Friday, August 30, 2013

Hanging up the Hat: A proper retirement and autopsy.

I've been looking for a proper way to end this forever. Just not, okay. There's enough that needs to be said given a couple of things that have gone on in the last year inside and outside of politics. Apparently, I have some screwjobs warning folks about me. Oh.Gee. Darn. I'm really going to be sad about idiots that spend more time sitting around toking and blaming everyone else for their problems..warning other people that are potentially like them or will spend more time just taking someone else's word for it than getting to know the person. Gee. I'm just so hurt by the possibility of all of that missed drama. Probably not sarcasm. Probably.

So. Its been a year of moving around, having my life in an uproar. Having crap talked about me by crappier people..most of them touting some sort of victim mentality or control issue problem. It seems strange just how many of those seem drawn to political activism, but I digress. Needless to say, i've had a lot of time to sit and listen to some of my former "friends" (and some of them I use this term very, very lightly.) and what they've had to say about me behind my back, or their doings at the end of the clusterfuck that was Occupy Nashville.

Let me say it bluntly: Occupy screwed occupy. They did. They threw away everything they claimed to stand for to become the very thing they claimed to oppose. Ultimately, if they couldn't yell really loud about it, throw a petition at it..or throw votes at it..they really weren't interested in doing much other than ripping each other to shreds. Some folks that way (Dixie,etc) were all about that from the get go, while passionately telling us how it was because they cared so much. Right. They cared so much that they caused any bit of infighting they could find and just looked for an excuse to fight with someone. "We're going to hurt you because we care." Or as the more intelligent people call it: Bullshit with an air of self-justification. This is something one tends to see fairly often from these sorts. Its always old, white men. Its always (insert moniker here). Its always someone else. And of course, you are NEVER the sexist one matter how many statements you make that would have a chauvinist blush if they were the one saying it.

Let's take the whole state commission/investigation. Everything they had to say about us..shoot, it HAPPENED. These were incidents that did happen. Could they have been prevented? Absolutely.
Did we choose to prevent them? No, and worse..anyone that tried to was run out on a rail, constantly harassed, or in general mistreated. The public urination and such..this occurred before the first wave of arrests. It was a group of homeless folks that only wanted to cause trouble. When they didn't get their way, they decided to park themselves right next to the main government building and create mayhem. Our response? Placate them with our supplies. Now, I warned folks this was a problem right then and there."You are creating tribal warfare, and you are giving them tribute..rewarding their bad behavior. So now, all they have to do is create more trouble knowing you'll placate them more."

You would think people would use their heads, listen..fix the problem. Kick out the offenders, and get back to business. Nope..suddenly its you're crazy and we have to be all inclusive..the short translation for..they just didn't want to freaking deal with it and maybe it will go away on its own. Instead, things continued to worsen..many good people left..and this spurred the first wave of arrests. Now, the THP was certainly not blameless..they had their fair share of screwy things from removing parking spaces to dropping off the crazies and gang bangers at our doorstep. However, this was one of those things that was definitely on us. We had the opportunity to fix it..and we flat out refused to do so. We talk about Bradley Manning and whistleblowers, but anytime someone attempted to blow the whistle on the bullshit, they were the enemy..crazy,disruptive...etc. I was the guy they put in front of the media cameras for interviews, and even I got that same treatment. That's generally what happens when you tell a group of adult children what they don't want to hear.

So flash forward to this investigation, and ultimately (surprisingly) it was the only thing they had to throw in our face. Now..we had everything from stolen someone taking donation money and trying to buy drugs with it. Oh, and then the donated goods. Ha. Because of those ever-so-not-wonderful people that were going on and on about "what wasn't nice enough" and how security sounded too harsh and restricted..there were times the homeless folk simply walked in and took most of our stores. However, don't bring that up at a General Assembly because then you're heartless and you should just let other folks walk all over you. Code of Conduct? A piece of paper. The very people touting it were the ones that kept screwing up any attempt on our part to enforce it. Basically, a good chunk of Occupy in our area turned its back on the other half and then continually mucked up everything else. They never stayed, but they always judged, and it was never their fault.

But then again, this was the group that during the first rains was too concerned with whether our wording was appropriate enough and how we should censor ourselves. Little shelter, bare essentials..and they only care about what someone else thinks. Sad, but true.

Then we had all the umbrella groups. They were Occupy when they wanted something, but screw the code of conduct because they weren't occupy and were autonomous. Most of them didn't even know what in the heck they were talking about and it was pretty clear they were just trying to take what they could get...but once again, we can't turn them away, all inclusive!

