Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wow. Even quiet i'm popular.

In the latest from Dixie's blog, I get yet another mention. (Geeze, and i'm supposed to be the obsessed one.)  Here's what she has to say:

Phillip leads this pack of jackals, but I've already posted enough about him.  I will just point out here that somebody recently sent me information about Phillip too...very sad information, actually.  Information that gives context for his relentless and vicious attacks on me and other women who are part of ON, information, indeed, that explains why he's such a sad sack.  About that, I'll say only that I'm sorry he's had such a miserable lot in life, but I'm decidedly more sorry that his apparent way of dealing with it all is to project his anger onto others with lies and innuendo.

Wow. Where to begin with this.
1) Someone sent you information. Are you really so stupid as that you can't see the forest for the trees?
The same people "sending you" info are the same people that were sending info about you. You're just so eager to look mighty and dominant that you'll take whatever you can get. Oh wait.."anonymous people off of FACEBOOK." (Because those people surely always tell the truth, eh?) Here's one for you..when was the last time you verified that the person giving you information wasn't just trolling you? The reason I say this is because I know of at least three persons that have already done this, sending you fake information to test whether or not you'd actually check the details. They've all told me this, and i'm sure their identities will come out sooner or later. Just kind of makes me curious.

2) Funny that alot of that info wasn't posted, but yeah, so my life wasn't the WHAT? A few blog posts documenting some bad times as a means to get and keep it out of my system is hardly the decisive blow. Its amazing that in all the time you've spent writing, you seem to know little about actual investigation. Actually, that's probably why you didn't post it..because I could easily clarify alot of things that went on in the miscellaneous blog posts that got pasted in your comments section.
OH WAIT, I did that shortly before it got closed down.

3) Projecting anger with lies and innuendo. What would be the lies? You have yet to actually back up most of the things you say are lies...and you seem to love sticking on top of my head whatever gets passed around the next week, and the next, and the next. I'm not even a part of the Occupy anymore, and i'm still being accused of leading this and that.I can't actually recall the last time you *verified* anything...and you killed your comments because other people called you out on your bullshit. Men AND women alike. LOL, don't quit your day job.

What have I got angry about? People allowing crap to continue...and not sticking up for their own. That's definitely justified. As far as my usual ways of dealing with anger issues, they involve music, art, meditation..or just enjoying nature. So stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it. If you want clarification, actually ask me. You have enough time in the world to send me messages telling me i'm a POS, then you have enough time in to get your facts straight. I know that's difficult for you, but i'm sure it will be possible within the next 100 or so years when you develop some real class.

Oh, and then Occupy Patriarchy. Yeah, I saw your posts as Women Occupy Nashville, where you claim to speak for women occupiers yet have never been one yourself...saying how you repeatedly witnessed all of these acts...and what happened? Chris told you that you were full of it..and she would know as she's been ON the plaza for quite some time herself! Didn't have much to say on that, did you?

Tristan? Come on, that article was *slanted*. Even talking about Eva, he didn't actually get any additional testimony other than hers. The other stuff was ignored. You could easily sum it up as "My friend got picked on, and she's right because she's my friend!" (Gee, didn't we see similar with this and the KOS article for Jason?) When you go and harass someone and then cry "I'm a victim!"..(like going through the entire camp trying to stir up a mob on one person..)'re just a moron.

Oh, and Mimi Yahn...whom, in the aforementioned thread just ate up everything you said without checking up on any of it. Like most of what I saw from the Occupy Patriarchy group...because *gasp*, I actually bother to look into things, read websites, and so on. Sorry, but blind followers don't get a high reputation..they're just a mob no matter how you dress them up. So much of such that none of you realized that *everyone* got played a single co-opter/infiltrator. More on that coming up.

Occupy Misogyny? You're seriously full of shit. Many of the women have said time and time again that they have had little to no problems on the plaza. The people perpetuating this crap out of proportion come from your sad little grouping (most of which spends next to zero time on the plaza)..and Eva. Which, most folks don't listen to Eva for a reason. By the way, maybe you could report on how Eva still has donated equipment from the Plaza that should be on the Plaza but has adamantly refused to return it after multiple requests by multiple persons? Why so silent on that, Dixie?

Oh, and since I heard about this one, the thing with Matt and the donations is entirely false. Matt's gone to legal about it..and supposedly a woman came up and claimed this out of the blue. Matt doesn't handle donations in person, suggesting they be sent to the wepay account as a precaution, and he never accepts donations, especially checks.

Also, that kind of thing can *easily* be proven, yet has not..because there's nothing to it. Its bullshit. Matt is being targeted by your little group of screwjobs for little more than association with people you don't like. Like how the woman called up an Occupier after he announced he was getting a job was mentioned specifically that it was a woman, yelling all kinds of feminist garbage, and it ended up screwing up his chances at a job interview. All he did was mention it on the Occupy Nashville closed group site that is headed by Jason. That was it.

