So, today..we're taking a look at the biggest problem Occupy is currently facing. The self-destructive..often at times insane or blindly following, cronyism laced group known as the "Occubullies."
For starters, Tristan recently posted an Article on an Injury to One regarding feminism and so on. However, it was very curious at the choice of person he chose to pick...his friend Eva. This wouldn't be so strange except that this is not an unusual case with Eva: She runs off and does something, she's then the victim....and then everyone against her is suddenly doing so because she's a woman..etc,etc,etc.
Its just curious to me, that in getting regards for this incident, the guy never chose to interview other people around the area..including myself, whom was IN the tent right in front of things when they happened. I stepped out to talk with them both. (Unlike some people, I don't just assume my buddy is correct.)
So, here's the real deal. Scott..a sexually aggressive man to be fair and true..was walking through camp when Eva approached him and started screaming and yelling at him. This isn't the only time she's done this either..which is why the camp later told her she needed to calm down and chill out. However, Queen Eva can't be told what to do! Oh no, that's a sin. So she proceeded to go throughout the *entire* camp yelling and raising a fuss. Scott even tried to approach her later and make peace...but this was refused by Eva. (This isn't condoning his behavior. It IS raising the question of why hers is suddenly okay.)
Now, lets take a bit of a step you can understand where i'm coming from. We had a violent person that would come by the plaza by the name of Gollum. (What he called himself.) Very mentally unbalanced...prone to carrying weapons at times..with a group of people that often did the same and had in fact on two occasions attacked our occupiers. So...when you see this man passing by, what do you do? You generally just let him pass on his way.
Ah, but Eva can't do that. She has to jump into this guys face, start yelling at him...which does what? Endangers everyone around, just because *one* person had to be the center of attention and get their personal ego riled. She was *very* lucky that the man whom was known to occasionally have a weapon on him..or a group with weapons..didn't come back and turn the place into a warzone. When approached about this..and told that this is NOT the way to mediate (especially with a known violent offender)...she was suddenly the victim. Everyone was picking on her because they told her to stop and think about her actions..and we can't have that.
So, as we can see here...this is not something unique. OH, but Eva supports women, and all of that right? Wrong answer. All we have to do is go back to a certain person by the name of Jonathan, whom was with the encampment until right before the first nights of arrest. This is a man whom was frequently drunk and high..and often violent when doing so. He harassed women on the Plaza..and was such a nuisance he was actually ejected at one point. So where was Eva during all of this?
Routinely backing up this guy. When we stressed Code of Conduct, she interfered. She made excuses for him..let him do what he pleased. (Its funny how the rules change whenever its a friend of hers, or her group. You'll see more of this later.) Later, he even went, ran off with the food pot..and started up a very childish tantrum of "You can't tell me what to do!" ..oh, and this same guy repeatedly was against Code of Conduct in the first place. She backed him up.
That's not even getting into the bit where Eva accused one person of being a drunk, and routinely harassed another guy till he got ticked off and blew up at everyone. OH, and who could forget the hotel incident? Hotel rooms were bought so that people on Plaza could take showers..she kept one of them all to herself. Oh, but people said rude things to her! Poor baby. I wonder why? Its amazing to me that the common element with these "victims" is the same. They can never do any, or admit to any wrong. And this is just *one* in a group.
Lets not even get into the militant vegan stuff.Sitting in front of a camera, smoking a cigarette, telling those watching that meat is murder and poison. Way to go. Then she was all buddy buddy with Lance..who did what again? Oh, yeah. Stole money that was meant to go to direct action...for drugs.
When an outcry was raised....she backed him up!
But this is a poor, picked lady?
Oh, and then there was the formation of the PR (Public Relations) group, and the Livestream 2012 group. Not surprisingly..she is on both of these. Now..the 2012 Livestream is where things get particularly interesting. Why?
Before its formation, we had Samantha, Brittany..and another lady on..feminists..speaking about women's issues on the 2011 stream. We were attacked by *E* and *D* over this..and how they
were using unacceptable language..talking about sex..and how that is inappropriate and will cost us support. Eva was present for this conversation..which also included the issue of complaints given to the livestream....complaints that when we *repeatedly* asked for..we were denied by *D*. (Later, she would go on to further accuse us of not handling these same reports..but still refusing to actually tell us about or show us them in any way, shape, or form.)
Sam and Brit were harassed. Keep this in mind. By people supporting Feminism. Now..flash foward to the 2012 stream..which has suddenly become 80% focused on women's issues and feminism..despite being formed initially to be solely about Occupy, because as they put wasn't being done. Okay..fair enough...but this is what ended up happening.
To boot, Eva is up on the team...and then..she's suddenly a woman of Occupy...speaking on? S-E-X!
(She broadcasted this on her Facebook.) Including at one point..talking about female genitalia.Now, the same people that got pissed off at Sam and Brit..what did they have to say about this? "Whoohoo!"
So...its degrading and will cost us support....but.....if *THEY* do it.."Woohoo!"
Same reaction with the concept of Misandry. "What about the menz?"
Talk about people that can't see the forest for the trees. That isn't feminism. That is sexism..and its not a surprise that this runs rampant within these groups. Now they have a women occupy livestream. Same people..again. This is the crap i'm talking about when I say "People that hide behind feminism to pull crap." It is NOT okay, regardless of whom or what you are.
Oh..and the public relations, which was dictated as a "press release group" but shows on the forums AS Public Relations. What does it mean? The professional representation of the image of a group or person.
So...we let these sorts speak for us now? They represent our image?
Probably the worst facet of this is that we *let* it occur.
"If we just ignore it, it will go away."
"If we let them go, they'll hang themselves and we can get back to things then."
"Just let them alone, they'll be content and stop with the crap."
So, you know it is wrong...but you *allow* it to continue..and you hope for a change?
Insanity: The act of replaying something and thinking something different will happen as a result.
Repeated code of conduct violations, cronyism, attempted censorship. Harassment. Running off of our members. People speaking for others (thus creating a leadership role in a leaderless society). Legal threats at one point. Bullying, and lies, lies, lies.
Oh, but after a month or two of this...its just going to go away? Are you seriously kidding me?
This is just one example. More to follow.
And I'm a woman hater cause I agree oh wait I'm desperate to be accepted by a group of men because I agree.