So, today..we're taking a look at the biggest problem Occupy is currently facing. The self-destructive..often at times insane or blindly following, cronyism laced group known as the "Occubullies."
For starters, Tristan recently posted an Article on an Injury to One regarding feminism and so on. However, it was very curious at the choice of person he chose to pick...his friend Eva. This wouldn't be so strange except that this is not an unusual case with Eva: She runs off and does something, she's then the victim....and then everyone against her is suddenly doing so because she's a woman..etc,etc,etc.
Its just curious to me, that in getting regards for this incident, the guy never chose to interview other people around the area..including myself, whom was IN the tent right in front of things when they happened. I stepped out to talk with them both. (Unlike some people, I don't just assume my buddy is correct.)
So, here's the real deal. Scott..a sexually aggressive man to be fair and true..was walking through camp when Eva approached him and started screaming and yelling at him. This isn't the only time she's done this either..which is why the camp later told her she needed to calm down and chill out. However, Queen Eva can't be told what to do! Oh no, that's a sin. So she proceeded to go throughout the *entire* camp yelling and raising a fuss. Scott even tried to approach her later and make peace...but this was refused by Eva. (This isn't condoning his behavior. It IS raising the question of why hers is suddenly okay.)
Now, lets take a bit of a step you can understand where i'm coming from. We had a violent person that would come by the plaza by the name of Gollum. (What he called himself.) Very mentally unbalanced...prone to carrying weapons at times..with a group of people that often did the same and had in fact on two occasions attacked our occupiers. So...when you see this man passing by, what do you do? You generally just let him pass on his way.
Ah, but Eva can't do that. She has to jump into this guys face, start yelling at him...which does what? Endangers everyone around, just because *one* person had to be the center of attention and get their personal ego riled. She was *very* lucky that the man whom was known to occasionally have a weapon on him..or a group with weapons..didn't come back and turn the place into a warzone. When approached about this..and told that this is NOT the way to mediate (especially with a known violent offender)...she was suddenly the victim. Everyone was picking on her because they told her to stop and think about her actions..and we can't have that.
So, as we can see here...this is not something unique. OH, but Eva supports women, and all of that right? Wrong answer. All we have to do is go back to a certain person by the name of Jonathan, whom was with the encampment until right before the first nights of arrest. This is a man whom was frequently drunk and high..and often violent when doing so. He harassed women on the Plaza..and was such a nuisance he was actually ejected at one point. So where was Eva during all of this?
Routinely backing up this guy. When we stressed Code of Conduct, she interfered. She made excuses for him..let him do what he pleased. (Its funny how the rules change whenever its a friend of hers, or her group. You'll see more of this later.) Later, he even went, ran off with the food pot..and started up a very childish tantrum of "You can't tell me what to do!" ..oh, and this same guy repeatedly was against Code of Conduct in the first place. She backed him up.
That's not even getting into the bit where Eva accused one person of being a drunk, and routinely harassed another guy till he got ticked off and blew up at everyone. OH, and who could forget the hotel incident? Hotel rooms were bought so that people on Plaza could take showers..she kept one of them all to herself. Oh, but people said rude things to her! Poor baby. I wonder why? Its amazing to me that the common element with these "victims" is the same. They can never do any, or admit to any wrong. And this is just *one* in a group.
Lets not even get into the militant vegan stuff.Sitting in front of a camera, smoking a cigarette, telling those watching that meat is murder and poison. Way to go. Then she was all buddy buddy with Lance..who did what again? Oh, yeah. Stole money that was meant to go to direct action...for drugs.
When an outcry was raised....she backed him up!
But this is a poor, picked lady?
Oh, and then there was the formation of the PR (Public Relations) group, and the Livestream 2012 group. Not surprisingly..she is on both of these. Now..the 2012 Livestream is where things get particularly interesting. Why?
Before its formation, we had Samantha, Brittany..and another lady on..feminists..speaking about women's issues on the 2011 stream. We were attacked by *E* and *D* over this..and how they
were using unacceptable language..talking about sex..and how that is inappropriate and will cost us support. Eva was present for this conversation..which also included the issue of complaints given to the livestream....complaints that when we *repeatedly* asked for..we were denied by *D*. (Later, she would go on to further accuse us of not handling these same reports..but still refusing to actually tell us about or show us them in any way, shape, or form.)
Sam and Brit were harassed. Keep this in mind. By people supporting Feminism. Now..flash foward to the 2012 stream..which has suddenly become 80% focused on women's issues and feminism..despite being formed initially to be solely about Occupy, because as they put wasn't being done. Okay..fair enough...but this is what ended up happening.
To boot, Eva is up on the team...and then..she's suddenly a woman of Occupy...speaking on? S-E-X!
(She broadcasted this on her Facebook.) Including at one point..talking about female genitalia.Now, the same people that got pissed off at Sam and Brit..what did they have to say about this? "Whoohoo!"
So...its degrading and will cost us support....but.....if *THEY* do it.."Woohoo!"
Same reaction with the concept of Misandry. "What about the menz?"