Oh, and gender. You know, never before would I have thought that some ladies can actually be more sexist than the guys..but the current feminist movement is a sad parody of itself. When you have many of its members making comments that if a male said would be sexist....that's a problem. When you have this happening constantly..that's a big problem. That whole crowd was like a hotbed of neurosis. Then all it would take is someone saying anything and then all of a sudden there was this evil male conspiracy..bla bla bla. No there wasn't. There were incidents but we took care of them. Many of the perpetuators of this line never visited the plaza...and their "sources" were either never there, or came once..stayed briefly, and left because "oh my god, there were males in leadership roles so they are trying to hold the womenfolk down."
The sad part is that intelligent people actually believed and do believe their bullshit. I love how those folks have had the nerve to call me a liar any number of times..but have yet to actually be able to tell me what it is that I lied about, or answer any number of questions i've made numerous times about the lies they have repeatedly told.

Probably the worst part of that grouping though..and this applies to most movements, is the willful inability to hold those sorts of people in check regardless of their affiliation, gender, creed, religion..etc. They know and admit on the sidelines its a problem. But..they refuse to say or do anything about it. I've had that conversation more times than I would ever like to recount. How can you have a movement or tout equality..give power to the people that are the complete opposite of that...and expect anything good to come up with it? Why, why, why in the world are people THIS stupid?

God, and have I heard any number of things. When I was about ready to blow the whistle on this bullshit after it came out in emails we knew all this was going down and just wanted to brush it aside, oh..then I was a problem. When I told people they needed to make plans that were actually thought out, contingencies we weren't wasting our time, resources..personnel, and public opinion..oh, I was being divisive.
When I challenged the feminist groupings for their outrageous, sexist behavior and their harassment of our members..then I was suddenly a misogynist among other things. Forget the fact that I towed one lady's car out of my own pocket on good faith..played the bodyguard role any number of times and broke up any number of disputes..but apparently i'm a sexist pig for telling people they have to cut the crap. Who knew?
Obvious sarcasm is obvious.

Oh, and then I was full of crap and didn't know I was talking spite of being the one giving interviews, regularly over the livestream, and in front of multiple news cameras. For being one of the few that actually knows what i'm talking about. Gee, not like that makes those people look stupid or anything for making such remarks. I don't know..maybe its just me but when you say a person is the go to person for info, then you turn around and say nothing he says is true...usually one would think that makes you look just a wee bit retarded. Again, maybe its just me. I'm told I burned a lot of bridges. Well, you know what? The last year made it pretty obvious to me..maybe some bridges need to be burned, and then the foundations need to be napalmed JUST to be sure.

And now for the most part, some remnants remained but the Occupy movement is dead. Half the time it can't decide whether its shilling for the establishment or touting some cause. Even where it does..oh, wait. Here's a laundry list:

-Trayyon Martin, lets riot. But lets ignore the race murders that happened after the trial and our president trying to get rid of Double Jeopardy, which effects protesters (i.e. them) especially.
-Lets do something towards a grocery chain with *zero* knowledge of its workings or culture, just pretty well guaranteeing you're going to piss them off.
-Lets be REAL GENIUSES and try to make a scene by demanding from hospitals that they make room for illegal immigrants on the list of organ donors..then follow it up by accusing people that ask questions of being racist and heartless. (Even those other donors had been on the list for years, and the very ACT they would be insisting on would be racist and heartless.)
-Most arguments on there again turning to gender and the whole bit of sexism that happens.....from the females. Yep, that same crowd of Matriarchy that still can't get it through their heads that its the same form of bullshit no matter what set of parts you have. (Ultimately, if you look at those that tout it, it really comes down to not that they can't get it and more like they can't get over themselves.)
-A few of the dregs of Occupy Nashville doing the same follower bit and latching onto different groups...still managing to honestly achieve nothing...they were never there to achieve anything in the first place. This is probably something that will be ongoing..that's the nature of such things.

So, with that said..Occupy is RIP and has been for a while.

