Granted, no one ever likes to hear that, but none of these folks likes to hear the hard truth either.
(Note: There are some people that I know in the conversations that I still have quite a bit of respect for and I know want to see resolution. But see the writing on the wall, you're seriously wasting your time.)
I was invited to the group. I didn't ask to join or even really want to join, but since I'm in there, might as well see this change that was supposedly going to go on that Sarit told me about, in light of a disastrous GA that if anything only showcased *exactly* everything I have talked about thus far. Look at the beginning of the vid, and Dorsey, Darlene, Will, and Norma are all hanging out having a pow wow.
Later, Darlene does her usual thing of a batshit crazy outburst...and of course Norma and Dorsey back her up. Will proceeds to back them up. The whole group that congregated at the beginning of the GA is in on the action! *gasp* Even though it is agreed that this behavior is outrageous by any standard..
..cut to OccuDrama's page, and Rose, another hardcore groupie of the fringe feminist Norma sect, is talking about how Norma told nothing but truth, and how Darlene was epic. Cue to Michael stepping in to play "lets kiss the ass of the ignorant to appease." Looking further on this page, this happens frequently.
In fact, they are still touting how Eva is so scared to come on a Plaza that is largely deserted, and how ladies are so afraid to come here because of incidents that happened. Only...those incidents *never* *happened*. Norma, Dorsey, and Darlene are largely the ones that keep touting this lie..even though they never spent any time there longer than an hour, two being a record. They never stayed overnight. EVER. And Norma's claims have been proven a lie time and time again..considering that these events that she says she personally witnessed happened around the time she never even came to the Plaza. Oh, and Norma heads Women Occupy Nashville. Want to guess who is also a member?
Right. Darlene, Dorsey,Eva...oh, and lets not forget the ever psychotic Trillian Dent, otherwise known as Cynthia Green, who I am already talked about in great detail in previous blogs. (Also known as Victoria, because she has to have a lot of aliases when she is trying to wreck the lives of others for her own sick amusement. What a coward.)
So then, how did she personally witness these things? She didn't, because she wasn't there. It was a lie, one that has been perpetuated by their confused little groupies ever since. But, if you said they were were delusional, a liar, or a woman that screwed a guy there so you were automatically covering for them because of that. This is a lie that has been told and re-told and re-shot down CONSTANTLY.....and yet the people that perpetuating it are never called into account for their actions. They use feminism as a tool to dominate and harass others, and upon honest dissection, their words are as empty as their heads, hearts, and souls.
I've asked Norma a number of times here to answer a few simple questions. I know she reads this blog, but she has yet to grow the stones to do so. That might be why the reporter she talked to about Wolfy felt that she was batshit insane, as most people with a working brain seem to. For an added bonus, look up cult mentality and see how many traits apply to Norma and her followers. Interesting, huh?
But I digress. 6 months later and your little group is doing everything I told you it would. You are eating yourselves ALIVE and making fools out of yourselves. You just can't get it together. I mean, really? OccuDrama is a page that is going to stop drama? That's kind of the point where you need to make sure you are thinking lucid here..because that is the stupidest thing anyone has ever suggested. You're going to bring people in that cause drama...have them wage war openly..and somehow that is NOT going to make things worse.
Oh, and let's take the issue of Jason doxing people. Yes, he got his just desserts. Its been coming a LONG time. However..why is he the only one? Kick out Darlene, Dorsey, Rose..Norma..hell, most people can EASILY agree that Norma is a problem, but god forbid someone shun her. Michael is practically tripping over himself to play the kiss ass to Rose, because she might be offended. FUCK THAT. You're a big boy now, Michael. Grow a set, take the dog collar off, and use those words you are so good with to do more than just talk.
I have yet to see how this is going to make any real difference. Looking at the Restorative Justice document, while some things were decided..the loose translation is "this shit is so fucked up we wouldn't know where to start.." ..and it didn't really get anywhere. So I don't know why Rose is touting it, other than to back up Dorsey. Just like she did when Dorsey was claiming we all hacked her accounts..and Rose threatened legal action, which parties involved may remember I put a pretty quick stop to because I was all too ready to file a counter-suit. Maybe you idiots want to make this one big party of who can kiss each other's asses..but I came there to get stuff done. Fuck this "buddy buddy' bullshit.
Oh, and this is the same Rose that told me via Facebook message that I made a direct action against her personally by sitting in the corner, playing a Facebook game to chill out, talking to my girlfriend and drinking a glass of water. UNLESS that water somehow contained microbes that were destined to evolve into the species of life that would know just how to make us all stop being royal assholes (I doubt that is going to happen anytime soon, you all have proved as much.).....most sane people would agree that is the sign of a complete loony.
But, suddenly Rose is a respectable, trustworthy person. I don't care that you talked to Reason about his vandalizing a tent. It was still wrong, and you still turned a blind eye because you were playing the buddy game..which is bullshit. If you hold one accountable, do it to everyone or shut the fuck up. PERIOD.
On the note of accountability, it is interesting to note how Eva is AGAIN playing the victim. She does something, gets called on it, then she pitches a fit, whines..and is the victim all over again. Then she attacks whomever is calling her on her crap, then she tries to play the fake hippie act, then she gets nasty again. Rinse, lather, repeat. Classic Eva..just a whole lot of empty noise. However, it is just an act.
I mean, this is a lady that has repeatedly been against Code of Conduct, stole a laptop and printer (that as far as i'm aware never got returned..) ..and routinely harassed and was sexist to males on the plaza.
How anyone takes her seriously is anyone's guess.