Talk about people that can't see the forest for the trees. That isn't feminism. That is sexism..and its not a surprise that this runs rampant within these groups. Now they have a women occupy livestream. Same people..again. This is the crap i'm talking about when I say "People that hide behind feminism to pull crap." It is NOT okay, regardless of whom or what you are.
Oh..and the public relations, which was dictated as a "press release group" but shows on the forums AS Public Relations. What does it mean? The professional representation of the image of a group or person.
So...we let these sorts speak for us now? They represent our image?
Probably the worst facet of this is that we *let* it occur.
"If we just ignore it, it will go away."
"If we let them go, they'll hang themselves and we can get back to things then."
"Just let them alone, they'll be content and stop with the crap."
So, you know it is wrong...but you *allow* it to continue..and you hope for a change?
Insanity: The act of replaying something and thinking something different will happen as a result.
Repeated code of conduct violations, cronyism, attempted censorship. Harassment. Running off of our members. People speaking for others (thus creating a leadership role in a leaderless society). Legal threats at one point. Bullying, and lies, lies, lies.
Oh, but after a month or two of this...its just going to go away? Are you seriously kidding me?
This is just one example. More to follow.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
32 points: Proposal for Movement's Rules of Order (Addendum to CoC) is the forum link, but out of respect for those of you that either don't want to sign up on the forums or are having problems, here is what I posted:
1)Code of Conduct applies within email as well as on the Plaza. (Cyber-bullying not allowed.)
2) We will not engage in cronyism.
3) We leave our ideologies at the door, to come together united as a group of people facing the problems that plague us together.
(Reason: This is not a socialist/anarchist/vegan/democratic/communisitc/carnivorous/feminist/chauvanist movement..although it
has been started by members of all walks of the aforementioned and contains members of such.)
4) We will be open and transparent..and where issues of concern involve that transparency, we will work together to fix those problems.
5) Autonomous groups must be clearly designated, but may not have access to money from Occupy Nashville, nor any of its resources.
6) The resources donated to Occupy Nashville are meant for the movement and its forward movement, not for personal use, or to promote personal agendas.
7) Those that have violated Code of Conduct may not handle money from Occupy Nashville.
8)Those that do not participate in the encampment may not decide its fate.
(Reason: It is unfair to those that do work with the camp to have their fate decided by people that do not work with it or them.)
9) The encampment is a part of Occupy, and as such..debasing or defiling it is a violation of code of conduct as it takes away from the movement and creates a weaker front. We need a unified front to continue to create real change.
10)Occupy Nashville is not, and may not be..used as a recruiting tool for any autonomous group. We are here to come together, not be driven apart.
11) There will not be a division of working groups. Consistent and uniform achieves greater focus. Having multiple of one working group only makes things tedious. Under this rule, existing divisions would unite and must start working together, which was the purpose of this movement in the first place. (So, we can have 5 livestreams that are Occupy nashville, but one Livestream group. <---Example, so that everyone works together and covers each other.)
12)We will not accept any donation that causes us to be less that a good steward of, or compromise the integrity of this movement.
13) We will not allow donations to dictate what we will and will not do, as this is little more than the very lobbyism we claim to oppose.
14) If someone has been found to have taken donations from Occupy Nashville, they must return what was stolen to have any chance at redemption. Even after however, they are not to utilize any donations further from Occupy Nashville, especially monetary.
15) We will support our local small businesses, bringing aid and support to our communities.
16) We will find ways to aid and support our local soup kitchens, missions..and shelters..this will alleviate the burden on the encampment and allow us a stronger focus.
17) We will not give into appeasement, or to those whom have a broad sense of entitlement. (No means no. Followthrough.)
18) We will respect our encampment, and those camping whom are putting alot on the line in their own right.
19) In regards to the Homeless, those that help maintain and work with the camp are Occupiers.
20) We will present the same face in private that we do in public, or not at all.
21) We will treat our critics and whistleblowers with respect. (If we don't like what the public may think..fix the problem..and there's no longer anything to concern yourself with!)
22)Regarding positions of one that has violated Code of Conduct, or refused to uphold Code of Conduct will be allowed near one of these.
23) In the event that a group is formed comprised of individuals that have repeatedly harrassed others, or violated Code of Conduct,
that group will be dissolved and no longer considered a part of Occupy Nashville. We work together, or not at all. That is and has been the core of our movement. (The same goes with a constant disruption of GAs or Occupy events.)
24)Any event in which an autonomous group may well take over proceedings or lead planned events into their own events must be
discussed beforehand at GA. People must know what they are getting themselves into and be honestly informed and know their rights.
25) Meetings must be made known. (Where and when) and at the very least, a summary as notes so that it is known what was discussed. These will be posted up to 24 hours before, and the notes 24 hours after. (Transparency clause)
26) Email clause (after much forethought): Anyone that divulges the mass emails of another must do so within their own emails within 24 hours. In the interest of transparency, anyone that asks for a copy of an email proceeding should be able to see such...with the only exceptions being passwords, security information..and so on. It is adviseable not to say anything in chains that you wouldn't want the world to see. Even a movement needs its whistleblowers.
