Friday, March 16, 2012

Dear "Norma Jones/Bates"

Okay. So Dixie's at it again. You know, it never ceases to amaze me how stupid she can be. F'real, as she would say.

Lets start with the obvious..Dixie and "truth" in the same sentence is like Rush Limbaugh and intelligence in the same sentence. It just doesn't apply, and should probably be regarded as little more than a joke. And am I the only one noticing that its only when someone disagrees with Norma/Dixie that suddenly they are always branded delusional, a liar, both, etc etc etc. Everytime.  (Which is a bit ironic considered that she has a bad habit of accusing everyone else of doing exactly that.)

Oh, but what is this? She's never been a part of the operations of Occupy Nashville, however, she runs a Women Occupy Nashville area despite never being ON the plaza...claiming in one instance to have seen multiple accounts of things going on that.. *shock* ...just never happened. Maybe she can suddenly see from miles and miles away from within her home, without even looking at the Plaza aside from a nightly livestream within a tent. Hmm..because THAT is an accurate representation, i'm sure....

OH, and isn't this rich. People depended on HER say so? Then you're right Dixie, you ARE lucky you aren't still on the board..because you'd probably be fired, locked up yourself..and likely have a slew of cases coming back your way as your ability to tell the truth, much less find one big steaming load of crap.(I think its time to re-open some cases..) OH, and not to mention your little bit about smoking a bowl..remember that? Yeah, you never make mention of that. Whatever's going on with Matt..I find it funny that someone is bent out of shape over a past of dealing or doing drugs..when that person themself is currently on drugs. (And let me say, I am not at all surprised by that, as it would explain just why in the hell you are as full of it as you are. You would HAVE to be on something to be that screwed up..)

To explain that one, good ol (Yeah, totally being sarcastic here) Norma was going on a road trip with a fellow at one point, and wanted to stop to "go smoke a bowl." Huh. So..wait. We have a drug user, recreational or otherwise........condemning someone for a past of drugs that currently she is herself presently involved in? Gee, and f'sure..THAT isn't being totally a hypocrite.

Oh, and the head games. "WON", really? Don't you think that's just a tad arrogant, even for you? Just a thought there. Oh, and calling Matt "Little Matty" one would refer to a little child. However, we would be thinking lightly of females and showing misogyny to call her "Lil Normy"..i'm sure. Its perfectly okay for her to smear anyone under the sun, or say things about other folks...just don't do it to her, because *then* it is suddenly offensive and you are suddenly supporting the cause of abuse towards women in some regard. Keep in mind, this is the same lady who is bragging how her say-so decided the fates of who knows HOW many lives. And keep in mind that this lady knows how to manipulate others, and play head games with others. She's worked with people enough that its easy.

Calling her a feminist is a sick joke. Actually, she herself is a sick joke, and I will be highly thankful when that last bit of senility kicks in and her final days comprise of raging at the local old folks home about how the orderlies are against her because of her gender and that the plants and trees are somehow in on it too...given what i've had to stomach so far..i'm sure those days aren't too terribly far off.

But oh, she won't talk about that. She also will not talk about why she exclusively harps on certain people...mainly from the Livestream....and yet ignores *everyone* else....even when there is a bigger story afoot. Heck, there are people in ON that Jason has been connected with that are *super* shady to say the would *think* she would be all over that......but strangely enough, she's silent. Instead, she chooses to go after exclusively anyone that disagrees with her...demonizing them and twisting things around to suit whatever agenda it is that she has. Hell, I don't know what it is. You would think someone of half a brain like hers could see the forest for the trees and understand that she's been royally played...but I doubt that's going to get figured out anytime soon.

Let's put it bluntly. "Dixie" is not a feminist, and in reality doesn't seem to give a damn about anyone else other than herself..and how good she can make herself look. You heard that right. Its all about beating her chest and proclaiming how she is such a staunch defender of feminism...yet...looking at the myriad of blogs of hers...its funny..this is more or less the first it comes up. There's a wide variety of political blogs..but that's largely about it. So...staunch Not much attached with her name either. In other words, that is a lie.

No, the reality is that this is a grown woman with severe insecurity issues, whom takes it out on others in such a way that she is the "mighty champion" and whomever is the "evil demon" that she is tirelessly working to call out to ensure...whatever. And the additional reality is that this is largely bullshit. While there are some points I do agree with, most of what she writes is backwards and slanted. Severely distorted. Oh, and then she has to spread it all over the place, again...thumping her chest to assure her correctness and dominance over whatever she claims to be oppressing her this week.

Keep this in mind. The largest portion of issues with Dixie *always* occurred whenever someone told her that she was wrong, or she had to follow rules that had been repeatedly listed. When she was warned about this, she was suddenly being censored. When that didn't hold was that the evil males were all out to squash a feminist voice. And on and on and on. Read between the lines, and its not hard to see Dixie for what she is. She's petty, arrogant, vindictive...callous..and the only real concern she has is with and for herself. That's it.

As has been listed in another blog, this is but one of a few folks that hide behind feminism, but in reality are not truly feminists. They don't give a damn about equality..they just want to be the ones on top. They have to be the dominant ones. That is basically all there is to it. The same lady that will break down in tears because a guy says something that she doesn't agree with..and suddenly the man is against females and so on.....will go on to make comments like "Well, what about the mens?" Worse, some of them act like it is impossible for males to be themselves discriminated against..even though this is a very publicly made problem..and there have been reverse discrimination cases on court dockets, no less! Ah, but misandry doesn't exist.....we just don't understand.

