Monday, February 20, 2012

Occupy the Rebuttal. (part One)

Okay, so here we go again. Only, now they're naming names. Norma, Trill..the squad of stupid is at it again.

Fine. I was nice before. But since you guys want to go ahead and name names, the gloves are off. Especially since you want to drag me into it, knowing that I have since left the movement for sometime. Oh, and Norma, i'll have a personal note for you at the end of this, so by all means, read the whole damn thing. It might be nice to actually be informed for a change..and you want to know? You want to know everything? I'm about to tell it. ALL of it. Down to the last detail that i'm aware of, names included. Yours, theirs..I don't care anymore.'re like one huge circus of stupid and bullshit...and its time to have it out in the open.
Since people want to be royal assholes, spineless cowards, and conniving backstabbers, I think its finally time to speak out. About everything. Its going to get ugly in here, if that isn't your thing, just click the X *now*..because you're not going to be a happy person by the time you finish reading.

Let's see..where do we begin? Norma and Trill first popped up on the scene early on. To be frank, I didn't have much of a problem with them, could have cared less about them..and was more focused on getting things done. Around that time Darlene (and later Dorsey) were having issues with the Tech team and I was more concerned with why I hadn't heard anything from Media in a while, what was going on with this new Livestream thing (which I was then clueless about)...and the issue of things getting progressively worse on the plaza in terms of violence and so on. They had just created the first women's group..and many of the women had whistles in case there was a problem so that those of us (myself included) on the security detail could come to their aid ASAP.

At the time, there really wasn't too much trouble. There were some issues..a laptop had been stolen, and later a phone. Granted, if you look back in a news article or two..that part is nothing you wouldn't have found out on your own anyway. Being on the plaza at some points you did have to watch your stuff, or keep your tent locked..but at this point, that was about the worst of it.

Lets start with the women's group. It went through about three incarnations (that I heard of.)..and I had been told that it mostly kept going into obscurity because some (not all) of the ladies were more concerned about increasing their personal power base...over actually trying to help women on the plaza.
I didn't get involved...I had other things to worry about...and they seemed to be handling it on its own. Boy, was I ever wrong about that one.

Its probably the anti-female comments directed towards me that I find laughable. I was part of the security detail..when Lynette had a very sexually aggressive male following her around..I was there to make sure she was okay. Numerous times, I directed people to find me on the plaza, so I could make sure their experience was a pleasant one. I walked people to their cars..I directed problematic people away from folks (Occupier or not)..and was on hand was there to try and de-escalate and mediate anything from tensions to fights. (And I did ALOT of that.) One Sunday  in particular was so horrible that it seemed a new fight was about to break out almost every hour on the hour..and I didn't think I was going to ever go through that day without braining someone.

Ontop of that, since I didn't hear anything from Media..and my attempts to ask Eli and Dorsey about things went nowhere..I played the role of greeter, question answerer...and the guy that got people off the fence. At the same time, i'd find out their opinions and try to see why they had reservations about helping Occupy...and what could be done from there. At one point, I helped Eva get her car out of towing..which socked me a good hundred bucks or more..and I still probably will never get that back, either. (But hey, I don't do anything...and i'm some evil, hateful, woman hating whatever or whatnot.)

Then we come to Livestream. Its strange, even now its hard for me to believe that this has become such a monstrous affair as it has..but here goes. As far as video blogs go, I'm not really one for putting my face on the camera. Livestream was kind of an interesting change for me..because I could talk to people, and have them respond in the was live, and it was more or less one on one. It provided an interesting challenge in terms of communication.