27) Regarding camp closure: (To finally settle this) The only way to close down the camp is to have first a camp consensus to close,
and then a GA consensus. If it does not pass the camp will not go to GA. (Though to be transparent, the camp working group will make it known that a consensus meeting was held.) Those members whom are outside of the camp and have refused to participate in it..or have harrassed its members are not allowed to influence the camp consensus meeting in any way, and if they attempt to do so they will be barred from any future meetings regarding the operation of the camp.
In order to hold a camp closure consensus, *all* of the following criteria must be met:
-Valid threat of eviction
-Loss of porta-johns
-Zero donations left
-State of total disrepair or abuse.
-consistency of negative element (As in abusive people)
-complete loss of police presence
-severe weather (tornado, flood, super that vein.) (This is the exception to the rule, given that the safety needs
of our Occupiers encamping is paramount)
In this regard, the issue may be settled once and for all, and everyone knows what they have to do in order to bear appropriate responsibility.
28) Regarding those that solely wish to work without an encampment and prefer alternative methods, these are not allowed
to influence an anti-camp mentality. However, they will be treated with respect by those in the they are seeking alternative methods and (common element in all of this) we need to work together as a unified whole. Just as the encampment is not wrong to seek its path, neither are those that wish to work outside of it. So let us have both, and support each other to the fullest.
29) We will work to accentuate the positive, with the establishment of programs and ideas to bring more of a positive front to the movement. A place where everyone can enjoy themselves..with the re-establishment of art, music..writing, poetry..and even sports (to such an extent as does not cause property damage.
30) We will attempt to do what few movements previously have been capable of: To create an alternative and not fall back into the same bad behaviors and mentalities that create the problems we face currently. We must never be just a different version of the same and we will take proper stewardship of this movement and of our nation by being committed to finding a healthier alternative and creating a world we can all be proud of.
31) We understand that this is not about promoting our personal platforms *as* *much* as it is about ensuring that by coming together that anyone is even allowed to have a platform at all. Our opposition is unified, and we should be as well..but we should also be clear that if we are busy fighting each other..and worrying only about our personal agendas..we will not accomplish nearly as much as we could have had we worked together.
32) Finally, we will not play the victim..or hide behind labels (right, left..etc) or terms like Fascism when we are clearly capable of intelligent communication, understanding..and getting our point across in other means.
1)Code of Conduct applies within email as well as on the Plaza. (Cyber-bullying not allowed.)
2) We will not engage in cronyism.
3) We leave our ideologies at the door, to come together united as a group of people facing the problems that plague us together.
(Reason: This is not a socialist/anarchist/vegan/democratic/communisitc/carnivorous/feminist/chauvanist movement..although it
has been started by members of all walks of the aforementioned and contains members of such.)
4) We will be open and transparent..and where issues of concern involve that transparency, we will work together to fix those problems.
5) Autonomous groups must be clearly designated, but may not have access to money from Occupy Nashville, nor any of its resources.
6) The resources donated to Occupy Nashville are meant for the movement and its forward movement, not for personal use, or to promote personal agendas.
7) Those that have violated Code of Conduct may not handle money from Occupy Nashville.
8)Those that do not participate in the encampment may not decide its fate.
(Reason: It is unfair to those that do work with the camp to have their fate decided by people that do not work with it or them.)
9) The encampment is a part of Occupy, and as such..debasing or defiling it is a violation of code of conduct as it takes away from the movement and creates a weaker front. We need a unified front to continue to create real change.
10)Occupy Nashville is not, and may not be..used as a recruiting tool for any autonomous group. We are here to come together, not be driven apart.
11) There will not be a division of working groups. Consistent and uniform achieves greater focus. Having multiple of one working group only makes things tedious. Under this rule, existing divisions would unite and must start working together, which was the purpose of this movement in the first place. (So, we can have 5 livestreams that are Occupy nashville, but one Livestream group. <---Example, so that everyone works together and covers each other.)
12)We will not accept any donation that causes us to be less that a good steward of, or compromise the integrity of this movement.
13) We will not allow donations to dictate what we will and will not do, as this is little more than the very lobbyism we claim to oppose.
14) If someone has been found to have taken donations from Occupy Nashville, they must return what was stolen to have any chance at redemption. Even after however, they are not to utilize any donations further from Occupy Nashville, especially monetary.
15) We will support our local small businesses, bringing aid and support to our communities.
16) We will find ways to aid and support our local soup kitchens, missions..and shelters..this will alleviate the burden on the encampment and allow us a stronger focus.
17) We will not give into appeasement, or to those whom have a broad sense of entitlement. (No means no. Followthrough.)
18) We will respect our encampment, and those camping whom are putting alot on the line in their own right.
19) In regards to the Homeless, those that help maintain and work with the camp are Occupiers.
20) We will present the same face in private that we do in public, or not at all.
21) We will treat our critics and whistleblowers with respect. (If we don't like what the public may think..fix the problem..and there's no longer anything to concern yourself with!)
22)Regarding positions of one that has violated Code of Conduct, or refused to uphold Code of Conduct will be allowed near one of these.
