Its been a long time since my last post.
A REALLY long time.
Hell, Occupy has been over since 2012. That's....about four years. 4-5, really if you get down to brass tacks. Man, how time flies. Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me and I look around to see what people have been up people turned out.
Which leads you to those moments where you realize just how much better off you are without some people.
For the most part, i'll be honest with the fact that since then I have gone out of my way to burn bridges with anyone associated with Occupy Wall Street that I didn't know and associate with already beforehand. If ever there was a shining example of what a movement should NOT do...a microcosm of everything that is wrong with government and the people themselves, Occupy was definitely it. And Occupy Nashville, whom had to be the top of everything..certainly outdid themselves when it came to corruption, cronyism, bad behavior, backpedalling, and victim mentality.
Its come to the point that even with a social media presence still in existence, you really can't throw a speck of a pebble without running into social justice warriors, extreme marxists and socialists that beyond working the crowd can't really bribe someone to keep them from being absolutely off-the-rails crazy. I fully expect some day to see the majority of them in some form or other on some Youtube Cringe Compilation.
So let me make one thing perfectly clear from the start.
I completely denounce and distance myself from anything and everything Occupy Nashville related. The actual Occupy movement died from hijacking YEARS ago and only harkens now to those that are good examples of everything the movement was supposed to be against. Don't fall for their lies, their over-glorified bullshit, and their smiling face facade. Its an act. It is all an act and any prolonged, intelligent dissection of the garbage that comes out of their mouths or their media is going to showcase this REALLY quickly.
Why the statement? It seems that the grown children that pass themselves off as the movement these days are planning all kinds of not-so-nice-stuff. All because their candidate didn't get picked. So now, they're going out of their way to do what most social justice morons do...and that is emotionally work the crowd until you have a mob mentality going. The mob that doesn't think or just acts and reacts according to how it is steered. Now, consider that 4 years ago we were already having big problems with agent provocateurs trying to incite violence...and now they have a comfortable cushion of "follower types" to back them up...impressionable young minds that will agree with anything as long as they have a place/group to be a part of. The epitome of "cult mentality."
People use to question this stuff all the time, and I would laugh at it all the time. I thought it was nonsense..but the end of Occupy and the years that followed have shown me if anything that those fears from others were well founded. These are intelligent, educated people reduced to the role of useful longer capable of rational thought, no longer capable of reasoning. Its all emotional short-term fiascos, lack of judgement calls worth a damn and catchphrases that you can tell were not thought through not for a moment or for a second.
They tell you another world is possible, but the world they bring to the table they have already demonstrated to be horrifically worse than the one we already have. So what did we wind up fighting for?
For $1000 in donations to magically disappear unaccounted, as far as I know even to this day. The equipment that disappeared..oh wait, of the feminists stole it and was never held responsible because "the evil straight while males were out to get her".For the harrassment of others mainly those that questioned the radical feminist or extreme radical "anarchist" presence within the movement..both of which just wanted to use everyone for whatever they could get, and start a riot most of the rest of the time. The words "intelligent animal" come to mind. Civilized savage works, too...but not a damn one of them seems to understand the concept of morals or humanity other than propping themselves up and putting on a false front as some sort of messiah figure or revolutionary war hero. I'm sure that's what they see themselves as...I mean, even Stalin viewed himself as some sort of awesome force. Oh, and apparently we risked a bunch for people to use money to buy drugs with, or to endanger the businesses in the area by doing things we should not have honestly done. (One of which seems to actually be closed, and yes, considering how nice they were to us..i'm going to be pretty pissed off about that one for a VERY long time.) To be blunt, we wasted our goddamn time.
Unsurprisingly, the crazy is still present, only like most things in the years since, its gone to extremes. You ever notice that? Its always one extreme or the other. There never really is any kind of middle ground or even any kind of real compromise. Its always taking whatever they can get, 1000 tons of self-serving greed on wheels ready and eager to screw over everyone and anyone so long as they look good for the camera. And HOW CAN WE FORGET the time honored way of dealing with people that question them? Suddenly they have to be racist, sexist, homophobic...or whatever other emotionally charged trope phrase they can throw out..again, to work the crowd and distance themselves from having to field any responsibility.