But let's say you're fed up, you'd like to create a movement. What in the world to do?
1) Study previous movements. In particular what they did right and did wrong.
2) Have a solid core group before you ever start anything.
3)Have set roles and goals. Stick to both of those. This was one of the biggest problems we had, where at one point it was one of our greatest strengths.
4) Listen to your critics, but no drama.
5) Unity. When people enter, they put all parties, genders..religions..etc all of that aside. Anyone that fails in this is warned, then gone. People will get butthurt over it, but this is about changing the world..not placating a bunch of children in grownup bodies that just want to make noise, not change. (Or, you could just repeat our mistake and wind up the same, your call really.)
6) To hell with all inclusive. Some people are just there to create problems. I don't care how great they sound, or look..a problem is a problem and will largely only bring in more of the same. You DO NOT have to have everyone on board. No one is going to agree on everything..but they have to work together. After all the tusling in Occupy they finally came out and said "We will not work with you!" at which point everyone realized "Oh snap, this just got screwed up!"
7) Think with your brain, don't just react. That was largely what we did. We didn't plan actions. We reacted to public opinion. It needs to be clear and constantly so that we're not here because of public opinion..we're here to get things accomplished. You can't do that trying to play off the fickle whims of the people around that thanks to the bought and paid for media are already stacked largely against you to begin with. When we failed to do just made things worse and man, did we ever get called out on it. I honestly can't blame them either..there were valid points made.
8) Listen to your criticism. Yes, there will be the Veronica/Trillians and the Dixies and the sort that are absolutely off their rocker..but there will be people at random with completely valid points. Take them back, discuss them..see how you can use that to enable growth without backing away from your core.
9)Speaking of actions..actually plan both short and long term. If all it entails is to stick it to the man or announce you exist..just stop because you're wasting your time and it WILL backfire horribly. People are your most valuable resource. They should never be wasted and should be regarded with respect. Map things out for safety and any health issues ahead of time. Again, stick to your morals..goals, and focus.
10) Code of Conduct: This one is NO EXCEPTIONS. PERIOD. Make it, stick to it. If people try to block it..its time for those people to go. If people do not hold to it..go with a 3 strikes basis unless it is a serious offense..those are automatic. It would have saved us so much hassle had we actually done this.

To give you some other ways of doing things..
-The disastrous bit with the hospitals: Instead of using the immigrants to act political and garner attention (and that is using them..its disgraceful at that.) about pushing for reforms that allow *all* people in this country to be able to equally get on the donors list, and get the donation they need quickly and effectively?

-The farmers bit with Publix. Dear lord that was a textbook lesson in acting without thinking. They aren't going to listen with those tactics. Its funny..enough people in that group came from positions of money..freakin Vanderbilt students. You're telling me you couldn't get a co-op approved easily? You have the money and the pull, fucking USE it. Its called effective use of every resource on hand. THEN you come back to said company with an alternative..they can either work with you or you edge them out of the market. If you feel the prices are unfair..*create* a market that is fair that the farmers CAN work with, and you will have their business. Its not rocket why are you not thinking?

-Any equality movement at this point should be avoided. Stick with an "equalist" movement and leave the rest to those idiots that keep using it to tout their personal agendas. Too often a movement focuses just on one group...real justice is everyone being on the same level, not everyone else pushed down to match the level of the oppressed party. Real equality is for everyone, just JUST one group and "Well what about the others?" I see more racism and sexism IN these movements than out of them..and that quite frankly is pretty disturbing! FIX it.

That's just a few examples of how things could have been done differently. Now let's move onto how you can't create change..followed by how you can. And, if you think about it and try as hard to do it as you often do to make excuses on why you can' will actually change the world. It will happen. It needs to happen, because otherwise extinction is coming on at us like a top speed bullet train. You can argue with it all you like but the end result is still the same.

SO..what will not work:
-Voting. Did you not pay attention to the last election? One person that should have been allowed to debate was arrested for trying to do so. I may not agree with everything with Ron Paul..but the fact that they changed the rules around him ON THE very disturbing. That is not a government of fair and equal elections..and although the election issue has been raised the last ten years nothing has been done to remotely change or fix that in the slightest.
     Add to that that the same people that lie to you every year are the same people telling you to vote third party is meaningless..from both parties that have willfully sold you out years ago...hmmm..there we go again.
So if you're not going to vote third party..its wasted..if you do vote..its more of the same. And if you do vote third party.....they change the rules AND get away with it. Let that sink in for a moment. This is what you allow.

-Petitions: There is nothing that says they have to listen to your petition let alone do anything on the petition. Its just one more email to delete, send a form letter to you about how important your views are to them, or a piece of paper to throw away. Its just there to give you the illusion that your views matter. They don't matter, and there is no reason for them to matter to the sorts of folks you send them to.
-Yelling and screaming/marching: Honestly, in this day and age..its only good for getting exercise and working on your tone and volume. Que to Occupy Wall Street where the rich were laughing at the protestors
and taking pics with their camera phone while sipping on fine wines before sending their hired goon squads out to arrest the protesters. They simply do not care, and when you get to be too much of an earsore they simply send in the thugs. Getting your people beaten or incarcerated is only worth if it creates a lasting effect..and unless its millions or most of a city..not happening. Even then where it has..where has the lasting change been? The sweeping reform? It hasn't. Ultimately, the beat goes on and the same bullshit continues and worse..things continue to deteriorate.
-Taglines: I hear these A LOT. And they have all become a bit of a joke.
The people united will never be divided? Um, obvious bullshit. We get united and we certainly do not stay that way. Solidarity? Again, implies a unity that isn't there. Its a tagline, a thrown out there statement to appear powerful that ultimately if anything just makes someone roll their eyes and tune you out. Another world is possible? Great, how about trying to envision that world and not tout your personal causes?
We will overcome? Love that one, now how about actually doing it..and starting with yourselves?