23) In the event that a group is formed comprised of individuals that have repeatedly harrassed others, or violated Code of Conduct,
that group will be dissolved and no longer considered a part of Occupy Nashville. We work together, or not at all. That is and has been the core of our movement. (The same goes with a constant disruption of GAs or Occupy events.)
24)Any event in which an autonomous group may well take over proceedings or lead planned events into their own events must be
discussed beforehand at GA. People must know what they are getting themselves into and be honestly informed and know their rights.
25) Meetings must be made known. (Where and when) and at the very least, a summary as notes so that it is known what was discussed. These will be posted up to 24 hours before, and the notes 24 hours after. (Transparency clause)
26) Email clause (after much forethought): Anyone that divulges the mass emails of another must do so within their own emails within 24 hours. In the interest of transparency, anyone that asks for a copy of an email proceeding should be able to see such...with the only exceptions being passwords, security information..and so on. It is adviseable not to say anything in chains that you wouldn't want the world to see. Even a movement needs its whistleblowers.
27) Regarding camp closure: (To finally settle this) The only way to close down the camp is to have first a camp consensus to close,
and then a GA consensus. If it does not pass the camp will not go to GA. (Though to be transparent, the camp working group will make it known that a consensus meeting was held.) Those members whom are outside of the camp and have refused to participate in it..or have harrassed its members are not allowed to influence the camp consensus meeting in any way, and if they attempt to do so they will be barred from any future meetings regarding the operation of the camp.
In order to hold a camp closure consensus, *all* of the following criteria must be met:
-Valid threat of eviction
-Loss of porta-johns
-Zero donations left
-State of total disrepair or abuse.
-consistency of negative element (As in abusive people)
-complete loss of police presence
-severe weather (tornado, flood, super that vein.) (This is the exception to the rule, given that the safety needs
of our Occupiers encamping is paramount)
In this regard, the issue may be settled once and for all, and everyone knows what they have to do in order to bear appropriate responsibility.
28) Regarding those that solely wish to work without an encampment and prefer alternative methods, these are not allowed
to influence an anti-camp mentality. However, they will be treated with respect by those in the they are seeking alternative methods and (common element in all of this) we need to work together as a unified whole. Just as the encampment is not wrong to seek its path, neither are those that wish to work outside of it. So let us have both, and support each other to the fullest.
29) We will work to accentuate the positive, with the establishment of programs and ideas to bring more of a positive front to the movement. A place where everyone can enjoy themselves..with the re-establishment of art, music..writing, poetry..and even sports (to such an extent as does not cause property damage.

30) We will attempt to do what few movements previously have been capable of: To create an alternative and not fall back into the same bad behaviors and mentalities that create the problems we face currently. We must never be just a different version of the same and we will take proper stewardship of this movement and of our nation by being committed to finding a healthier alternative and creating a world we can all be proud of.
31) We understand that this is not about promoting our personal platforms *as* *much* as it is about ensuring that by coming together that anyone is even allowed to have a platform at all. Our opposition is unified, and we should be as well..but we should also be clear that if we are busy fighting each other..and worrying only about our personal agendas..we will not accomplish nearly as much as we could have had we worked together.
32) Finally, we will not play the victim..or hide behind labels (right, left..etc) or terms like Fascism when we are clearly capable of intelligent communication, understanding..and getting our point across in other means.
Friday, January 13, 2012
An Open Thank You to an Incognito
So, earlier on I finally found out how I was 'marked'. It seems that an anonymous email has decided to go sending all of my previous emails out to the other people within the Occupy. I'm guessing this was some sort of measure to try and embarrass or shame me into submission so that I dare not ever challenge the status quo of the the Occu-Bullies ever again.
However, as everything i've said in the emails generally went out to the whole, as a whole anyway..i'm kind of wondering what the big reveal was.
The idea seemed to be that I was some form of threat because of telling everyone that I was, on the day I decided to leave the movement..going to forward the email chains and so on and so forth to the local media affiliations and the state itself. (Fair enough when you consider we got ahold of the THP emails.)If you really want my take on this, just refer to my previous blog..which basically says it all.
I mean...WAY to prove me right, oh incognito random email address! Thank you. No, seriously, thank you so very much. Not only did you not stress me out even one teensy little fact..I found your action to be so hilariously entertaining that I almost fell out of bed laughing about it. No, really..its been a while since I have laughed that hard at such overwhelming fail.
For starters, apparently I am now one of the most transparent men in Occupy, so we have that. I'm hardly complaining since I'll be more than happy to forward you an email or all of them if you're so inclined and curious...and in the nature of transparency i've even done so in that past regarding Livestream workings (for which those same people had the audacity to turn around and accuse of a lack of transparency not even a day or so later! I know, right?)..or flat out anything i've ever said to a person. By the way, anything i've said about a person I have also said to them as well. I'm a pretty open and blunt to the point sort of there really isn't anything to hide and I have yet to actually try to do so as it doesn't suit me.
Nah...this simply goes back to the Occu-Bullies doing the only thing they really know how to do. Oh dear, someone questioned they have to put a target on them for doing so. That will teach them, right?
