Okay! Round two. (Not stopping til I get all of this out, or i'll never get around to it.)
For starters, let me actually address Norma here: You are full of shit. It is a rare occasion you know what the hell you are talking about..and had you actually bothered to sit, listen..not be a shit-starter, got your pathetic head out of your ass..and *heard* what people had to say..there are *all sorts* of things myself and others could tell you..good bad and otherwise. Fark, actually talk to people on the plaza, that are there 24-7! You're supposed to be some sort of investigator/journalist...but you can't even be bothered over petty things like details. The only thing you have ever been bothered to do, is be a perpetual asshole. I think its comical that you think i'm a POS when you don't know me and have no way of finding out. Oh, wait..your groupies? What are their investigative skills again?
How about Trill? Oh, right. She blocked me after a message where I posted that methods of deduction are never 100% perfect and always up to scrutiny, especially in terms of science..as our knowledge basis of science is only so far ahead and continually growing. Thus, to say we know it all is foolish.
For that, her fragile ego couldn't take it. LOL, that's your investigative reporter? Oh, and what about Eva? She's good at two things. Being a follower, and yelling really loud. Not much else. Sure, she claims to be a lovey-dovey "spread the love" mystic and energy worker type..but she's full of shit. Put the magnifying glass on her and its "Oh, lets be lovey"...start on someone and she's highly aggressive, rude, and self-righteous. Keep dreaming sunshine Eva, I know who not to trust when I see em.
...and this is where you get your info from? HA. Keep fooling yourself.
Okay. Groups time. Lets start with Blac Block:
-Will (Not much to say on him. Just basically supports whatever they do.)
-Jeremiah (Started the fuck the police thing, friends with Eva)
-Matt (briefly)
-Tristan? (Unsure of this, but he usually runs with this group. During the building fiasco he was one that remarked how fun it was to enjoy the feeling of disobedience..)
-A couple of others that haven't been around in a while.
Then..the "anti-male" group.
-Connie (yes-person to Dar)
-Eli (Not really super anti male, but her comments have gotten more and more sexist to males.
She broke down at one point over a statement casually made by a male mediator because it was something she disagreed with. I mean, really?)
-Will (Again, more as the follower type.)
Now, note whom is friends with whom. Note whom is in what groups. And note who keeps saying the same bullshit.
OH, and let me clear something up first and foremost.
1)I hear alot of talk about how I supposedly block what I don't like. I have never once raised a block in the history of GA. There have been two occasions I have considered doing so..one..which was to go against our core principles..and the other..involving the homeless and letting them walk all over us and take our resources that had been donated in good faith. that's it.
....in fact, I developed a sign to be used in GA to help speed the process along and ensure that the most important aspects, like winterization and so on..get accomplished. But, nobody talks about that...as concerned for truth as they claim to be.
2) The one "spreading rumors" and news, etc...was JASON, *not* me. I still have the email from Dorsey accusing me of spreading lies and so on. Um, no. In the case of the boro, (which you guys seem to be proving me right on with your Phase II bullshit, which..that is what it is..rhetoric and bullshit so you don't look like complete horses asses when you get caught with your pants down..)
I had 4 different people approach me with concerns. Two I mentioned, two I did not out of respect to their anonymity.
Regarding the other stuff, i'd be sitting in the media tent or with the group discussing something, when he would usually be the one to bring it up. Discussions would be had..and as there are things I just can't stand for...I'd be one that would be very vocal about things that just shouldn't be tolerated. At this point, Jason would usually be the one to not deal with it...suddenly be going to bed, or say maybe a sentence or two before popping out. However, you folks would never take it up with him, you'd take it out on me instead..since you seemed to feel like i'd make for an easier target.
OH, and lets not forget the beauty of that building incident..in which the people planning it *knew* there were THP cars on the side of the building, and sent people in to get arrested. Why? To get attention. Then, they dressed it up as if it was an action to help the homeless..which it wasn't. It was Jeremiah and co, out to stick it to the man...well, everyone else anyway. He decided to step off to the side and go mess with a convenience store for cigarettes instead. Funny how I don't hear Norma, whom is so concerned about the welfare of Occupy Nashville talking about this. I don't here her talking about Lance, one of Eva's friends...whom took over 100 bucks of donation money and used it to by drugs with, either.
Oh, by the way, once this was made known, Lance was not only removed, but no one decided to do anything about it. Bravo guys. And when it was mentioned that the email regarding such might be leaked to the press...all of a sudden, Norma and company jumped all over it.
...and then, even though it was a big deal, Cynthia/Trill pasted it in a public chat that they know the state watches anyway. I mean, really guys? Really?
So, i'm in the Livestream chat, people are upset, and other people are trying to be self-righteous and come up with poor excuses after the fact (Something that would turn out to become a trend.)..and Darlene asks me to talk to the news, condemn the action, and so on. I do so. Then I come back and find that a press release has mysteriously popped up (which, no one knows who wrote it.)...supporting the action.