Why so silent on this, Dixie? And why are all your investigations easier to pick apart than a
kiddie scuffle in the sandbox?


Now that we've moved on from that...looking at my comments, I got a few from Jason! Oh, and Joe.
Funny, they like to tease others with their little meme-ish games..but what did I do? Oh, right. Made a meme about BOTH of them and made sure it got sent to them. Promptly blocked as a result. I laughed nice and long about that, then I had some egg salad and continued on with my day.

Yep, you're such a big man that you can tease other people but can't take even the most remote teasing yourself. Way to go. Or, maybe you're just insecure because my sense of humor was better. Regardless, you're still a putz. And Joe continues to be Ragealot Barbie from the sidelines. Whoop-dee. Cry me a river, and I sincerely hope at this point after all of your ridiculous milking of the situation you DO get put in the same cell as Andrew and that it is filmed. We can title it "Welcome to Real Life, Stupid!" ..and we can send a portion of the proceeds towards the education of people that will not be stupid dumbasses on a consistent basis.

Moving on, yes there is an infiltrator in the group (Dorsey is correct about this one!), and Jeremiah is his name-O! Ah, but how did he do it? And why is Dixie so concerned by these other folks and yet fails to look this guy up, or report on him? Curious. Why so obsessed, Dixie?

To put it simply..Jeremiah played all of Occupy Nashville. Through Will and Eva, he had an ear and riled stuff up in the Media and Women's groups. He had full run of Direct Action. Through Jason he had an ear and riled up within the Tech and Livestream, as well as the other groups Jason was a part of.

Jason had alot of personal info, which wound up leaked *shortly* after Jeremiah and Dillon were rooming with him and using his computer left and right. People getting targeted for this were those *close* to him..and only a few people could have known this information. But hey, how am I sure that Jeremiah knows what Jason does? Its simple, I *tested* him by throwing some things out when it was just myself and Jason during one of the early tech meetings. If that information got around, i'd knew who spread it..and if not, I'd know I could trust him.

So, I knew exactly how that info reached Jeremiah's ears when old Jeremy tried to use it as leverage during a heated argument myself and him which Jeremiah repeatedly attempted (and failed miserably) to play the victim, and engineer the use of head games. He brought up those details, thinking it would catch me off guard. Sorry chum, that crap doesn't work on me. Wait, I *told* him that. The result? He got mad and left, because he didn't have the control..and that's how this type of person works. All about the control. He can't

He would follow this up with Facebook harassment between him and Dillon using Jason's computer.
This is interesting to note, because these are the same type of tactics Jason himself would use along
with Joe and such later on!
(However, Jeremiah's role got ignored altogether, as he was on the sidelines..and not directly able to be attributed to anything. Just like almost every other time.)

Afterwards, anytime I'd say something Jeremiah would step in and act like an ass, saying I was contradicting myself or being rude in general. Kinda like how he was rude to the three statesmen that came to visit and show support. (It was so bad that the facilitators themselves got upset and left. )Why was he rude? It wasn't about capitalism. He had to enforce his own personal dominance and show that he was in control.

Lets go back to the building incident. Jeremiah was one of the main people involved. It was a spectacle designed to get police attention and get arrests., it was more than that. It was a test. What better way to find out who was with him and who wasn't than that? And boy, he found out. Those people that *didn't* wind up royally ticked off largely became part of his group.

And then as earlier, key people winding up the rest, while he stepped off to the side and just watched. The followers. The ones that have to be a part of the group that looks cool. They almost all fit the same pattern.

So the women's group gets riled up and the grudge with Tech/Livestream continues. Its funny, because Dixie and company do not really understand just how badly they've been played. You thought you were advancing your cause? Get real. The only thing you were doing is helping ol Jeremiah further wedge Occupy Nashville into something he could control. You *thought* you were targeting abusive males, etc....when in fact you were largely going on the say so and knee-jerk mob mentality reactions perpetuated by those working with him. And you'd never suspect it..because one of em was a woman!

Meanwhile, we have Jason giving us in the Tech and Livestream all sorts of news and rumors about who was doing what. HA, you thought that was ME? You're full of shit. It wasn't me. It was *him*. It was him all along. The dox-ing? Jason. The one telling everyone about the news? Jason. The one in almost every group? Jason. The one who sat back and let everyone else get the heat for it? Jason, and Jason again. Of course...we never realized just how badly *we* got played..and i'm sure the vast majority of them still don't realize it themselves.

Oh, and who does Jason run with? Jeremiah. The guy that spent the majority of the beginning simply watching with that blank, emotionless face of his. Cept for the eyes. Whenever that one gets caught in a lie, or a contradiction, his eyes change ever so slightly. He passes himself off as intelligent and attempts to be charismatic..but he's neither of these, easily slighted...etc.