Erm, not really. Dominance games just don't really work on me. Mind games either. That just makes me want to investigate *you* more. And..thanks for the ego boost, I have to add. I was off the Plaza for one week due to illness and another due to recovering from food poisoning and somehow I still manage to find myself as a threat to someone's plans without even trying. Wasn't quite aware that I was that talented..but hey! Thanks for making my day.
Plus, there's the added effect of..if you're so focused on myself that I have to be your little threat, oh keyboard brave little keypad warrior you! *smiles* ..then the actual Occupy movement itself can actually get going..after all if all your efforts are going to lil ol me..then that means that our members in the movement can breathe easily for a bit until you get the hint. And bullies never seem to get the hint. They just think if they act up a little more, or be a little more aggressive..that they can finally budge and run off all their problems. Good luck with that.
So again, a big thank you for proving my words correct, and amusing the living daylights out of well as providing a little relief to the other occupiers that would probably be taking it instead otherwise. While you busy yourself creating your own source of annoying..the rest of the people whom aren't totally mentally imbalanced will move on ahead of you...and create that wonderful change that you are only capable of talking about. Thanks for brightening my day!
PS: I love you all, even the crazy ones.
However, as everything i've said in the emails generally went out to the whole, as a whole anyway..i'm kind of wondering what the big reveal was.
The idea seemed to be that I was some form of threat because of telling everyone that I was, on the day I decided to leave the movement..going to forward the email chains and so on and so forth to the local media affiliations and the state itself. (Fair enough when you consider we got ahold of the THP emails.)If you really want my take on this, just refer to my previous blog..which basically says it all.
I mean...WAY to prove me right, oh incognito random email address! Thank you. No, seriously, thank you so very much. Not only did you not stress me out even one teensy little fact..I found your action to be so hilariously entertaining that I almost fell out of bed laughing about it. No, really..its been a while since I have laughed that hard at such overwhelming fail.
For starters, apparently I am now one of the most transparent men in Occupy, so we have that. I'm hardly complaining since I'll be more than happy to forward you an email or all of them if you're so inclined and curious...and in the nature of transparency i've even done so in that past regarding Livestream workings (for which those same people had the audacity to turn around and accuse of a lack of transparency not even a day or so later! I know, right?)..or flat out anything i've ever said to a person. By the way, anything i've said about a person I have also said to them as well. I'm a pretty open and blunt to the point sort of there really isn't anything to hide and I have yet to actually try to do so as it doesn't suit me.
Nah...this simply goes back to the Occu-Bullies doing the only thing they really know how to do. Oh dear, someone questioned they have to put a target on them for doing so. That will teach them, right?
Erm, not really. Dominance games just don't really work on me. Mind games either. That just makes me want to investigate *you* more. And..thanks for the ego boost, I have to add. I was off the Plaza for one week due to illness and another due to recovering from food poisoning and somehow I still manage to find myself as a threat to someone's plans without even trying. Wasn't quite aware that I was that talented..but hey! Thanks for making my day.
Plus, there's the added effect of..if you're so focused on myself that I have to be your little threat, oh keyboard brave little keypad warrior you! *smiles* ..then the actual Occupy movement itself can actually get going..after all if all your efforts are going to lil ol me..then that means that our members in the movement can breathe easily for a bit until you get the hint. And bullies never seem to get the hint. They just think if they act up a little more, or be a little more aggressive..that they can finally budge and run off all their problems. Good luck with that.
So again, a big thank you for proving my words correct, and amusing the living daylights out of well as providing a little relief to the other occupiers that would probably be taking it instead otherwise. While you busy yourself creating your own source of annoying..the rest of the people whom aren't totally mentally imbalanced will move on ahead of you...and create that wonderful change that you are only capable of talking about. Thanks for brightening my day!
PS: I love you all, even the crazy ones.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Something to think about.
You know, shortly after the last post I had myself removed from email chains altogether. Before that occurred however, I made one final notation..which was this.
"What would happen if I forwarded these email chains to the state and to the press? Tell you what, the day I leave..that is the first thing I am going to do."
Apparently, now, because of this, at least one person "has it out for me." A severely imbalanced keyboard commando that can't keep her own stories straight and feels the need to bully others into submission. Please lady...I worked in retail for years. A typical Sunday morning has you beat in spades, so stop wasting my time and my inbox space with your blatant stupidity..before you decided to email me I at least thought you were somewhat intelligent..a perception that has been greatly changed since.
Its kind of absurd, you know. A group of people claims to care so much about their personal image,
and what others think of them. Yet...they repeatedly let things happen that are not good for their personal image..or the movement period. The order of the day is bullying other people...or running off
and tantruming by doing their own thing rather than working as a group. The statement has been made that for the State to see us like this..they would be laughing at us.
Indeed, for we have met the enemy, and it is us.
To say it will get you chastised, jumped on, ridiculed or regarded in an abusive manner. What was once a unified whole has become factions, each trying to speak FOR the whole. Some of them happening to be quite fringe or just severely imbalanced/hostile to anyone that is not a part of their inner circle. One faction in particular seems to be quite dedicated to the destruction/ending of the encampment..and they have yet to actually provide real reasons for why we have to without fail be without an encampment.
