Long sigh time.
You know, after the last time, I really, *really* thought it was the last post. Told myself it was the last pos, and hoped and prayed that there really wasn't anything left for me to post about.
Sometimes, however, things just don't work out the way you want them to.
So, for those of you not in the know..Occupy Nashville is kind of there, but mostly not. They had a rally on May, but it really wasn't much of much. Jason is still more or less an asshole, and Dixie and Trillian are still basically a bunch of full of shit attention whores that seem to enjoy making others miserable. Jeremiah is still little more than an idiot, catering to people only a little more stupid than he is and desperate enough to hang on his every word. The goods Eva stole, as far as I know, were still never returned..and those remaining in OCN still basically bury their head in the sand towards most of it. The few that have -not- left, which isn't much.
Occupy Vanderbilt came and went, with a bit of fanfare here and there. Some members of OCN tried to attach themselves to it..didn't really work out like they expected, I think. I was invited, but really..i'm pretty worn on the whole Occupy thing in general after all of this.
I've been asked to come back on a few occasions, but a few people. My response is basically the same, although usually the level of anger from myself to the person doing the inviting kind of depends. Please, don't tell me certain problem people are no longer there..when I can see the releases and who is writing them..and when I can watch the Youtubed G.A.s and see that yes, in fact, they are still there, and just as dumb as ever. It isn't difficult to check up on, and insulting my intelligence is just going to piss me off and greatly increase the chances of me telling you some form of "go to hell" that is more or less progressively worse than what the last person that tried pulling that crap had to hear. (My patience gets shorter every time. Go figure.)
I have also weeded a number of people off of my friend's list..either because of certain behaviors, or because of spying, or harassment, or in general because these folks never really talk much and clogged my Facebook full of superficial crap. I don't care about Jersey Shore, and I don't care about Whitney Houston dying (on par with the people that didn't give a rats while she was alive and SUDDENLY care now. Screw that.)..and on, and on, and on. Click. Bye. Want to bring drama to my doorstep?
I *don't* have time for it. I have time for people that matter, that want to actually help the world (and not just market themselves as a savior of sorts..I have had it up to here with that.), and that hey, actually talk from time to time, and not just when they need or want something, or only if I have cash in my pocket.
For starters, here. Right freaking here: http://theremoteviewer-krishnaislove.blogspot.com/
This sums up alot about Norma and Cynthia (MahDear or Dixie, and Trillian Dent respectively.) and the whole fringe feminist group. Looking at the WSMV site recently, now they have upped it a notch to suddenly you are either a pedophile, a pedophile supporter..or the usual delusional or crazy. You know, you would think that at some point they would add up in their heads that the only people that fall into these categories always seem to be the ones that question them...hmm. This mentioned blog is by a *woman*, mind you..and Dixie has never been able to say much about it..mainly because Chris was on the Plaza, wheras the ever-so-antisocial Dixie was rarely on the Plaza and when she was, it was very briefly. I would say Chris knows what she's talking about. Plus, Chris has never been the sort to really mince words..if and when she says something, she isn't going to hold back. Period.
Meanwhile, alot of *other* stuff went on that went largely unreported, if not totally unreported. Loss of donated funds, drug issues, fights, all kinds of stuff.....but strangely this was all completely ignored. The bit with Jeremiah was ignored, which I thought for sure Dixie would run with since Jason Steen is connected to the guy and had him living with him for a time. Then, Eva with the theft, also running with Jason..also running with Jeremiah. I mean, go figure, right? This particular group with all these connections to the crazy stuff going on....
...yet, Dixie remains silent on the matter. How odd, no? She chooses to ignore greater issues, to focus completely on anyone that was with the Livestream and the Tech teams. Judging from the WSMV chats, they are up to the same old tricks of using multiple accounts to like each other's posts..and group dislike whomever disagrees. This is a usual behavior of theirs...and sad to say, they are largely predictable because they do the same thing..over and over and over and over again like a broken record.
Ah, yes, WSMV. Evil Unveiled, targeting Wolfy..for what.. *thinks to self for a moment* about..4 months now? They've been posting links to his 'page' across the Nashville Scene and Channel 5, sometimes using the names or a slight variant of such to spew this crap across the internet. Then we have Dixie on her page with her gloating remark of how his nightmare is just beginning.
See, I told Occupy Nashville all of this crap was going to happen. Granted, they didn't listen, because they were too busy screwing each other over or fawning for the sake of their own collective greed and egos....and hey, it will just go away on its own. Ah, didn't happen, did it? Hell, they couldn't even accuse the guy to his face..they had to WAIT until after he left for Oklahoma City to get his life on track before...oh, trying to destroy his life with accusations. So far the only person to say he was in on it that I have seen was Jason Steen..and I wouldn't trust that guy to tell me the time of day. (Wolfy has even said he's never had certain conversations with Jason...and Jason does make crap up, and he does lie. Usually if a rumor is started, he's the one passing it around. And if you ever give that guy information, he is going to tell it...and skewered at that. You just can't trust him.)
So, here they are again, as Dixie puts it, the "Thelma and Louise" pair of Norma and Cynthia. Two demented attention whores with anti-male and dominance issues that never grew up. (Although, the only bit of credit I -will- give Dixie is regarding Jason, whom committed Fraud by telling people he needed donations for bail money, or for livestreaming..and was not there for the arrests nor livestreamed after.)...and of course, they are spouting BS all over again.
