Look, Occupy Nashville, this is as far as you go. Until you act to redeem yourselves from the betrayal against yourselves and the people you claim to represent, neither you..nor any grouping that carries your banner will know success.
That said, for starters, some updates. After my last post, the aforementioned person decided to remove me from the closed group Occupy Nashville (The one the public doesn't see.)..and the Occupy TN network. The first wasn't surprising..since apparently his own personal ego can't take the word co**s****er barely spelled out, but can ignore everything else, including an Occupier losing a job interview due to the stupidity.
Remember what I said about priorities? Way to prove me right. Although doing the second probably means something was spread in email chains again. *rolls his eyes* Weird considering I never post in that location, and the last few posts were no worse than anything else on there, unless calling to get off your ass and take care of things is a horrific offense.
Then, his boyfriend decides to follow it up by posting the personal information of Andrew. Now, disagreeing with someone is one thing, but the dox was supposed to be a ways to keep people informed of potentially dangerous people, or abusive people. Not as a weapon of personal vendetta by two guys with insecurity issues that go into a temper tantrum whenever their egos get singed. (Jason and Joe, looking at you here.)
Mind you, this guy routinely covers for Jeremiah and his little group...they can do whatever they like. But god help you use the aforementioned term, or get into an argument. Then its boo-hoo all the way to childishland. Even the stuff with Dixie I could understand..since she regularly smeared people that were with Tech or Livestream...but this? Andrew was already dox-ed once, and none too happy about it. When this all came out, Jason couldn't even be bothered to fess up to the fact that he had done it.
Yet, the state is coming, and we should bail him out, right? Better idea. Let his butt sit in jail so he can think about all the drama *he* caused, the crap *he* allowed, and so on. Don't bail them out! DO NOT bail ANY of them out. They betrayed the people for their own greed. It became more about what the people might think, or what the press might say about an action..then "what good can I create in the world today?" They betrayed the people they claim to represent, and they betrayed themselves.
Cause and effect.
Oh, but here's a quote from the GA minutes for yesterday, 2/25/2012..via Lindsey. Ready for this?
*This GA was the roughest GA I’ve ever been to. There was so much tension and hostility in the air and there were very few people who respected the GA process. Most people yelled over other people and spoke out of turn… it was painful. Some of the soapboxes were violent and hostile with people singling other people out by name and saying hurtful things. After the GA ended, a fight broke out between two long-time occupiers. We were barely able to physically restrain them from fighting, and then 2 state troopers walked up which calmed the fight temporarily. Not long after that, the fight resumed and I’m told that it was taken off the plaza. As Kevin said in an email from yesterday, “There was real damage done today. I think this prolonged eviction process is eating ON alive.” Throughout the GA and the fight afterward, people were walking by with their families watching us fight, watching us be hostile with one another, watching us yell and curse. We are going to fall apart if something doesn’t change and if people don’t begin respecting the GA process and respecting one another.
Now, in case you think i'm just making this up, you can find it on their forums here:
...and that's because i'm not making any of this up. I've been saying this for a while now, and i'll say it again. You all fucked up. You were consumed by your greed..and real damage done today? No, its *been* there. You're just now letting yourselves see it. But by now, its too little, too late. The inmates run the asylum.."you can't tell them what to do" like the children they are...and you're probably not going to like the apathetic turkeys *you* are.
You have no spine. You have no pride. You're fired.
Get the hell out and make way for someone that actually cares to make a difference for the world, not just their own personal press appearance. You're not OCN. You're a sick joke. The only reason people are coming to support against this bill is because it effects everyone...don't kid yourselves into "We're protecting free speech!" ....because you've demonstrated pretty clearly that the only speech you care to have freely is someone in your own personal factions or cliques.
Then it goes back to my last post, rinse..lather..repeat. And that's pretty well the way it will continue until it just all falls apart (it more or less already has..and you have yourselves to thank via your silent consent..and your cronyism.)..or spectacularly self-destructs.
You have but yourselves to blame, so enjoy your reward! You've earned it.
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