Keep in mind, they are also not a part of the encampment, either, nor do they work with it. In fact, they have refused to work with it..and on occasion harassed its members. Largely in person, they usually refuse to discuss anything..their only real bravado comes from behind a desk and a keyboard. Then its like animals devouring each other.
To see these displays is enough to truly horrify folks. The curious thing is the sheer level of cowardice displayed during these events. The bullies and the manipulators are in full swing..but what is amazing is not what you hear but in fact..what you don't hear. We can't tell people "No." And we certainly can't tell someone to stop being abusive..or playing the victim.
We will argue for days straight about the use of language...however, what we will not do for at least a week is take care of our occupiers and get winterization straight, or help protect them from the rain. Or come up with a more adequate donation system...or situate the food situation in camp. Nope, lets take the least pressing matter and argue about how our own backsides appear to the whole..because clearly that is more important than starvation, dehydration, or exposure.
Yet, the moment you try to say something that isn't goody become the enemy. Whistleblowers and critics aren't allowed in this Occupy, and in many ways we have come to truly act like the very things we claim to oppose. What is worse..these seem to be okay..and *allowed* as long as it doesn't clutter one's inbox too much.
Accuse someone of supporting women's abuse? Nothing is said.
Accuse someone of hacking their computer and getting threatened with a lawsuit over it?
Apparently that's fine!
Now, say something about these people on the other hand..then you're being a bully, and they are the victim. Isn't interesting how the bullies make themselves out to be the victim, and how they never know what you're talking about when you confront them?
The only cowardice worse than those that decide to be bullies is the cowardice of the silent consent of those that allow it to continue.
If Occupy Nashville really cares so much about its image, it should work harder on its followthrough, accountability, and transparency...rather than just leaving things to the bullies and professional victims that want to turn this into their own personal circus for their own private agendas that have nothing to do with Occupy. If what the email chains contain is *that* seriously worrying to them...
...then maybe we should practice what we preach and show in those email chains the same face that we show to the world. In a word, its called consistency..but it also means that of those two of them is real..and one of them is not..and we should get it in gear and make sure we know what side that we put forth is the real Occupy nashville.
If that real side isn't something we like..then letting it slide won't change anything. It just proves our opponents right. We either fix it..or as a whole..we deserve whatever we get if it hits the press and the state.
We don't like to hear it, but that is very much the reality of things..and we should always be more concerned about doing the right thing, not inflating our egos and protecting our backsides. That is what the government and our opposition does. We can't change them by imitating them, and it is insanity to presume otherwise.
"What would happen if I forwarded these email chains to the state and to the press? Tell you what, the day I leave..that is the first thing I am going to do."
Apparently, now, because of this, at least one person "has it out for me." A severely imbalanced keyboard commando that can't keep her own stories straight and feels the need to bully others into submission. Please lady...I worked in retail for years. A typical Sunday morning has you beat in spades, so stop wasting my time and my inbox space with your blatant stupidity..before you decided to email me I at least thought you were somewhat intelligent..a perception that has been greatly changed since.
Its kind of absurd, you know. A group of people claims to care so much about their personal image,
and what others think of them. Yet...they repeatedly let things happen that are not good for their personal image..or the movement period. The order of the day is bullying other people...or running off
and tantruming by doing their own thing rather than working as a group. The statement has been made that for the State to see us like this..they would be laughing at us.
Indeed, for we have met the enemy, and it is us.
To say it will get you chastised, jumped on, ridiculed or regarded in an abusive manner. What was once a unified whole has become factions, each trying to speak FOR the whole. Some of them happening to be quite fringe or just severely imbalanced/hostile to anyone that is not a part of their inner circle. One faction in particular seems to be quite dedicated to the destruction/ending of the encampment..and they have yet to actually provide real reasons for why we have to without fail be without an encampment.
Keep in mind, they are also not a part of the encampment, either, nor do they work with it. In fact, they have refused to work with it..and on occasion harassed its members. Largely in person, they usually refuse to discuss anything..their only real bravado comes from behind a desk and a keyboard. Then its like animals devouring each other.
To see these displays is enough to truly horrify folks. The curious thing is the sheer level of cowardice displayed during these events. The bullies and the manipulators are in full swing..but what is amazing is not what you hear but in fact..what you don't hear. We can't tell people "No." And we certainly can't tell someone to stop being abusive..or playing the victim.
We will argue for days straight about the use of language...however, what we will not do for at least a week is take care of our occupiers and get winterization straight, or help protect them from the rain. Or come up with a more adequate donation system...or situate the food situation in camp. Nope, lets take the least pressing matter and argue about how our own backsides appear to the whole..because clearly that is more important than starvation, dehydration, or exposure.
Yet, the moment you try to say something that isn't goody become the enemy. Whistleblowers and critics aren't allowed in this Occupy, and in many ways we have come to truly act like the very things we claim to oppose. What is worse..these seem to be okay..and *allowed* as long as it doesn't clutter one's inbox too much.