Which brings me to the issue with Hillary, Trump, and Bernie. First and foremost, I thought a LOT was weird about Trump and still do, in ways I can't quite put a finger on. However, lets get into the other ones.
Bernie: Race-baited, poor money decisions. Talked about class warfare but hell if he didn't benefit from it. This election brought out a new side in him, as the emails revealed guess what? HE IS EXACTLY like the rest of them and was bought and BRIBED. Mind you, he was bought before he stood a chance in office. So, what does this tell us? What do you think that one is gonna do in office? He's going to get bribed even more.
So it stands to reason this man is not a good candidate. So shut the fuck up already, he lost, and quite frankly he deserved to lose.
Which brings me now to Hillary. The only I'm with her you'll hear from me is HER FOR PRISON.
You want to talk about Racism? She called mexicans Taco Bowls and muslims "sand ni****rs".
Sexist? Okay, lets get into that she only harassed and black listed EVERY SINGLE ONE of the people that Bill raped, thus defending a rapist with a smile on her face. Tell me again how you care about rape culture so much...or is it only okay when a rich woman does it?
Okay, and then there's endorsements she recieved through the Clinton Foundation from? Countries where the rumor of being LGBT is punishable by death. BY THE MILLIONS.
And really, how much do you have to suck at your job to be a Democrat and LOSE Michigan, which has been a Democrat party stronghold for according to them at least 30 freakin years???
Then there's the connections to drug and weapons smuggling, some of them to Central/South American cartels....and an ever growing freakin body count associated with her. (With what...12,13 deaths? associated with her since the bit with the DNC cronyism scandals alone???)
And this bitch is the one you want in office because you're supposedly so scared of Trump? Dear lord, I always knew there was a case for mental illness in this country but I was never aware it was such an epidemic as this! You actually WANT this idiot in office? Wow. Something is seriously, sincerely wrong with you. No, really, it is you with the mental problems at that point.
And then the lot had the nerve to label anyone that doesn't vote the way they want as mysognistic, sexist,racist, homophobic, etc etc the last EIGHT years of that garbage didn't tell you that honest, everday people have had enough of this? At that point, way to prove the naysayers right. There may be a lot of lunatics out there, but man if anyone that was on the fence and considered listening to what you had to say hasn't firmly jumped into the camp of "Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on." All you're doing is proving your opposition right..a mistake Occupy has never learned from since its inception. That and taking responsibility for its mistakes.Never were good at that, and the people that tried to get ya to do as much were targetted for harrassment...ironically enough by the ones that claimed they were so worried about harrassment. (Which, I do have the emails, so you can keep your forked tongues between your teeth like the venomous vipers the lot of you have largely been. I don't care if you find that disrespectful because you're a bunch of liars and traitors and quite frankly deserve no respect.)
Oh, and what a surprise...all the supposed stuff that Trump supporters are claimed to have doing? The false reports are being revealed by the truckload. The people passing off that shit as truth are being unmasked as the useful idiots they have always been. Hell, Trump? I saw the interview. I don't really listen to the media side of things..I pay VERY, VERY close attention to what the people actually say..which is why I didn't like Obama. He was fake from the word go. Oh, and guys..gals...its hard to scream Republican conspiracy out to get Hillary for being a Dem...when after Trump won the nomination the majority of Republicans JUMPED SHIP TO GET BEHIND HILLARY....a move that has not been done politically since the day I was born, if its ever been done.
Anyway, back to Trump. Certain people that were questionable have already been removed, like Cuomo and Christie. Maybe you'd notice these things if you weren't jumping around and screaming like wild apes in a zoo...which by the way? Much better behaved then the lot of you, EVEN four years later. Just throwing that out there. I digress. Mexico has actually turned around and said they'd work with us. Russia has said they'd work with us...which was a bit surprising IMHO. The bit with immigration? ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, with a target on? Criminals and gang bangers. Straight from his mouth, by the way. Might do to try actually shutting up and listening some time. You might learn things. And suddenly..the TPP is off the table. Its dead, of those things that Occupy was so concerned with. Another thing Occupy was so concerned with? Term limits in office. Do yourselves a favor, read the 100 day plan NPR put up for the guy.