Okay, now that what WILL work? Other than what i've stated thus far...try this.
1) A personal pledge.  to no vote for ANY politician or person that does not for the spanse of one year's time..regardless of party or affiliation...take on the average worker's salary, medical plan, and pension plan, as well as any official that has more than one home, or refuses to take a pay cut in times of economic stress. I pledge to do this with every candidate..present and future, and hold to it every year.

2) A world without labels. No parties. This is not a class warfare struggle. This is tribal warfare. At the top you have the Elite. They take everything and offer nothing but empty promises, rhetoric, PR events,
more problems...and of course a bill for "their services." Then you have the rest of us they keep fighting.
This applies to religions too. If you'd spend enough time learning from each other and less time trying to be the one, right way..well guess what? You folks might get somewhere. labels. No parties. That's just a means to divide and conquer..and a house divided CANNOT stand, courtesy of the Founding Fathers.

3)A new way to make a living. Whether you would like to believe it or not, all of these ism..where its something like Anarchy that is good on paper but infeasible with current realistic human mentality..or the usuals..communism, socialism, facism, capitalism..etc,etc,etc..these are all mindless and insane attachments to the main system of what we call "civilization"..which isn't actually civilized at all and is causing us to literally consume ourselves and everything around us regardless of what spectrum we adhere to. We need something different...and we need it like yesterday. Those civilizations that disappeared never disappeared..they walked away from it. A government can defend against any revolution, but it cannot defend against its citizens literally walking away to a better alternative. We are more dependent than we realize, and this has to change.  The movements of the past fought the good fight..but having to make a living were still forced to go back to the same way of live they fought. This is why John Lennon flat out stated "We fought the bureaucracy, and we became the bureaucracy." No movement to date has ever accomplished this point in history, which makes it the most important of the bunch to accomplish.

4) Forget what other people think. No, seriously. You know society is messed up, but in the same breath you tell me you're worried about what society thinks..kind of like asking the drugged up, boozed up, fight happy guy next door the best way to be a pacifist..with about equal results. Normal doesn't even HAVE a definition..and crazy? Its dismissive. Maybe those people aren't crazy. Maybe its their *environment* that's a little sick. Open your mind, see the forest for the trees..broaden your horizons and your perspectives and stop being a sheep with just a different color of wool. (and by color here I mean avenue of pursuit, cause,etc.)

5)Express creativity. The world we live in is a sideshow of pretty faces on tv screens with little to no substance. Movies, music..etc. We claim to care about life, but we hold up the standard of death and literally worship it in most things we do..even religion we worry more about dying and less about living the life we possess. This also needs to change. As a species, humanity does not do well with stagnation..and our world especially creatively down to the core components of art and music is very stagnant. This is, in actuality..something of a health indicator of the species as a whole..and it stresses that we are very close to doing ourselves in. So how do we fix that? We match it with a vibration of creativity. Hollywood won't produce your stuff? Produce it yourself and Youtube it. Create the next Youtube. Like a particular style of music? Teach it..hell..bring it back, even! There is nothing wrong with seeing more of the style of the classics that absolutely rocked our world. Just because a current style is trendy doesn't mean its the only style that can exist..and no style is ever truly retired.An old song to a new soul can still inspire and make em dance just as much as it did whenever it was first put to paper and instrument.

Want a step in the right direction? Final Fantasy Realm Reborn. The OST track "Answers". Beautiful piece and much more profound than one would expect from a game. Look up the lyrics if you think i'm kidding.

OKAY! So, with that I bid you adieu. It was an interesting ride. Most of the people from Occupy that I knew I cut ties with..and frankly do not miss. While I could have done some things differently, it was a real eye opener to the biggest problem we face: The people themselves. Sure, the governments are bad..but WE are what allows it. The only time people will care or change is if they have a reason to..we have never given our government a reason to do so. We just keep doing what will not work..and we know it will not work.
This is my last outcry for sanity in the public eye, at least for sometime..and I will be going back to more one on one stuff, helping whom I can around me. I wish you all the best of the crazies..well, I wish you finally get enough of a life that you stop fixating on one scruffy nerf herder in a battered fedora...and to all and to all...a good night. If I should ever again pop up in the public will either be because I was dragged into it kicking and screaming...or because i've found those five main things i've just mentioned and i'm ready to get this crap moving and show you folks how its done. Probably a little of both, knowing me.

This is the fedoraman, always searching, always finding..and signing out. Best wishes, and adieu. :)

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