Accuse someone of supporting women's abuse? Nothing is said.
Accuse someone of hacking their computer and getting threatened with a lawsuit over it?
Apparently that's fine!
Now, say something about these people on the other hand..then you're being a bully, and they are the victim. Isn't interesting how the bullies make themselves out to be the victim, and how they never know what you're talking about when you confront them?
The only cowardice worse than those that decide to be bullies is the cowardice of the silent consent of those that allow it to continue.
If Occupy Nashville really cares so much about its image, it should work harder on its followthrough, accountability, and transparency...rather than just leaving things to the bullies and professional victims that want to turn this into their own personal circus for their own private agendas that have nothing to do with Occupy. If what the email chains contain is *that* seriously worrying to them...
...then maybe we should practice what we preach and show in those email chains the same face that we show to the world. In a word, its called consistency..but it also means that of those two of them is real..and one of them is not..and we should get it in gear and make sure we know what side that we put forth is the real Occupy nashville.
If that real side isn't something we like..then letting it slide won't change anything. It just proves our opponents right. We either fix it..or as a whole..we deserve whatever we get if it hits the press and the state.
We don't like to hear it, but that is very much the reality of things..and we should always be more concerned about doing the right thing, not inflating our egos and protecting our backsides. That is what the government and our opposition does. We can't change them by imitating them, and it is insanity to presume otherwise.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Here it comes...
Considering how much abuse the Livestream team has taken over the past month at least, i'd say turnabout is fair play.
So..we have Eva's recent post on how she is doing "Women who Occupy" segment and announcing it is about S-E-X as part of a segment on OccupyNashville2012's livestream.
This was one of two different moves done by the same people, that have repeatively created the same arguments. However, it is apparently okay as long as they are the ones doing it.
Within these members, they went and formed a "PR group"..supposedly to create press releases and so on.
These same members have repeatedly pushed to have the camp shut down, and one of them has increasingly been hateful towards our Livestream and disruptive in chat. Also..definition of PR for those unwise to it:
This is certainly much more than just writing press releases. So why the lies? Why do these folks seem to feel that we are stupid and won't notice?
...and now a reply to an earlier posting on mine, in which one of the lot is trying to defend their action. Again, the double standard. If one of theirs does it..there is an excuse. If one of the livestream does it..there is no excuse and somehow it winds up being tech's fault as well.. ( really isn't.)
..harassment all around.
But heaven's forbid you call them on it. Then you're a Fascist, a women-hater, and any other label they can throw at you.
Then the subject of transparency. How can a group claim to want transparency...and want mediation for that matter when..
-repeated harassment of the members of ON, including on two occasions challenging them to duels.
-increased double-standards..
-create groups deciding they speak for everyone without knowledge or consent.
-refuse to attend any form of mediation or even speak regarding these things.
-Refuse to admit any wrong-doing of any kind, and get nasty about it if pressed.
-portray a false image of how females are treated in the movement, and the behavior of males, stirring the pot and trying to make a gender war out of things. (ex: Psh, men. Oh, those male mods..)
-they have gone and got themselves some office space (Question: Where is the money coming from for this office space?) with the AFCLIU (A union pushing for the re-election of Obama)..and have been pushing for the camp to close down..and work within offices, etc.
Hmm. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. No secret meetings, buildings, and so on, eh?
Also, if the 2012 Livestream is all about Occupy..why are none of them here to cover events? There was no one to cover the 2011 New Years event. Or any of our GAs, despite outcry for more of that.
Where is it? Why is it that the majority of the members in this group are rarely even in camp..and do everything from home...yet say it is about Occupy? (You need to BE there in order to comment on it.)
The truth of it is plain as sunshine...and it is why we need to get our groups back in order. Our movement is about 'working together'..and what this is an example of is the concept of people that didn't get their own way..or weren't allowed to try and run things. (Leaderless movement, amazing concept!) ..and so they just made up their own thing. That isn't progress, and trying to say otherwise is a blatant lie, just like saying PR is about press releases is a blatant lie.
Also, let it be added within the email chains that this same group has repeatedly ignored any solutions or attempts at progress, solely to fixate on fighting, getting their own personal way..and/or trying to be the boss.
I am not going to name names. I don't personally need to. But actions speak louder than words, and the petty attempts of these people to dominate our some cases try and use it as a platform for their own blatantly prejudiced views..and create chaos and an environment of flat out bullying will not be tolerated.
Operation Reboot. This is the people's movement, not your battleground, but if you want a war so badly, we *will* fight you to keep it the people's movement.
We will not be Co-Opted
We will not be uprooted
We will not forget
Expect us.
So..we have Eva's recent post on how she is doing "Women who Occupy" segment and announcing it is about S-E-X as part of a segment on OccupyNashville2012's livestream.
This was one of two different moves done by the same people, that have repeatively created the same arguments. However, it is apparently okay as long as they are the ones doing it.
Within these members, they went and formed a "PR group"..supposedly to create press releases and so on.