And let me tell you, neither Hillary nor Bernie would have done shit about either. BUT, they are who you want in. And now you want petitions for the electoral votes in December to pull a jedi mind trick and put Hillary in? Look folks, time to get back to reality. Hillary conceded the election. She lost. Once you concede it doesn't matter how many stunts you pull, she isn't going to be President. That's why Obama isn't doing jack shit right now and has become strangely quiet. In a VERY unusual move, he's kind of backed off from things...the establishment that Occupy claimed to be AGAINST (and now seems to love to root for like a bunch of hypocrites)..just got a kick in the nuts in a way that surprised even me. And the establishment has made *very* clear since that they are not happy that this has happened. That isn't acting on their part. They're as surprised as myself and everyone else. You all underestimated that your childish antics came with a larger cost, and now its bit you in the ass. Its too late to change hearts and minds. You're done, and its your own fault..but even now you still won't admit it. You respond with more childishness.
But back to Trump. I'm not going to tell you he's going to be some messiah figure, because he's not. He still could very well turn out to be some complete idiot. It is VERY possible. However, the man hasn't even had his first day in office and everyone's throwing crap around like monkeys at the zoo. Just sit down, shut up, and try thinking things through for a change. He did however do one thing that got my attention..something else that didn't happen in my lifetime til now. He denounced on TV interview the incidents going on from any side. "It saddens and disappoints me and i'm not sure how much this will help, but if it means anything at all...STOP IT. Stop doing these things!"
Going back through my life..Regan? Carter? Never said such things, though admittedly things weren't the clusterfuck they are now. Clinton? Neither Clinton has ever really cared and have in fact both manipulated the narrative whenever possible to score votes. Bush? 9-11 and beyond the jerkward played the American people over and over again..which really started the trend we see today. His dad too, to a much smaller extent. Then we got Obama..who went and did highly illegal actions, and between him and his wife..the two of them wasted plenty of taxpayer money on vacations..deported a record number of illegals (funny how that one goes unnoticed)...and oh yeah, the race baiting. Good lord he really brought it to a fever pitch, even going so far as to make excuses for people rioting and applauding hate groups like Black Lives Matter (which at this point is basically just the black version of the KKK..with their lovely motto of "Dindu Nuffin" and "What do we want? Dead cops!" ..which...hundreds to thousands caught on Youtube screamin this in the streets isn't a few bad apples, folks. Its a rotten barrel you're making excuses for.)
And even now, with all the nonsense going on...guess what? The guy is still silent. Obama doesn't give a shit and never did. The guy you hate so much actually went so far as to say "Knock it off!" and he directed that all across the board.
When you become what you oppose, there is no justification or excuse for it. You are twice as responsible, because you know why it is wrong and still insisted on doing it anyway. Making more excuses after that fact only proves any naysayers and critics correct in their judgements. They aren't racist, sexist, or're just quite frankly an asshole that never grew up.
Occupy screwed occupy.
Hillary screwed hillary.
And all of your catchphrases and your little personable icons are just another bunch of lies in a world of lies.
You were supposed to be there for the people, but you couldn't even get over yourselves.
I refuse to support any actions that Occupy takes, and by all means, leave the country and see if any other country out there will put up with your bullshit. As for me? I'm glad I left, and my only regret is that I ever wasted a dime or a resource on a bunch of grown children than never frankly deserved the time, effort, or money from any of us.
I will agree with only one thing, though. You are victims. Yes, yes, indeed you are.
You are victims of your own narcissism, willful ignorance, hypocrisy, and other associated bullshit.
You are a victim...of yourself.
Have a nice life. Don't let the door hit your sorry butts on the way out....and please get the mental help you crazy folks deserve.