It would be interesting to note that while Eva and Jason have gone off on each other numerous times in front of any form of media, they have often been seen afterwards chilling at Cafe Coco, at Caeasars, and so on..along with Will and the rest of Jeremiah's little following. Just like politicians, they fight in front of you, but behind the scenes..its all an act. Meanwhile, their drama keeps YOU from doing anything, anything at all. I don't expect Dixie will be covering this anytime soon, since she seems to find it difficult to get her head out of her own ass to see the light of day, first. They keep you distracted...and face it, not many of you really care as much as you say you do anyway. Together, you create the greatest sideshow on Earth. Jerry Springer would be proud. He has to pay his folks for that! Each side plays up and toys with a different end. Will plays both sides down the middle, while acting impartial. Eva is the loud vegan feminist that smokes cigarettes while telling you that eating meat is putting poison in your body. (But she is touted as a woman of Occupy, largely by.....? Oh, yeah, the same damn group of fringe feminists.) Tristan wrote an entire article to back up Eva..while not bothering to actually interview anyone else. (Kind of biased much? Right. The injury to one was more with the viewing public.)
And yet, when the curtain closes, they all hang out around the same person. Jeremiah, whom when the legislators came down to listen to us..couldn't get over himself long enough to tout his fake anti-capitalistic rhetoric, alongside Dillon..who FLAT OUT threatened me over facebook. However, this was let slide. Meanwhile, you all claim to care about keeping the peace and dealing with issues. However, this is a lie. Its bullshit. You're just tired of hearing about it, so you feel if you go through the motions, that it will be enough to go away on its own. It will NOT go away on its own, and I have little faith ANY of you there will actually accomplish that. You can't. You're too busy trying to be the nice person in the kindergarden class that makes everyone play nice and get along. This is the real world, and it doesn't work like that. Not that anyone can tell you while you continue to act like insepid little children that never grew up. Fuck, you trashed anyone that dared bring a problem up..and referred to *them* as the threats!
6 months later, and by Michael's admission, not only are things not getting better, they are getting worse. TAKE A BOW...because it is on YOUR heads. It is your fault. Just when things were starting to go well, just when it was so close we could taste threw it all away. You attacked your supporters and you backed up the real liars, bullies, and psychopaths. YOU DID THAT. Now where is your support? Where is your following? Oh, right. It isn't there. The only time ANYTHING is going to change for any of you assholes is when you kick out the fringe feminists, and the psychopaths, and actually get your shit together. Rhetoric and a party line doesn't count. ACTUALLY have your shit together and know what you are dealing with. I'm not going to buy into any bullshit and neither will the public at large. You dug your own grave, now you have to climb out of it, or let yourself continue to be buried. Its on your heads, not mine.
That is why this OccuDrama is just another lesson in failure. That is why you are just wasting your time. It isn't being done to fix anything. It is being done so you can say you're doing something, but really just talk about it more while things continue to escalate. How did that work out for the politicians, again? Riiiight.
Now, let me backtrack a moment, as Jason recently added me to his friends list. Or tried to. I will repost what I told him *exactly*, as it applies here. Do not think I forgot that he started up a whole bunch of shit with me, and that he tried to pass ME off as the one spreading the rumors and the lies when it was HIM doing it. Do not think I forgot that rather than talk to me about it, you all just took and ran with it like a good little mob that has no ability to think for itself whatsoever. Even the more intelligent of you just looked the other way. I have a goooood, long memory. I also remember all the crap posted about me over facebook, the messages from Jeremiah's little wackjob grouping..all of that.
But here's the message:
I mean, DUH, everyone knows these people are nuts. I've said it. IN DETAIL. It was just ignored, swept under the now that this is boiling down..normally..i'd have a lot to say about it. Right now? I am eating popcorn and laughing my ass off. All the *entire* lot of you have done..thus prove me right. On every..single..count. FUCK, me, a threat? HA.
Listen up. When you guys kept saying how I was crazy and full of it, you kind of forgot *I* was the guy you had very often talking to the news media, and to the public at "the guy that knows his shit." So when you about kind of screwed yourself there..basically saying that was full of it too. Good job on that, by the way. I was never a threat. Ever. You're the crazy were supposed to show the world what we were capable of...and frankly, the animals have done a better job of being civilized.
So now, i'm watching you eat each other alive, as has only been predicted a whopping 6 months ago...and I am just laughing and laughing and laughing...because the biggest threat to Occupy is what you call Occupy Nashville, which has no right to call itself thus.
Also, just because someone adds me to their friends doesn't mean i'll accept. Its real easy to play nice when you're looking for allies or support, but I remember who does and did what when the odds were down, and everything was looking in your favor. Sorry, fool me once and once only.
Listen up. When you guys kept saying how I was crazy and full of it, you kind of forgot *I* was the guy you had very often talking to the news media, and to the public at "the guy that knows his shit." So when you about kind of screwed yourself there..basically saying that was full of it too. Good job on that, by the way. I was never a threat. Ever. You're the crazy were supposed to show the world what we were capable of...and frankly, the animals have done a better job of being civilized.
So now, i'm watching you eat each other alive, as has only been predicted a whopping 6 months ago...and I am just laughing and laughing and laughing...because the biggest threat to Occupy is what you call Occupy Nashville, which has no right to call itself thus.
Also, just because someone adds me to their friends doesn't mean i'll accept. Its real easy to play nice when you're looking for allies or support, but I remember who does and did what when the odds were down, and everything was looking in your favor. Sorry, fool me once and once only.