These same members have repeatedly pushed to have the camp shut down, and one of them has increasingly been hateful towards our Livestream and disruptive in chat. Also..definition of PR for those unwise to it:
- The professional maintenance of a favorable public image by an organization or a famous person.
- The state of the relationship between the public and a company or other organization or a famous person.
This is certainly much more than just writing press releases. So why the lies? Why do these folks seem to feel that we are stupid and won't notice?
...and now a reply to an earlier posting on mine, in which one of the lot is trying to defend their action. Again, the double standard. If one of theirs does it..there is an excuse. If one of the livestream does it..there is no excuse and somehow it winds up being tech's fault as well.. ( really isn't.)
..harassment all around.
But heaven's forbid you call them on it. Then you're a Fascist, a women-hater, and any other label they can throw at you.
Then the subject of transparency. How can a group claim to want transparency...and want mediation for that matter when..
-repeated harassment of the members of ON, including on two occasions challenging them to duels.
-increased double-standards..
-create groups deciding they speak for everyone without knowledge or consent.
-refuse to attend any form of mediation or even speak regarding these things.
-Refuse to admit any wrong-doing of any kind, and get nasty about it if pressed.
-portray a false image of how females are treated in the movement, and the behavior of males, stirring the pot and trying to make a gender war out of things. (ex: Psh, men. Oh, those male mods..)
-they have gone and got themselves some office space (Question: Where is the money coming from for this office space?) with the AFCLIU (A union pushing for the re-election of Obama)..and have been pushing for the camp to close down..and work within offices, etc.
Hmm. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. No secret meetings, buildings, and so on, eh?
Also, if the 2012 Livestream is all about Occupy..why are none of them here to cover events? There was no one to cover the 2011 New Years event. Or any of our GAs, despite outcry for more of that.
Where is it? Why is it that the majority of the members in this group are rarely even in camp..and do everything from home...yet say it is about Occupy? (You need to BE there in order to comment on it.)
The truth of it is plain as sunshine...and it is why we need to get our groups back in order. Our movement is about 'working together'..and what this is an example of is the concept of people that didn't get their own way..or weren't allowed to try and run things. (Leaderless movement, amazing concept!) ..and so they just made up their own thing. That isn't progress, and trying to say otherwise is a blatant lie, just like saying PR is about press releases is a blatant lie.
Also, let it be added within the email chains that this same group has repeatedly ignored any solutions or attempts at progress, solely to fixate on fighting, getting their own personal way..and/or trying to be the boss.
I am not going to name names. I don't personally need to. But actions speak louder than words, and the petty attempts of these people to dominate our some cases try and use it as a platform for their own blatantly prejudiced views..and create chaos and an environment of flat out bullying will not be tolerated.
Operation Reboot. This is the people's movement, not your battleground, but if you want a war so badly, we *will* fight you to keep it the people's movement.
We will not be Co-Opted
We will not be uprooted
We will not forget
Expect us.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Enjoy the Show.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Boys and Girls!
Children of all ages!
...and so on and so forth.
After reading a few slanted views, some interesting views, and a whole lot of views than make me want to cram people in little boxes and sell them off on Ebay, thus giving a beneficial use for them aside from say, fertilization.. (to be fair, i'm sure said people wouldn't even give myself that much credit, so take with a grain of salt..) ...I've finally decided to get off my butt and write a blog.
Here's what you can expect: A whole lot of uncensored. I'm going to say things..some of which you will like, and some of which you will not only not like..but maybe even want to shoot me for. Fair enough, I say. This blog's going to cover many of my personal experiences in and around the Occupy Movement but in NO way does it speak FOR the Occupy Movement, just myself. However, there are things that I will say on here that members of the Occupy will likely not care much for. I'm going to tell it at least as close to how it is as I can percieve own writings may be something you want to take with a grain of salt.
Please bear this in mind. There's no outcry on the other blogs, so I expect none here, and if there is, i'm going to tell you where you can shove it, in a friendly manner, of course.
"I may disagree with what you might say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
With that said, enjoy the show. :)
Boys and Girls!
Children of all ages!
...and so on and so forth.
After reading a few slanted views, some interesting views, and a whole lot of views than make me want to cram people in little boxes and sell them off on Ebay, thus giving a beneficial use for them aside from say, fertilization.. (to be fair, i'm sure said people wouldn't even give myself that much credit, so take with a grain of salt..) ...I've finally decided to get off my butt and write a blog.
Here's what you can expect: A whole lot of uncensored. I'm going to say things..some of which you will like, and some of which you will not only not like..but maybe even want to shoot me for. Fair enough, I say. This blog's going to cover many of my personal experiences in and around the Occupy Movement but in NO way does it speak FOR the Occupy Movement, just myself. However, there are things that I will say on here that members of the Occupy will likely not care much for. I'm going to tell it at least as close to how it is as I can percieve own writings may be something you want to take with a grain of salt.
Please bear this in mind. There's no outcry on the other blogs, so I expect none here, and if there is, i'm going to tell you where you can shove it, in a friendly manner, of course.
"I may disagree with what you might say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
With that said, enjoy the show. :)
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