So now, i've been thrown under the bus for the news. Just lovely. I don't have to tell you just how pissed off at that I was, but i'm sure lots of others could. I was so pissed off that it was a few days before I could stream again, but that didn't stop Trill from jumping on Facebook, dragging me into things..and say that "I was feeling sorry for myself, refusing to give over the hotspots, and refusing to stream."
Well, here's the REAL story assholes. I didn't have the hotspots, and hadn't had them for a few days. I told *Dorsey* (Note her popping up again? Right) that I was not in the right mental or emotional state to stream, that Matt was around with a hotspot somewhere and would be a better choice..and that such was the most mature thing I could do at the time. Needless to say though, *all* of this gets ignored..because who the fuck cares, right? As it is, this was before Dorsey accused Wolfy out of the blue of hacking her stuff....something which she would later deny even though I was sitting in the media tent and listening to every word. Oh, but she's just the victim, i'm sure.
Now, what group is Dorsey with? Whom in that group owns a site that later made some serious accusations about Wolfy? And whose writing style is on the site? Huh. No connections? Sure. Also,
bear in mind that these folks waited until after the guy left to make the accusation...they couldn't even say it to his face, or actually get law enforcement involved.
The Plot thickens.
Now lets get to Blac Block, fuck the man, and all of that nonsense.
We had anarchists since day one, and really, it wasn't much of a problem at first. They had their views, we had ours..no big deal. It was initially about folks coming together from all walks of life anyway.
If I had to put my finger on it, I would have to say it started with Code of Conduct..since these guys were opposed to rules in any form, especially anything that might apply to themselves having to tone it down and behave. You can't tell them this, and if you were to post something of a similar nature, look at the above and see whom posts in defense. Usually the same people, everytime. Then when it came to getting police help, we couldn't do that because "fuck the police", blah blah blah.
Keep in mind that not only had Metro been really good to us, but they gave us warnings when they could have arrested us, and some of theirs actually gave us donations and were geniunely concerned with our healthy and safety, at times offering advice on the side. But hey, screw them, right? Jesus...
Now we get to the Rumsfeld action. While that man is a piece of crap....and I detest him like none other, we had Jeremiah yelling out to storm the Hilton. I don't have to tell you how stupid that is. I'm sure most rational people know that such an action is only going to backfire. I yell out "No! That is not what we are about!" ..to which I get jumped on. Jeremiah's rationale? "Well, if you're being raped don't you defend yourself?" .....that....makes no sense. It really doesn't. Yes, he did horrible things, and HE is a bad person...but that doesn't justify storming a hotel full of people that didn't do anything other than be there. This is an example of trying to rile up mob mentality...and as with most things Jeremiah related..it shows you just how much of a child he is..doing things to get attention, and then letting others take the fall for him. He's charismatic..but as he is largely emotionless and has no remorse for anything he does...he clearly displays sociopathic tendencies. This is not a man that knows what he's talking about under serious investigation..and most of his rebuttals are along the lines of "See, I think if you really listened to what you're saying..you're really wanting to say these things to yourself.."
...again, juvenile, infantile, bullshit. Why people want to follow this half-baked clown around like he's god's gift to the revolutionary is beyond me, because if anything, his tactics are simply designed to get attention, provoke, and ultimately push people away from whatever cause he claims to represent.
So if you're looking for the one yelling to "fuck the police"....look no further than him.
So why is Norma so fixated on one group, and ignoring this guy? Makes no sense for someone that claims to be about the truth.
Oh, right. We also had Dorsey making a big production number out of looking Donald Rumsfeld in the eye and telling him he was a war criminal. I have to say, I *was* kind of impressed at the theatrics, I mean..between the posing, the forcing the indignant look, and the posturing on the words..it was a pretty good show for the cameras. *Thankfully* the Hilton was not stormed..but this was when things started to go even more downhill.
The building incident. To give you a rough idea, the building itself..the moment people got inside they found that it was connected to another building, with lights working, a guard hut, and so on. A federal building with cars, new ones..parked in the back. It was connected by the second and the ground levels. This was the building that they were going to supposedly reclaim for the homeless.
They did this, at the end of an actually planned march, suddenly stopping the march after leading them around a bit..and then telling them it was about the homeless. Obviously, it wasn't...as in order to make lasting progress especially with the media you have to have something to show for it. Looking at the prior paragraph...any person with a brain in 5 minutes flat and a decent scout would tell you..you won't have long before the cops arrive..so any action is meaningless, a waste of time. The person that *was* scouting was suddenly told his services were no longer necessary and told he could go.