Now, here's where things started to get crazy, and where Norma (Mahdear) and Cynthia (Trillgreen/Trillian Dent) entered the picture. Trill really didn't say too much at first...and neither did
Mahdear. In fact, both of them just kind of lurked here and there. I met Norma in person once, when I was trying to get my friend Kat from Clarksville. She had been stranded there by her douche of a boyfriend, and I wanted to make sure she was okay (She was pregnant, and is soon to be due any day now.). Norma offered to help, and I took up another user, Firefly/Melton..on it instead. I helped pay the gas, we found her, had breakfast (he treated us)..and we took her back to the Plaza where I hooked her up with a small tent right next to mine so she would be alright..and not have to worry about anything crazy should it occur.

So, my initial encounters with these two weren't actually bad, nor did I feel particularly bad in any way towards them. What changed?

The biggest problem at this point was the tiff between Darlene and Dorsey..and the Tech team. In the beginning, I was surprised by this..since Dar seemed to be particularly friendly..making sure folk's needs were taken care of. The original problem seemed to be that Tech was never onsite, and that
they couldn't be reached and seemed to be doing their own thing..which, that kind of made sense.
Dorsey's one that I didn't know what to think of from the beginning. She was always pretty standoffish...and I can't say I even talked to her much. But like..take where I tried to ask what was going on with Media...she steps to the side and its like the conversation shuts down immediately. Weird.

Now, back to livestream.

There were continuing issues with Debra/Grits popping up...and we started to get a series of complaints. Dorsey was the one that had these complaints..but was repeatedly refusing to give us them, or tell us about them. More on that later. For the largest part, again, I stayed out of it. I was more trying to come up with a means to give everyone a voice on the air, not just a few people. I mean..yeah, did I like talking on Livestream? Sure. after a while though..its really hard to come up with topics that aren't personal in nature or just shooting the breeze. There were ALOT of arguments over this..and what the Livestream should be used for. Some thought (myself included)..that is should be just real, transparent..and about whatever was going on, and about ourselves, within comfort zones.
Others felt it should be Occupy related news, everytime, all the time. There was talk about discussion circles and so on. Okay. To try and balance this, we added more mods.

Now, you'll often hear about how the Livestream is biased towards "those evil male mods." Well, those people are quite frankly full of shit and the horse they rode in on. We had Connie (whom was with Darlene, but never actually -did- anything other than play the agreeing follower..)...we had Eli (whom is still a mod in there under the handle of Elimae)...we had Samantha and Brittany on air (both feminists)....and then we had an older Elizabeth, also a feminist and a really pleasant person to be around. Later on, we added in Grits Girl/Debra. I wasn't part of this decision..but as I never saw anything crazy out of here..I had no reservations. Again, later when Eli was added in, I not only was in favor of it..but I supported it I *had* alot of respect for Eli at the time. I'll get into the whys later on, too.

Now, the troubles that I saw basically started first with Firefly. Despite warnings not to, he took in a homeless girl to help her out. This is a girl that had numerous problems in the past of all different sorts, and had been with some shady people. Honestly, I knew what was coming next...but Firefly is honestly..a really big softy. He *does* have an issue with his temper..but he is a genuinely nice guy that can't stand to see people getting a tough break..and tries to help them where he can. His biggest concern has always been people trying to use or abuse his trust. Now, there was an argument between him and this girl, and it was speculated that she took some pills of his when she skipped out.

This is where the crap starts up. First, Norma and her lot decide to harass him on his facebook page, to which Firefly told her to "go smoke another bowl." (Hmm, Norma..who are you to call someone else out about drug As she had talked about such in a previous conversation. Then, Darlene about a week later..decides to bug him on his Facebook...and revive a discussion about it. (We had talked about it before because it was being brought up in chat.)

So, simple solution..ban both of them right? Wait, no, we can't do that. We have to take it out on him, because he's the evil male trying to take advantage. She didn't even try to rationally look at the situation. She just up and said 'OH, its a male and a female, the female is the victim." She went so far as to say that his viewpoint in the matter was irrelevant. Then, to disagree with or question her was being a misogynist.

