Human mentality is simply a bizarre, yet curious thing.
For starters, I read the "dailys" within a certain group to hear how someone is so offended by the word "co*****ker." However, when a person is being accused as a pedophile, or of stealing a check and making it out to themself, or getting an interview ruined.... outcry.
It never ceases to amaze me in terms of what people seem to prioritize as actually important enough to deal with. A bar that refuses you service is a big thing...someone stealing 100 bucks of donation money to buy drugs with isn't. Save the occupation from being evicted...but...when its all over with...refuse to help out
that occupation, label it as un-necessary, and play games to try and turn it inside out by smearing the people that actively do participate in it.
Anything to bury your heads in the sand. However, the world is supposed to stand up, take notice..and heed your message..oh, right, that. Somewhere in the last few months they still have not only managed not to get that underway, but distract the conversation whenever it comes up. Its "not important" to focus on that.
I don't know, it just seems like as of late, unless there's the chance for a blurb in the paper or with the news, OCN really just doesn't care, and doesn't want to. You're not going to make them, you're not going to tell them what to do...and heaven help you if you stand up and say "something's wrong with this picture." It doesn't matter what is going on, suddenly no one cares and no one wants to hear matter how damaging it may be as a whole to how the Occupy here comes off. They don't seem to care that it destroys alot of support before it even starts......its all about the publicity.
Once its big enough that they can't shut it up, its out of control...or it starts creating negative press..THEN that's when they are..and oh, the indignity at how they are wronged! So much so that they forget that they brought this on themselves by letting it happen. It was bad enough we, as a people, allowed the government to routinely wrong us to no end...
...and we turned a blind eye. Now, unless the press is involved, we again turn a blind eye, belittle those whom would stand up and try to get these issues address..and how quickly you go from a valuable member of the community to a Fascist, mysognist, habitual liar..and whatever else they can stick to you to try and kill your credibility...again, anything to not have to actually do anything about whatever problems arise. They'll argue about it...they blame everyone else about it..and they'll smack anyone that
says otherwise (not literally, lmao..) ...but when it comes to actually DOING something about won't happen. You'll hear excuses, and rhetoric..and brilliant speeches...
...but tell me what you see. Without any press involvement and for the greater good alone, what do you see? You don't. Its all about the image. There are really good people involved in the Occupy Nashville scene that DO cater to this..for the greater good, but they are few and far between..and drowned out by the people that are blinded by their own personal it greed for attention, or for the praise..or for lord knows what else.
The really screwed up part is that this originally was not how things were at all. People worked together. They looked at "how can we better ourselves" and "how can we better the world"..and now that's devolved into "How can I look good for the history books?"..and "what attention can I get out of this?" Some of the homeless aren't the only ones using Occupy Nashville. To look at them, people that are well meaning, bright smiling, charming and'd never think twice.
Never judge a book by its cover. Too many times have I seen incidents overlooked just because a friend of someone's was involved...and "oh, we can't talk badly about him/her.."
...then, when incidents escalate, they have the audacity to wonder "Why is this happening?" DUH, BECAUSE YOU IDIOTS LET IT HAPPEN! Clear enough yet? Oh, but immediately they shake their heads, roll their eyes, and look the other way. Anything to keep their heads in the sand.
But then they say "We will change this world, and help people!"
Sure you will, as long as good press is attached and you can milk it for all its worth. Anything to get attention..but the true worth of any it a workplace, an organization, or an activist/political how it deals with its internal problems and how it takes care of its people. And you don't..and you won't do that..but you wonder why support is dwindling. Oh, it will take care of itself..just like the problems will magically do the same.
You have blinded yourselves. You are lying to yourselves. As long as you continue down this path, you are incapable of real change or progress. You can't change the future by replaying the past..and that is what is occurring. The same backwards mentalities..the same ridiculousness that created the problems of the corruption, cronyism, corporate greed, and governmental stupidity...this is just the lesser expression.
And you can't beat the "enemy" by becoming them. That is when you truly are lost.
In the past, I would have again stood with you to face the evictions, and helped fight it. And supported it. But I can't. You folks are truly, truly lost. You have fallen, and you won't get up. You choose this, and you continually choose this. So, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You could have done something. You could have said no. You didn't. You have no real spine. You have no real pride. You have brought this on yourselves...and there's no sympathy to be had for you.
Your own people weren't important enough for you to stand by and back up. Instead, you partook of
cronyism and just looked the other way. You allowed the lawless to consume and misuse our resources, even when our donors insisted that they be used strictly for the Occupiers. You abused their trust, and you basically shrugged your shoulders and said "This is silly, we don't care." Now, that the state's stepped're puffing up your chests and saying how you are Occupy Nashville, even though there are so many factions within factions and folks only seem to BE Occupy Nashville long enough to claim *its* resources for whatever personal project they want to tackle for themselves.
Then, after its done, suddenly they're not Occupy Nashville any longer and autonomous. At least, until they need its money and resources again. Rinse, lather, repeat.
A bunch of fools that will never honestly change the world. Why? They can't change themselves.
....and those that created the problem shall never know reward for its solutions. You're fired.
On a side note, Norma seems to have removed all comments from her blog, because of threatening and libelous remarks. Um, try telling the truth Mah Dear. As has been stated before, this is someone that cannot handle criticism..and can never be wrong. I wish I had saved the remarks listed before, so I could paste them here and show you just how full of shit this woman is.
So, what were they? Scathing remarks telling Dixie how immature she was being, and how she needed to grow up and use her time more constructively. I can't do the posts justice..but in typical form and fashion, despite being "anti-censor" and "how dare you attempt to remove my freedom of speech!" isn't very surprising that she has no problem doing the same to others. Rather, anything that would make her ashamed of herself..she just can't face it. She's great at blasting anyone else on a whim..but when it comes to it being centered back on herself..she reveals herself for what she is...a coward.
Oh, and then the "Phillip convention"..that I found more laughable than anything. Jeremiah and his trolls (Yes, I recognize your writing style. You're way too obvious)..decided to half-ass dox me, post part of a blog entry of mine from 2004..and attempt poor impersonations of me ranging from ragey to emo to semi-sophisticated to whatever. Needless to say, I got a pretty good laugh out of it...even though the impersonations were pretty sad and nowhere near close. Good attempt though. Famous enough to have a miniature impersonation convention and I still haven't done anything really noteworthy other than
telling people what they don't want to hear. *laughter*
I mean, by all means, keep proving me right folks. If that's honestly the best you can do, remember..I have a nice long memory too and I can easily fire back..not to mention comment on events since I actually know me..and i've actually been there.
OH, that reminds me. Great job at being full of it Norma, posting in Women Occupy Nashville as to how you have personally witnessed all kinds of abuse towards women...I just kind of wonder *how* you did that when you were never on the Plaza..except what...two, three times..and briefly at that to talk to some people and leave? Yeah, that is a good question. Kind of like the Injury to None and Eva being the victim for going up and harassing a guy that was just passing through the area. Keep up the good just make it easy on me here. It isn't surprising when a lady that has BEEN on the Plaza said "'re incorrect. I saw nothing of that there.."
...yet, her story doesn't get told. Norma, Eva, and the lot of the male bashers would rather tell you about how all men are the enemy and how they're out to hold all women down then actually work towards a future of *equality* where all folks are and woman alike..and this stupid, childish, dominance bullshit goes right out the window. Here's hoping these sorry excuses for people leap right out with them.
The future has had enough of you. Fix yourselves, or be fixed. You have no one to blame but yourselves. You are what is allowing it to continue, and you will reap what you have justly earned.
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