They'll slam you left and right for disagreeing them, but they won't tell the public, many times you walked folks to their car because they didn't feel safe. Or how many times you backed up their respective voice when some drunken moron or *actual* chauvanistic idiot was being ridiculous. Or when people did get harassed and you stepped up to the plate while others were looking the other way...nope, that doesn't get mentioned either. You disagreed with their almighty opinion, and in their little mind that challenges their personal now you *have* to be the bad guy. Suddenly, you're a misogynist, you support women's abuse..or god knows what else. Oh, don't give me that face..of course you do and of course you are. You just don't understand it, much like a child doesn't understand things they are ignorant about. But it's okay. We'll smear you, harass you, and teach you the error of your ways so you know better next time that we're always right, and you're always wrong. We can never be wrong, because we just know better. When you complain, we'll just tell you there's no way you could understand..because you're a male. (Even though that is a bunch of bullshit. People can understand others..they simply have to *want* to..and you folks don't. You just want a war.)

Gee, but that isn't Sexism. How DARE you make such a remark? OH MY GOD, you dared to question us again. That's the problem with you heathen brute males! Always trying to assert your authority by questioning ours! Bah, well...we'll teach you! We'll BLOG about it, and we'll form groups..and we'll twist every word you say 1000-fold until you understand your betters. Maybe you'll have enough respect for the feminist cause then, learn your lesson, and know your place. Its not a mans world anymore! We're oppressed! By asking questions and challenging our're contributing to that just don't understand because you're a male. And since you will never understand, we will have to repeatedly tell you that you don't understand, mock you, demonize you..and bully you every chance we get...and do everything in our power to ensure that your voice is silenced.

Its for your own good, though, because as a male you just don't understand. And we're doing this so you will understand..but you can't understand..because you're a male. What? Did you just call me sexist again? Did you point out the glaring logic error behind my statements? UGH, men. They're always trying to keep women down. If more women were in control of things, this just wouldn't happen. There he goes again, with the questioning our authority. We'll just have to make him understand. Its not entirely his fault..although he is a POS just the same, because as a male..he just doesn't understand. Maybe once women get a bit more of a grip on him, we might be able to eventually train him in the proper path.

(The saddest part of this is that much of that, though deliberately worded so you can see things from our perspective for a actually from *exact* *statements* made by certain members of O.N. that claim to be feminists. Oh, but Misandry doesn't exist..and you'd have to be stupid to believe that....geeze. Going to need the thick wading boots today.)

So, they treat you like a child, while acting like a first rate horse's ass..and then they have the nerve to call that Feminism..which is actually about *equality*..not just "Oh, the men did we have to make them pay!" ...which is largely what I tend to hear from that particular lot, just in different regards. I am relieved to see that not all feminists are like this..but shit, you guys really need to get off your backsides and reign in these crazy folks..they are not giving you a good name. I shouldn't have to wade through a seal of crap to get to those of you that are diamonds, but I DO appreciate that there are some good people in the bunch..quite a bit.

Oh, and Dixie? F'sure, you may be a grown woman, but even older than I're little more than a ridiculous child. Pick up a pen again when you actually develop a soul. In the meantime, I see you for what you are...completely full of it. Upon even minor analysis by folks that aren't your little circle of circle-jerking groupies..the arrogance and the stupidity you emit like a beacon the size of the Empire State Building is pretty plainly obvious. So....the next time you want to go off telling folks what a POS they are...try this. Look in the mirror and deal with the POS that's staring right back at you.

OH, and I got a laugh out of how you and Trillan made a crack at myself about my mother on an occasion, even though she wasn't a part of that conversation....and the only person that would have told you on a closed board was...? Eva. Hmm..the same Eva with Jeremiah? The same Eva that stole equipment from the Plaza and has repeatedly refused to give it back (so that the NPJC is last I heard seeking legal action to recover it, as it is theirs.) The same Eva that Tristan is friends with..and posted a Injury to One/None making her appear to be the victim after she got in the face of and harassed a person? (Who tried to make peace with her later and she was further rude too...ALSO unreported.)
The same Eva that got hostile towards a known violent offender..which could have caused harm to everyone ON the plaza? (You know, the folks you claim to care so much about.) The same Eva that took a hotel room all to herself that was supposed to be used for everyone? How about even the same Eva that got on cam calling anyone that eats meat murderers and bad people...and telling them they are ingesting poison all the while smoking a cigarette. Oh, right. THAT Eva.

Like I're so freaking stupid you can't see the forest for the trees. You think yourself a queen, but the reality is that you're a pawn. A sad, insecure little pawn. News flash, f''re just making it worse on yourself. The more crap you pull, the more obvious it becomes. Hell, how can you even get information when you're not in the chats...been banned from the boards at least once...and you have *rarely* been on the plaza. So, if you aren't a delusional did you personally witness that, Dixie? Well? How was that possible? And why are folks that *have* been on the Plaza for extended periods (male and female) both saying you're full of it?

But i'm sure we're all just out to get you. The women are trying to suck up to their male overlords, f'sure, and the males are just trying to keep the females down and oppressed. Not like that's paranoid, or anything. We just don't understand. Only your cadre of blindly following chest thumpers can truly do that, parading the cause by smearing and harassing people via Facebook.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I think we have just found the female equivalent of Rush Limbaugh.
F'sure. ;P

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any personal pictures of abNORMAl Jones by chance? I am doing a story on this crazy lady on one of my blogs.
