So, releasing the four blogs thus far has created quite a stir, huh?
In the day or so since writing this (if even)..i've got some messages from many different mediums, as well as catching up on Norma's blog..the usual Facebook IM stuff, and so on.
Apparently, I write "tomes" now, and she's concerned for my sleeping habits? Um, okay. Sure.
I slept pretty well, and thanks for the concern. I can actually type pretty quickly, and i'm used to typing
alot in a short amount of time. Its just a manner of thinking...and so writing "tomes" is actually pretty easy. The only one that gave me pause out of the four was the last one, between the ongoing chats of people that also find all of this absurd and petty...and trying to put my thoughts together and think back...waaay way back to when this all started, to serve as a good reference point for where things are now. But hey, thanks for the concern, just the same.
Needless to say, Norma's blog is pretty well full of trolls. You can tell about as much because they lack a little something called "reading comprehension "...they just pick out a phrase like "emotionally", stick their own garbage to it, and make lols to it. Then you respond, and they continue the same. Some of it was pretty hilarious..but this rate as so much of it is pretty sad..PLEASE, let me do the writing for you. Seriously, i'll take commissions. We'll both be less bored, it will be some spare cash in my pocket..and i'll actually know what i'm talking about..since I know me better than anyone. *laughs*
Although, all you really have to do sometimes to know whom is the Anonymous person is to match past behavior (juvenile trolling)...comment language (Style of writing)...and actions mentioned. (Building action, twice.) Gee...who was just talked about for that again?
Add to that a recent joking message from Jeremiah, and there you have it. I mean, guys..don't know who you think you're kidding here. You're way, way too obvious. This is the guy that was on Jason's Facebook account...trying to troll me and say crude things about myself and my girlfriend. (Dillon later did this out in public...neither of the two were chastised for it or reprimanded..and yet, talk about bad behavior and you're being silly and un-productive. Amazing, what is and isn't considered a problem these days..)
Way, way, too obvious folks.
Oh, and Jon's name is an anonymous..behind a pseudonym that only four people knew about. Gee, like Jeremiah or one of his couldn't have got on Jason's Facebook and snooped around before outing it? (One of those anons was the one that mentioned it..again, too obvious.)
Yeah, tell me again what a great guy he is, because he's your friend.
Human Mentality.
"Oh, this person isn't involved because I like them."
"Oh, they couldn't have done that because they are so charming/my friend.."
..god, you people should listen to yourselves.
In many cases of abuse..why does the abuser get away with it?
"They were such a pillar of the community."
"They were such a nice, friendly person.."
....see a pattern, much?
What is written here, albeit the weight of things that have actually occurred, and taken place
on the ground. Away from the cameras, behind the livestream..within meetings, and away from the online. It shows a side that many folks just don't see.
Sure, there is the need to back up your "pals". But in some cases, this simply sets us up for failure, especially to be used by other people claiming to be our good buddy and long as they can get access to what you have, information...your computer...and so on.
People have all kinds of sides to them. That charming person could actually be quite the sociopath, and into god knows what. Does that mean that's the case? Hell no...but it does mean that just because a person is a friend doesn't mean you should put the blinders on and immediately back them up without question or delay.
Jeremiah's a big one..but Wolfy would probably be another case in point. In Jeremiah's case..his actions and his words speak for do the majority of the folks he tends to pack aboard...followers, or the sorts that "have to be a part of the crowd" can spot them a mile away, folks. He'll talk about violent actions and "fuck the police" one moment..and then cover it up with some lame, bullshit excuse the next. Sure, you can tell him he's full of it..but at that point you're the crazy one. Everyone else is crazy or wrong or doesn't know what they're talking about but Jeremiah. Look up sociopath sometime.
Blank, emotionless demeanor, no remorse for their actions..etc,etc,etc. (And yet, I don't see any 'reporting' or 'investigating' of him, Norma...why not? You're so concerned with occupy..and this is trivial? Sure..okay.)
...and before his little cheerleader group gets into a huff, people that know him have said the same things. A petty vandal, out of control, remorseless, and generally tends to be full of it, with a penchant for letting others take the fall for his schemes. Talked with a fellow that knew him in New York, where they had the bridge incident. I asked him about Jeremiah's which he claimed people were not corralled onto the bridge (despite more than a few people saying otherwise, including an arrested reporter no less...gee..) but climbed the fences and so on. You know that the guy said?
"He's full of it. I was there on that bridge...and Jeremiah was off to the side, watching. That's what he usually does. He sits back and watches, and puffs up his chest after. Never knows what the hell he's talking about..he's all talk, that's about it.."
That's just one example. But hey, by all means keep following around a sad, sorry excuse for a juvenile, propping him up like your personal savior. I'm sure he'll forward the revolution by continuing to stand on the sidelines, getting *you* involved, and trolling people from Facebook. If you need to be a follower badly enough to follow a child like that..then you have my personal sympathies.
Now, regarding Wolfy. Questionable past? Definitely. Pedophile? He's been accused of such, with little actual proof to back it up this far other than a website run by a very deranged woman, whose latest exploits have included declaring that her investigation methods are always 100% reliable and need no checking or skepticism...and that those that disagree with her are either pedophiles themselves or pedophile supporters.
It should also come as no surprise that Mahdear/Norma counts on this woman as a messenger, having referred themselves as a "Thelma and Louise." (That's great, but can we skip to the scene where the two go flying off a cliff already? Just saying.) Both ladies can never be wrong about anything, and both ladies resort to the smearing and twisting of words in order to get things done. Also, both ladies ( Using the term lady very lightly here..)resort to provoking mob mentality at any and all times of opportunity...and neither lady will actually *read* through anything in its entirety. Grab a few words, a choice phrase..smear it, blog it..done. That's the scope of their investigation.