Needless to say, I was pretty surprised. Even more so to the fact that no one would actually step up and say something to correct one way or the other. It turned into a huge email chain that kept dragging on for weeks...a "topic zombie" that kept coming back from the dead. Eventually, Firefly and the girl sorted their problems out..they still talk off and on..and the girl got her GED thanks to his efforts and the efforts of the aforementioned Samantha, also. Funny how Norma never brings that part up, but that's no surprise.

Grits became the next target. Norma and Trill decided to deliberately take out of context the words of one "Reason"..and paint him as a violent provocateur. Finally, Grits was being drug into it..and it became pretty clear that these two were trying to pit the mods against each other, and use Livestream as a means to do so. This broke out into the Facebook Livestream Fan page...before finally being settled...and the discussion ended. I had to threaten folks with banning them several times just to get them to drop it...and it became also clear that the only thing they really wanted to do was fight.

From that moment on, until her de-modding, Grits was the target, and we'd often get complaints and hear about problems involving such. For the most part, I stayed out of it and let the tech folks handle it..since they seemed to have more information. Largely though, it was coming from the Norma/Trill front. Since these two didn't get their royal highness way..they were going to take it out on everyone. That target became the whole of the Livestream and Tech..and has continued ever since. Look at their posts...look at their blogs, and look at their forum posts. It is all the *same* targets everytime, and that is why. The princesses were asked to follow the rules, and they can't handle that. They have to be above everyone, or they have to try to make your life hell. That's how it is.

Oh, and regarding the de-modding, Grits was given quite a few second chances, and I was one of them in favor of giving her another chance..largely since I didn't know what was going on and wanted to see with my own eyes before doing something to that effect.

Now, crazily enough..when the de-modding occurred, the *same* folks that wanted her gone, immediately raised hell and said how we were out to get people, were cruel and unjust..and so on.

....ah, but that's hardly the first time. Lets go back a little bit to Eva and Jonathan.

Jonathan was a young adult heavily involved in drinking and drugs on the plaza. He had violent flashes, and he was rude and abusive to those he was around. At times he demonstrated a tendency to play mind games with others..trying to push it, see what he can get away with. A huge "You can't tell me what to do" attitude. He was one of the bigger reasons that we developed a Code of Conduct and pushed to enforce it.

Eva's his friend, so she continually made excuses for him, and fought any attempt to uphold the Code of Conduct. And she wasn't the only one!! Dorsey? "Oh, I won't be a part of any juvenile vigilante behavior!" she storms off indignantly with Eli in tow. These are people never on the Plaza..and continually pushing for the camp to close mind you.....getting in the way of camp affairs and then telling us we aren't handling things.

Huh. Back to Jonathan.

This guy, sexually aggressive as all get out. When we called out such affairs in GA one evening (no names were mentioned), he immediately got up, disgusted, made a block sign, and left for the night.
I just want you to keep this in mind..and then flash forward to Tristan's Injury to One. Now, Eva's the good guy for harassing a sexually aggressive male, and she's in the right..and the people that told her to back off for getting in his face when he was just passing through....they are the bad guys.

Also, keep in mind Tristan didn't personally witness the incident, nor did he interview anyone that was actually say, right in front of the incident when it myself, whose tend was smack dab in front of them. He also left out the part where she went around the *entire* camp like a lunatic trying to rile the folks up and mob him out. Oh, but Eva's the victim. No, wait, Eva's his friend. Gee....
(And I have alot of respect for Tristan. He has done some amazing work and he is a really intelligent mind. But this is just low.)

.....and then Eva would be 'rewarded' later on for her efforts by being a "woman of occupy." Put on the new livestream, and talking about sex on air. A livestream that was supposed to be Occupy only but became primarily feminism based. Oh, and who (for a time at least) was a mod in that channel? Mahdear! Who started the channel? Darlene and Dorsey, who didn't know anything *about* how to do a Livestream and THEN came to the Tech group they kept smearing for help! Wow! But we're the bad guys, right? Bullshit., back to Livestream, since by now you have a small idea of just how full of it these clowns are.
Norma and Trill continued to create problems, shutting down the chat by riling up people in it into a form of mob mentality. (Heck, you can look at their facebook page..the way these two go at it I almost expect them to get married any day now..) Anytime you told them to respect other views than their own, back up their words with *facts*, stop twisting the words of others..or just to treat people with were suddenly an enemy or a woman hater. If you were a woman saying were suddenly a reverse misogynist.