It is amazing that four months of this nonsense later, Occupy Nashville still buries its head in the sand. Tell me how you can change anything when you can't even deal with something like this. Not to say Wolfy is guilty OR innocent. What I *am* saying is this crap continues because it was allowed and this behavior of harassment was allowed and accepted by members of Occupy Nashville, which is why it has gotten this far out of hand. This is a matter for an actual investigation but actual investigators. NOT a lynch mob by a group of crazed morons.
Seriously, all of the problems that befell Occupy Nashville could have been fixed by just holding to the rules we had set, and actually dealing with problems, not burying our heads in the sand and trying to see what we could take donation money for this week. Realistically, that is about as true as it gets. It was independent factions only claiming to be with Occupy long enough to get our resources, and screw everyone else as long as they looked good. Welcome to what is sometimes the harsh reality of politics.
What is also amazing is that four months later, despite all of this evidence and so on, nothing was turned over to the authorities. And while they tout involvement in 50 cases/arrests...how many of those led to a conviction? Oh, better still, how many of those likely got thrown out of court because of the retarded "investigations" done by the members of Evil Unveiled? Sorry kids, but simply declaring that your methods are 100% perfect and foolproof isn't enough to actually hold up in court. You need a little bit more than that...although I know you get your sick kicks off of ruining the lives of others, so you could care less about little things like "truth" and "evidence".
But lets say, to play devil's advocate here for a second, that the people in question are guilty. Because the courts do not just accept evidence on the fly...and that requires an official investigation..which those from the site cannot be participating in. (On the grounds of bias and possible tampering or falsification, intentional or not. Yes, it can be ruled as such!)....the case will likely get thrown out. As you cannot get charged for the same crime twice, the people of this site have more or less guaranteed the person walks free unless they do something absolutely heinous in nature. So....how is Evil Unveiled helping again?
Basically, it isn't. It is mob mentality. If the people haven't been tried, it is putting out an accusation which could follow them *for* *life*, even if they are declared innocent. That is the gravity of these kinds of accusations..something for which the administrator/s of Evil Unveiled are entirely unapologetic. "Oops, sorry we fucked up your life. Hope everything turns out okay in the end" is a pretty sorry excuse for screwing up someone's entire life just because you "had a really good hunch and some chat logs". Oh, and chat logs. From Anon Ops. Where you can make all sorts of usernames, right?
Oh, and on the Evil Unveiled site where it says "looks like we have another.." ..the nickname used? Ironically enough, that is one of Trillian/Cynthia's nicknames! The very person that is touting the site so much. Pretty weird, wouldn't you say? Right.
But back to the delusional Dixie, and how everyone speaking against her is attacking her. "The attack dogs are out!" Funny, aside from myself posting I only saw one person that wasn't one of her groupie squad. But hey, one person means everyone's out to get you, right? Again, its strange how that always winds up being the case and her and Trillian are always the victims. Wah, wah, wah. Poor freaking baby. I also love how she had an interview with the site administrator over a topic she was already biased about in the first place.
So what is the beef of these two anyway, right? Simple. In the Occupy Nashville chats, myself and several other moderators told them they had to stop trying to pick and provoke fights, stop trying to pit people against each other (especially the mods)..and respect the rules of the chatroom. Since we told the grown-up children that they have to play nice and behave, and happen to be male, to boot...well, long story short they have been pulling this kiddie tantrum bullshit ever since.
You can just look at Norma's blog, or their posts on the Occupy nashville forums. It is always centered around people in or connected to the Livestream and Tech teams. Even this last post was no different, mentioning Overkill, a former OCN admin of the forum *and* member of the tech team. It is always the same crap with these two, and its the same targets. They just can't let go that someone told them they have to behave themselves and stop being children. This is what I mean by "dominance issues." They have to be in control, and only their rules matter. If they don't get their little way, they aren't in control..and they have to try and make you pay for it. No better than a tantruming child.
Likewise, the ladies that keep eating out of their trough, guess what? That doesn't say much about you guys either. If you would willingly degrade yourselves to mindlessly and without question follow their lead like a bunch of dumb sheep, then guys are the *least* of your worries. While there are, to be fair, assholes in the male gender by the bushel..you aren't making the ladies look any better by imitating those guys. Quit taking your issues out on us, re-learn how to think for yourselves, and stop the replaying the cycle already. (And you are. Justify it however you wish, but it doesn't change the fact that you are just as bad as the guys and just as sexist.)
Now, I'd love to say that hopefully I'm done ranting,and this is finally it. It probably isn't. Trillian or Dixie or both of them will probably start up some crap, or Jeremiah will be unable to contain himself in between stalking whatever posts of mine he can with his see-through bullshit, or Jason will be Jason and continue to stalk and (very lamely) meme, with a Dungeons and Dragons or virginity reference or something equally retarded. Eitherway it will be something regarding myself, and i'll probably post about it. Or not. We will see.
In the meantime, as a former Occupier, I am dealing with and more devoted to, life and the people worth being around. I've learned alot of hard lessons, especially about politics and its opened my eyes to much. I have my own plans. I will carry them out, and while the wackjobs will try to cling to it, or degrade it..as they can't get past themselves and their insecure little egos..what they say and do largely isn't going to amount to much, nowhere near anything at all compared to what my endeavors will accomplish.
See you next time, Space Cowboy..