Jeremiah bragged about getting into Anon Ops, where wolfy was admin. Soon afterwards, information
that may or may not be (we honestly don't know, and that's up to the law to decide, not a mob) accurate was posted from a chat. But, he as he was hanging around the media tent alot, he knew alot of the workings that went on there. Then it was off to Eva to go tap the women's group. And then it was off to Jason to get everyone else riled.

And it worked. We ate each other alive, and its still happening. Ontop of that, he's one of those that has fought Code of Conduct, fought Transparency (as it was too Fascist!)..and ensured that people are squabbling over their own issues rather than focusing on stated goals. Which was our biggest drawing point.

Now let's go to Andrew. Where does that guy fit in, other than he got into a fight with Jason? Oh wait, but he does. See, he ticked off Jeremiah a whiles before. The former People's Library tent. Jeremiah and Will find a group of people using it as a social tent. (They had the books inside) Jeremiah gets ticked, starts trying to order people around..and finally starts cutting the tent. There are 11 people in there...and needless to say, they weren't happy. Andrew was one of them that told off Jeremiah..whom
was a while off the plaza ever since...he knew he bit off more than he could chew. Will went on to completely back up Jeremiah (which makes he's part of that group. He follows what is in Jeremiah's interests.) and lie about the incident.

Flash forward to Andrew and Jason, with Jason releasing his info not once, but twice. Of course he knew it would piss off Andrew. This was all about getting a little revenge for Jeremiah. Jason had no real original reason to release the info in the first place..and do NOT buy that crap about a dangerous criminal in the public, etc..we've had a few people with criminal records and he's never batted an eye.
He was always the one that could never be bothered.

When the livestream incident in the bar happened, who released the link in the chat? Jason.
When the second incident with the Ustream happened..whom made it public again? Jason.

In both cases until later, Matt wasn't aware until the uproar that it was even public. (I remember the first one, as I wasn't around for the second...and he thought I was kidding about an uproar as his channel only had about 7 people in it. He didn't know Jason had made the link public.)

And who is Jason buddy buddy with, the real puppetmaster from behind the scenes? Jeremiah.
Who gets away with bizarre and outrageous behavior? (Storm the hilton, for one.) Jeremiah.

Its what you would call sociopathic behavior with control as the trigger. This sort of person has to feel like they are always in control and have the power. So they will do things to test it, escalating it more and more until they destroy themselves. Some go on to become actual criminals..partly to test the authority and see who's stronger...and partly to GET put in prison to test themselves against equally dangerous and depraved people. They are at the forefront to get the attention of the police and prove their dominance and authority over those already in those positions..and they don't care who they hurt in the end. Those people are just pawns in their little game, and are casually tossed aside when they aren't very useful anymore.

And shoot, the history is even there. Marked clashes with authority, vandalization of things. Nothing but a step by step escalation. Then the building action designed literally to get arrests with no other real purpose in mind. He knew it would be justified. The more influential people justifying it were the ones connected to him!

To that end, Jeremiah has gotten himself some key people in some key places, knew all the workings and goings on..and played Occupy Nashville against itself. That's right..I said it. Occupy Nashville that stood up against the state got played, manipulated, and hijacked by a single sociopath. He played all of them. They'd never suspect him as he was their good buddy. The quiet one. This is a mentality and a social issue that has caused more casualties than war or disease, folks. "Oh,he'd never do that.."
That is what folks like that EXPECT and KNOW you will say. That is why doubting is a survival skill.

But people didn't want to do that. People wanted to be all inclusive, or not seem like they were stirring up he just waltzed in and took over. This "kid" (and he is a grownup child) is full of contradictions...and its painfully obvious. One minute he's about peace and spirituality..the next minute its 'Fuck the police" and "we should storm the hilton!" He loves to throw around terms like Fascism (whenever someone disagrees with him on anything) like candy at Halloween..but its clear he really doesn't know what he's talking about. After all, when you have a group of followers that just want somewhere to they'll back up anything you say....well, that's hardly something to worry about, isn't it? (Seriously, look up the definition of sociopath.)

So now, we have a sociopathic juvenile delinquent with his own personal following (and everyone else that either can't or won't say jack diddly squat about it)....a tendency to escalate situations towards violence, and the need to provoke situations in order to justify his own personal authority...and eviction coming up of Occupy Nashville in 48 hours or so.

I wonder what he'd do in that situation?

Look, here's a word of advice..and you can take it or leave it. If you choose to ignore it, as far as i'm concerned its blood on your hands and its on your head. The next encounter will undoubtedly be a violent one. Steer clear of the Plaza. I'm serious. Take it on a 24-hour constant march with people joining and leaving as need be, and keep it up ALL WEEK LONG.
Don't fall into that trap.

And to obsessed as you are...seriously, what is your major malfunction? You claim to be about the cause and about Occupy Nashville and all...but the one person that is seriously the real harm to it....and connected to some of your not-so-favorite the one person you don't have the balls to report on or investigate?

Why so silent on this, Dixie? Blog that.

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