While its obvious that Wolfy was targeted because of his involvement with the ground servers at occupy Nashville..(an unofficial part of Livestream and Tech), no charges have been filed, nor has any actual investigation taken place. Keep in mind, also...the THP is just looking, *looking* for anything. You would *think* that the state would be all over that kind of thing.
Just the same,Trill (Cynthia) can't even make up her mind whether or not she actually owns the site in question..even though she's flat out said it herself. (Evil unveiled). Later, she was to follow up by calling out Jason on a hastily made blog about a leather community? Just goes to show you she doesn't read a darn thing. She was called into question because her group's tactics involved "emailing and letter mailing, calling and harassing others for the lulz"...and it is actually speculated that she may herself be a closet pedophile...and it is stated in her own words that she "enjoys hurting others and causing them pain." Oh, right..and the whole thing about issues with male enslavement. (Riight..she's a feminist, though. Or...not.) Oh, and this is the second group. The first was closed down, and some of its members were reportedly threatened with legal action (over false claims), though much of that isn't 100% verified as of time of this writing.
Here's one you may have missed from the site. Curiously enough, the site she "doesn't run" makes reference to "Another RookieeJ (probably misspelled the name here, ah well.)"....and wait, isn't that odd?
That name just happens to be another one of Cynthia's aliases. Otherwise known as Trillian Dent (Way to screw up a name of one of my fave characters..)...and TrillGreen.
So..a site that unmasks pedophiles....using one of her own aliases? That's...a bit fucked up, in no un-certain terms. Then..we have her accusing others of pedophilia.
I don't know about you, but this is the last person to be accusing anyone of anything, much less
having an investigation on someone. Hello, invasion of privacy much? Doubt she'll complain about that one though..unless the magnifying glass is back on her.
Side shout out: It is interesting to me that Norma talks about the drug use of others when she does the ol MJ herself..and is shown as joining a messageboard for methadone addiction. Now, addictions are a serious matter..and a dark time in anyone's life. It is no laughing matter. The point of it is...its pretty fucked up to go around talking about other people's possible drug use and pointing fingers when you're just as guilty..especially if its out in the open.
Oh, right..but we were talking about Wolfy and getting to the point. Am I defending this person?
Not precisely. I don't know whether he is or isn't a pedophile. Is that a serious thing? Damn straight. And if he is, he should be prosecuted and dealt with..but by a COURT OF LAW...not by a mob of fucked up people that can't even read the English language long enough to compose a complete thought, and certainly not by a mob mentality that does not think, reason, or use logic in the slightest.A mob doesn't solve crap. Have an official investigation, and shut the fuck up.
Its as simple as that.Is he my friend? Yeah. Does that mean he gets off scott free? HELL NO. I simply prefer it to come from a source of investigation that actually knows their stuff and isn't..oh, I don't know..batshit crazy past the infinite degree. Pretty easy to figure, I would think.
If you really want to get into it, the whole "My friend is immune to attack or reproach!" what gets this whole Factions bullshit started and ensures nothing goes anywhere. It also doesn't say much for the self-esteem and the self-respect of those that practice it. Obviously, this statement isn't about to make me any friends and I can hear the FUCK YOUs a mile away..but this isn't being posted to make friends..its being posted to call folks out on their bullshit, because Occupy Nashville has gone from being something being a petty myriad of Factions, infighting, drama..and ego-cases that make our current government look pretty damn good in comparison.
And after months of "Oh no, you shouldn't say that or air our dirty laundry.." ...again, hell no. It should be said..remember transparency guys? Huh? Well, here it is. Here's your transparency. Grow a set of balls, take care of the problems and don't sweep them under the rug or belittle those that talk about them. Do that, and you won't have to worry about things like this. Isn't it curious? You're so worried about your image...but if you really gave half a crap about that you would fix yourselves..and do something to get yourselves in check. You won't..and you don't. You back up the psychos and you throw the rest to the wolves for the sake of your own petty, childish egos.
That is why you are incapable of change. That is why you're a bunch of liars. And you are lying. You can't claim to stand up for people when you won't stand up for yourselves. A few months in and its still the same tired excuses..and the "we never strayed from the message!" Uh..sure you didn't. Keep telling yourself that..or, you can take the blinders off...take a good hard look at yourselves, and realize that the entire movement is in dire need of an overhaul, spring cleaning..and getting its shit together.
So if you're reading this, and you think its atrocious, you're is. Dealing with it was worse.
If you're pissed off, maybe you should ask yourself why, and while you're at it take the blinders off.
If you're upset that this has or is happening..don't let it continue. This is a wakeup call. Make the most of it or you have but yourselves to blame.
The fact that this has not only happened, but been *allowed* to happen by people claiming to be the 99% and the voice of the people..and there for the probably the biggest bullshit of all time aside from anything to come out of politics. There are many good people still in the movement, but their actions more often than not are hampered by the majority of folks that are just there for their own personal agendas, groupings..or egos...or worse, those there to get a press spot at the expense of everyone else.
Its sad when you look at the criticisms by skeptics of the movement when we first started up, and then you look at things now, from the perspective of someone that has watched alot of stuff go down...and you start to go "Crap..they were right. We proved them right.." ...that's a pretty sobering moment.
Reflect on that before you go shooting your mouths off. You may think you are in the right, but you're only fooling yourselves, and full of yourselves. If you can't even get off your collective asses to fix yourselves...then Occupy Nashville is dead, regardless of whether or not it is evicted, or people are on the Plaza..or doing things for a PR spot...and so on. You're drunk off your own pride, and your own rebelliousness, and your own egos. That's all it is..and it is not the work of adults. It is the squealings of children..and the bratty ones no less.
Next Part: Back to the grind (Jon, Norma, Trill, power on the Plaza.)
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