YThis is while he was trying to make sure it was actually safe for people to go into. You see, some abandoned buildings fall into a state of disrepair..so if you aren't careful..you could actually get hurt or in the most extreme circumstance..killed...and no one wants that. Well, apparently Jeremiah and his group don't give an honest damn about that...because its all about getting that blurb in the paper.
Also, lets keep in mind that given an action at Bank of America early on in the day, undercover police were already part of the rally and following them around. So, we knew they were there...and we continued...why? I mean, at that point, if you're going to pull something..its definitely a bust. You don't continue. That's not even common sense and there is not justification for it.
...but, the first thing that happened after the (unsurprisingly) negative fallout from it was that those connected defended it, and because of the press release online (leaving out some key facts, mind you)..it got more of a positive response there. People that said otherwise were generally told that they were silly, or ignored, or rudely regarded. We allowed a group to throw our people to the wolves so they could get some free press...and it was largely considered okay.
It was at this point that we became more of an Occupy that refuses to deal with its problems. The attitude arrived to that things will just go away on their own, or that people would come in a big influx in the spring....just like the climax of some major movie battle scene..and the day would be saved, victory for all, and cheers all around. This was the start of that.
It never happened, it still hasn't happened, and it won't happen.
CCA came shortly after this, but honestly, I stand by that decision. It was a tastefully done protest, and it actually stood in accordance to the public statement of our goals. CCA was directly tied into Bank of America, trying to create a prison-to-profit system into a new form of slavery...and there was cronyism and corruption in the form of buying seats under the board of directors in exchange for key people looking the other way on abuses. It was a protest that needed to be made...and it was done respectfully, and the tone was enforced before the protest ever started. There are Youtube videos that show Andy Dix and Tristan talking about it...and I have alot of respect to both men for doing so. Same with Michael, whom did the same. The object of this action was so that the mistakes of the past would not be repeated in the future...but a few keyboard commandos decided to act like assholes over an event they didn't witness, didn't take part in..and didn't even seem to care about.
Then, the GA itself came under fire. Suddenly, no one really knew what GA was good *for*, or why we should even come to consensus. Direct Action had a brief internal coup, and even though we had some statesmen come to visit..Jeremiah and Dillion decided to be rude and disruptive throughout that GA to the point in which the actual facilitators themselves got disgusted and left. Why did they do this? They did it because they didn't like capitalism and were going to show them what for. Pretty much, naturally..the statesmen kind of laughed them off....but its that kind of behavior (which is allowed) that gives Occupy Nashville a bad rap..and makes it harder for those in the legislature to listen to us openly.
...so why are we facing eviction again? Gee, I wonder.
Then there was the issue with homeless. My god. How many months and we couldn't settle a dispute over this. Homeless people were coming in, and taking all of our food and resources. Then, they refused to help in any way, brought drugs and alcohol in, started fights..and were stealing things on the plaza. (At one point, a fellow had his tent taken over, and then the person called the police on *him*. Another, a lady went up and accused one of the cooks of trying to kill her, then parked herself in front of his tent trying to provoke him until she was removed..then pulled the waterworks act..only to go and do so again!) Mind you, not all of the homeless are bad people. Some genuinely are looking to improve themselves and have been helpful to Occupy in the past and present. But for the good, there's also bad...and things with them were getting out of hand.
When we moved them outside of our camp, they stole tents or put our logos on their tents, and moved themselves closer to the state buildings. The group sex, the drugs, the urination stuff you hear about..*that* is where it came from. This group banded together, quickly realizing that all we were really going to do is talk about things.....and that if they continued their bad behavior..in an effort to get them to stop, we would actually try to offer a peace treaty with them, and give them supplies. (Yes, this actually did happen!) So, it got worse, and worse..and worse.
Add to that the fact that the state basically refused to help us whatsoever made it even more difficult.
So, a group of us got together and put it to discussion, only to have alot of the *same* afforementioned people stop us at every turn and accuse us of being Fascists, heartless, abusive and uncaring..on a power trip. I put it plainly then.. "We have alot to learn from the homeless, but they have something important to learn from us..which is that they are not entitled to our donations and resources just because they had a hard lot. If you're on the bus, and you're siphoning the gas and slashing the tires..its not going anywhere. If you're helping with things, then as far as i'm concerned, you're an Occupier and I'm proud to stand by you as one."
Even though this was largely agreed on, Darlene had to go into a fit (defending herself from the fury of Chris's gaze..to which she got Connie to agree on even though Connie had been staring into space and largely not paying attention anyway..) ..and then challenge the man to a duel off the plaza and on the street! (in front of 40+ people) Later, she would challenge Seth/Spuff in an email to a duel in another fit of madness...and from there the discussion escalated into absolute madness. There were three separate discussions that night..starting at 7pm and later ending close to 2 am....and it solved nothing.
