought any attempt to uphold the Code of Conduct. And she wasn't the only one!! Dorsey? "Oh, I won't be a part of any juvenile vigilante behavior!" she storms off indignantly with Eli in tow. These are people never on the Plaza..and continually pushing for the camp to close mind you.....getting in the way of camp affairs and then telling us we aren't handling things.

Huh. Back to Jonathan.

This guy, sexually aggressive as all get out. When we called out such affairs in GA one evening (no names were mentioned), he immediately got up, disgusted, made a block sign, and left for the night.
I just want you to keep this in mind..and then flash forward to Tristan's Injury to One. Now, Eva's the good guy for harassing a sexually aggressive male, and she's in the right..and the people that told her to back off for getting in his face when he was just passing through....they are the bad guys.

Also, keep in mind Tristan didn't personally witness the incident, nor did he interview anyone that was actually say, right in front of the incident when it myself, whose tend was smack dab in front of them. He also left out the part where she went around the *entire* camp like a lunatic trying to rile the folks up and mob him out. Oh, but Eva's the victim. No, wait, Eva's his friend. Gee....
(And I have alot of respect for Tristan. He has done some amazing work and he is a really intelligent mind. But this is just low.)

.....and then Eva would be 'rewarded' later on for her efforts by being a "woman of occupy." Put on the new livestream, and talking about sex on air. A livestream that was supposed to be Occupy only but became primarily feminism based. Oh, and who (for a time at least) was a mod in that channel? Mahdear! Who started the channel? Darlene and Dorsey, who didn't know anything *about* how to do a Livestream and THEN came to the Tech group they kept smearing for help! Wow! But we're the bad guys, right? Bullshit., back to Livestream, since by now you have a small idea of just how full of it these clowns are.
Norma and Trill continued to create problems, shutting down the chat by riling up people in it into a form of mob mentality. (Heck, you can look at their facebook page..the way these two go at it I almost expect them to get married any day now..) Anytime you told them to respect other views than their own, back up their words with *facts*, stop twisting the words of others..or just to treat people with were suddenly an enemy or a woman hater. If you were a woman saying were suddenly a reverse misogynist.

The whole time they kept saying their crap, they never actually got banned once. It was much later that MahDear actually would get banned, once for being rude and obnoxious (as usual)...and once for link spamming. Hell, the rules were right in front of her face..but she was too good for that. The moment anyone got warned about a ban..there she or Trill would be to declare we were being Fascist, bullies, and trying to censor them. Anytime there was an didn't matter how much you backed yourself up with the truth..or how much you tried to tell them "No, it isn't like that at all..stop and listen.." was always the same thing. 90% of the time it was clear they didn't even read what you wrote.
And then the Facebook, the Blog, the Occupy Nashville Forums..etc...claiming to be an Occupy supporter while routinely trashing its members. Then, when called on it..suddenly they are feminists protecting females from the evil of Patriarchy..they're the victims, and everyone is picking on them, bullying them, and trying to censor them when they are working so hard to help Occupy.


.....meanwhile, this in turn caused some of the more aggressive feminists to suddenly back up whatever they said as gospel. Again, it became clear that their supporters didn't even read what was being said in ANY front. They turned around and just gave blind support because they believed these sickos were trying to fight Patriarchy and that we were just another part of that fucked up system. Forget the fact that we *did* have feminists on the air....and that these same people harassed them until they left.

Why did they do that? Because it wasn't a part of *their* group. If you're not a blind follower, they don't want you in their...their voice is all that matters, and no amount of truth or reason is going to hold them back from it. "Oh no, you can't do that..its supposed to be Occupy only!"

....and then we have the 2012 channel popped up, and gee, its mostly devoted to feminism, putting their own people on first and foremost. HUH.

However, since one of their little followers, Ms a mod, they feel they can now get away with whatever they like. The moment you question *them*, she will pop in to tell you to knock it off and grow up. The moment you say something, you're ridiculous and being silly. The moment they say anything..its bravo and woohoo.

Oh, and lets not forget the incidents of the feminists. When we had them come on, she was so very offended, alongside Dorsey of course....and then? When Eva was talking on her Facebook about how her Livestream session was going to be able S-E-X? Here is Eli's response: "Woohoo!" Whenever it is mentioned that males get it just as bad when it comes to being treated abusively? "What about the mens?"

....oh, but they aren't sexist. Or biased. They just back up people solely because they're part of the same grouping, refuse to listen to what anyone has to say...and they defend them blindly. Again, HUH.

...............and this person is a mod? It really irritates me that I have to say this, because this was a person I went to bat for on a few occasions, in person and outside of such. When people asked me about Eli, I told them I held her in high regard and respect, that she's intelligent and a strong woman of good character. I've said it a few times. So to see such a person stoop to being the mindless follower of
some really sick people..just because they claim to be feminist...that's worse than bullshit. That's worse than low. Its about as disappointing as you can get, because she *IS* a strong woman..and to become a follower like that...its just sick...and its saddening.

Ontop of that, while Eli has recently gone on to claim there is no anti-capitalist message on the ON facebook, maybe I should point out that the anarchist crowd (of which she is a part) is heavily anti-capitalist, right down to its posterboy, Jeremiah...a juvenile delinquent that has frequently advocated "death to capitalism" right on his own Facebook..and goes so far as to harass people under the facebook accounts of others. Oh, but no anti-capitalism here. Sure, pull the other one.

Next post: Smaller one, going to highlight the who's who in what groups, how they are connected, and what they've been doing as far as where they were. Its kind of necessary before I continue onward to show you what groups are with whom.