Friday, February 10, 2012

To Those of you from Channel 4 WSMV or any other places that get sent here..

 Welcome,for starters. No doubt you're here because of a "Grils_girl" comment that linked to my blog.

I wish I could say that this isn't due to some very petty, hateful people, but unfortunately, that is the case.

If you read my other posts, you'll find notice of the "Occubullies." Well,'ve just met one posing as a member of Occupy. The actual name is grits girl, a lady named Debra..whom is currently very unamused at her name being taken advantage of by one or more very mentally disturbed people that apparently have way too much time on their hands.

Earlier this week, a handle named "grits_girl" popped up on a Nashville Scene article doing the same stuff. Not surprising, Livestream and Tech people are the usual targets. I asked Debra about this, and not only was she surprised, but in fact pretty darn startled and very unamused. (Impersonation of another is not only wrong, but the highest form of cowardice.)

First, we have the Evil unveiled site..owned by? Trillian Dent, otherwise known as Cynthia. Among other things, she's known to enjoy causing pain to others..and goes around making accusations without a care as to whom she hurts. This is both known and documented..and her little site is the continuation of another group of similar folks that got shut down for doing the same...sending emails and letters to others "for the lulz' and trying to smear lives. They DID catch a few crooks, to be fair...however..their methods are worse than sketchy. The writing style? Dixie. Keep in official investigation has been made..nor any effort to contact or work with law enforcement. (They say investigation methods..but they don't have any. They couldn't even get the dude's chat alias right. Sad, huh?)

Trillian is the Louise to the Thelma known as Norma or Dixie. A hate machine on wheels that hides behind the veneer of a "friendly feminist counselor"..whom in truth could really give a rat's ass about friendliness or feminism. This is just what she hides behind to get emotionally invested females to back her cause blindingly... (which also might explain why no one seems to know how she got mysteriously unbanned..yet one of her supporters is a mod in both areas. Hm.)

Dixie has a huge problem with anyone that tells her that she is either a) wrong in some fashion, or b) that she has to follow the rules or respect other people. She has been little else other than poison (except for her screwed up fan club) from Day One. This is her main problem with the Tech and Livestream. They told the Adult Child that she had to behave, and she is throwing a sociopathic temper tantrum like one big, spoiled brat.

Now, on the subject of Occupy Nashville. Unlike many bloggers and so on..i've actually BEEN on the damn Plaza. Not quite since Day One..but pretty close. So I know alot of what has gone on there, aside from many things that have happened this month (First sickness, then food poisoning, then helping a good friend through a really rough time.). The last thing I honestly am in the mood for is dealing with this hateful bullshit from some cowardly keyboard commandos that don't even have the guts to use their OWN name..but use SOMEONE ELSE'S name just to try to get people to attack them. That is low.

There are good people and problem people in any group. I've seen both good times AND bad times in Occupy Nashville..and while there are attributes of it that I currently do not like and cannot stand the same time I am not going to let some mere two bit floozy that uses her talents as a former counselor in an abusive manner to smear and tarnish what memories and pride in it that I DO have.

Honestly, come down..see for yourself. If you have questions..ask me here: . Go right ahead. Want to know the good or bad? Want clarification? Happy to help.

However, I will not stand for this lowdown cowardly bullshit on behalf of an allowed token sociopath freakazoid whack-job. So if you hear any comments from a grils_girl or a grits_girl...mentioning Evil Unveiled..or trying to smear Matthew Hammil for the umpteenth time (Because apparently these folks really do have no lives..)..please ignore them for the worthless trash that they are.

If you want clarification, just ask me.

And as far as the Norma/Dixie and Cynthia/Trill squad goes..your entire group is nothing but a bunch of petty, childish cowards and bullies. Seek professional help, you need it.

The one bright side? I can finally understand why they were so offended by "Bitches in a Tent". They don't like competition!

   Fedoraman <3

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