Lance, a different Chris..and some others turned around and let the kitchen get ravaged anyway..again, the same "You can't tell me what to do" mentality. People would go into the tent and just take things and walk away with them...or start hoarding them in their tents. This is,mind you..after the livestream donators flat out *made it clear* that they wanted their resources to be Occupy-only.
Even with that, we could not and would not respect their wishes, all because we couldn't say no, or tell someone to stop with their bad behavior. Sure, we *have* a Code of Conduct..but it is worthless. It isn't followed, and the same aforementioned folks fight it whenever it is attempted to be implemented. Same with that transparency they call for...anytime it has ever been attempted, the person is attempting a power trip..or being a Fascist. Watch. Sure, they'll make a great speech, and they'll tell you they are going to put a stop to this..and impose this..and do that......I get more out of watching a politician..because it is the same fucked up, phony rhetoric. The reality is, they are not going to do a damn thing but talk..and they have yet to prove otherwise.
So, half the time, as a result, Occupiers didn't even *get* the donations given to them, as someone from the homeless community had already gotten it all first.
Then the port-a-johns. We lost em. Why? The same Chris mentioned (with the kitchen, there are a few Chris' in our Occupy) decided he was going to be a self-righteous asshole and cut the locks off of them. They were on there in the first place so that we wouldn't be spending the large portion of our donations trying to empty them constantly...and also to keep them as tidy as possible of drug paraphenalia, etc. The second part was the insistance of the company that owned them, whom also asked us to keep the locks on at a certain times. You could still use the bathroom, you just had to get a key from someone.
The Chris mentioned her routinely walked off with the keys, cut off the locks, stole the locks, and so on. We told him to stop, the company told them to stop...they were even over the phone with them. Legal situations were speculated..but basically "we couldn't be bothered" to take action, long story short. So..the company got ticked, and we lost them. Again, it was as simple as telling a person no..and enforcing it..but we didn't do that.
...and good luck for help from outside the plaza, since many of them were never on it, and pushing to shut down the camp from day one. Their help usually consisted on getting in the way of trying to change the situation, though. (Which is one reason I think all this Phase II talk is bullshit. Its the same people talking about it...and I look at how they've contributed to help the situation. They DONT want to help us, but its not like we'll say no...)
But if you said something, you were just getting in the way of being productive..not helping..and just starting trouble. Keep in mind, this is even though the state will and does turn around and use this right back against the whole Occupy, which it will THEN use as a precedent to attack every *other* Occupy in TN..since this IS the STATE here, people. Fuck, but we ignore the gravity of the situation..and people tell me the problem will fix itself. Frankly, people are lazy bastards and they are full of shit.
Next post: Lets talk Livestream. YES, lets. Why not. Norma's favorite topic. NOW, let me tell you what you *didn't* know.....
alright, look phillip at first i didn't like you because you just got on my nerves. now i have a legit reason to say "you're a fucking bitch." you talk behind your computer and that's all you will ever fucking do and that's why you agree with dixie, you are both chumps. you come say your happy someone gets kicked in the head when you don't even know the fucking story, why? because you never leave your fucking house! FUCK YOU. i hope you fucking enjoy jacking your sad dick to your fucking video games. fuck you you piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteHey Joe, since I know this is you..if you're going to be that obvious about it at least don't be a coward and use your actual name.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone hides and talks trash, that would be you. I spent more time on that plaza than *both* your sorry asses put together. Never leave my house? Maybe after the first of the New year when I was helping a friend, sick..and came down with food poisoning. So sorry if I wasn't there to entertain your little circle jerk. Your whole "doing something" entailed hanging around and doing Jason. Aside from that...what have you been a part of again? Oh, right. Nothing. You talked alot of trash, but that was *it*. You didn't do jack squat, so help yourself to a nice little cup of STFU.
You are a spoiled rotten brat, and your words mean jack shit to me, just like you mean jack shit to me. You're a silly little walking tantrum in a grown man's body, throwing a fit like a child.
All I will ever do? Psh, okay..you know what? Try knowing what you're talking about..but you don't..do you Joe? You just react. Like a brainless doll with a pull cord.
Pull the cord and watch Joe say a bunch of stupid shit. Pull the cord and watch him get hostile. You're just as bad as Andrew, you're just wimpier than he is. That's why all YOU ever do is talk. You puff up your chest like you're anything at all..and half the time you don't even know what you're reacting to. Grow up, get a clue, and get a life.
As far as having to agree with Norma on your childishness...I hardly enjoy that. I really don't..but then you asshats have to go off and PROVE her right..AND fuck things up for everyone else. Screw you and the horse you rode in on. Maybe while you're at it you'll pick up some different rhetoric than just copying whatever Dillon says to look cool and be a part of the cool kids. Good luck with that, it requires developing a brain of your own first.
One more thing? You fail at photoshop like you fail at life. Hardcore. Thank you, and have a nice day.