The whole time they kept saying their crap, they never actually got banned once. It was much later that MahDear actually would get banned, once for being rude and obnoxious (as usual)...and once for link spamming. Hell, the rules were right in front of her face..but she was too good for that. The moment anyone got warned about a ban..there she or Trill would be to declare we were being Fascist, bullies, and trying to censor them. Anytime there was an didn't matter how much you backed yourself up with the truth..or how much you tried to tell them "No, it isn't like that at all..stop and listen.." was always the same thing. 90% of the time it was clear they didn't even read what you wrote.
And then the Facebook, the Blog, the Occupy Nashville Forums..etc...claiming to be an Occupy supporter while routinely trashing its members. Then, when called on it..suddenly they are feminists protecting females from the evil of Patriarchy..they're the victims, and everyone is picking on them, bullying them, and trying to censor them when they are working so hard to help Occupy.


.....meanwhile, this in turn caused some of the more aggressive feminists to suddenly back up whatever they said as gospel. Again, it became clear that their supporters didn't even read what was being said in ANY front. They turned around and just gave blind support because they believed these sickos were trying to fight Patriarchy and that we were just another part of that fucked up system. Forget the fact that we *did* have feminists on the air....and that these same people harassed them until they left.

Why did they do that? Because it wasn't a part of *their* group. If you're not a blind follower, they don't want you in their...their voice is all that matters, and no amount of truth or reason is going to hold them back from it. "Oh no, you can't do that..its supposed to be Occupy only!"

....and then we have the 2012 channel popped up, and gee, its mostly devoted to feminism, putting their own people on first and foremost. HUH.

However, since one of their little followers, Ms a mod, they feel they can now get away with whatever they like. The moment you question *them*, she will pop in to tell you to knock it off and grow up. The moment you say something, you're ridiculous and being silly. The moment they say anything..its bravo and woohoo.

Oh, and lets not forget the incidents of the feminists. When we had them come on, she was so very offended, alongside Dorsey of course....and then? When Eva was talking on her Facebook about how her Livestream session was going to be able S-E-X? Here is Eli's response: "Woohoo!" Whenever it is mentioned that males get it just as bad when it comes to being treated abusively? "What about the mens?"

....oh, but they aren't sexist. Or biased. They just back up people solely because they're part of the same grouping, refuse to listen to what anyone has to say...and they defend them blindly. Again, HUH.

...............and this person is a mod? It really irritates me that I have to say this, because this was a person I went to bat for on a few occasions, in person and outside of such. When people asked me about Eli, I told them I held her in high regard and respect, that she's intelligent and a strong woman of good character. I've said it a few times. So to see such a person stoop to being the mindless follower of
some really sick people..just because they claim to be feminist...that's worse than bullshit. That's worse than low. Its about as disappointing as you can get, because she *IS* a strong woman..and to become a follower like that...its just sick...and its saddening.

Ontop of that, while Eli has recently gone on to claim there is no anti-capitalist message on the ON facebook, maybe I should point out that the anarchist crowd (of which she is a part) is heavily anti-capitalist, right down to its posterboy, Jeremiah...a juvenile delinquent that has frequently advocated "death to capitalism" right on his own Facebook..and goes so far as to harass people under the facebook accounts of others. Oh, but no anti-capitalism here. Sure, pull the other one.

Next post: Smaller one, going to highlight the who's who in what groups, how they are connected, and what they've been doing as far as where they were. Its kind of necessary before I continue onward to show you what groups are with whom.

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